Biden's speech 10-19-23
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Started by metmike - Oct. 19, 2023, 8:32 p.m.

Any thoughts?

By metmike - Oct. 19, 2023, 9:37 p.m.
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I was completely shocked that Biden exploited the horrible atrocities in Israel and now in Gaza to sell his war with Russia.

He continued to blatantly lie to the American people about the circumstances of HIS personal war against Russia, using Ukraine.

 He used this speech to sell the bill that he will be submitting to Congress tomorrow that will tie aid to Israel/Palestine to an even bigger package to Ukraine.

In order to support Israel, they/we must also send a much bigger aid package to Ukraine, which has been more than doubled to 60 billion now(thanks to him being able to use Middle East events for his war with Russia).

President Biden had the audacity to lecture us about hatred.

His hatred for Putin/Russia is directly responsible for those 500,000 dead human beings, 1 trillion in damages, 9 million displaced, global inflation, our main adversaries all uniting and our SPR drained down by almost 50%!!

But those authentic facts don't matter to most people. If they are from the D party, they will believe what Biden says. 

If you are pro Israel, you will like his speech because it supports Israel and not be bothered as much by the fact that he used it, targeting people just like you to get an extra XX billion for his  war in Ukraine.

We should note that he never once spoke of trying to negotiate for peace with Russia/Putin. 

He did speak of a desire for peace between Israel, Gaza and the Arab world but not peace between Ukraine/Russia. No negotiations either. 

That's because his agenda is driven by hatred and a desire to crush Russia on the battlefield. No matter how many MORE people have to die, along with the other, completely negative consequences of his war with Russia. 

The only option, is a war with Russia on the Ukrainian battlefield, using Ukrainians in their continued suicide mission to serve Biden's agenda, equipped with US tax funded sophisticated weapons. 

But American's don't need to worry about any or our brave soldiers being killed in Ukraine. Those hundreds of thousands of worthless Ukrainian and Russian lives don't count squat in Biden's world.  His hate driven cause is the only thing that matters.

Putin only wanted an assurance that Ukraine would not join NATO for X number of years.

That's it folks. If Biden had told Zelensky(who was elected in 2019 on a campaign that promised to negotiate peace with Russia) to agree with Putin that Ukraine would not become part of NATO for X number of years, it's extremely unlikely that Putin would have invaded Ukraine in order to prevent Ukraine from becoming part of NATO. 

That must sound insane to most people because its the complete opposite of what the propaganda has convinced us to believe for almost 2 years.

Instead of messaging about trying to reach peace between Ukraine and Russia tonight, Biden did the exact opposite.

He made a pitch to Americans for an additional $60,000,000,000 so that the war in  Ukraine can continue endlessly.

Sadly, the reason the war will come to an end is that half of Ukraine's army has been killed or permanently disabled. 

What really is the point of flushing another 60 billion down the toilet for continuing the kill-fest when your side can't even win?

Because their diminishing army still has big enough numbers to  kill alot more Russians with those high powered U.S.  weapons. 

By metmike - Oct. 19, 2023, 10:57 p.m.
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One of the most hypocritical twists to Biden's war in Ukraine are the massive CO2 emissions.

Biden is constantly telling us that the increase in CO2 emissions is an existential threat to life on this planet.

With the war in Ukraine, since February 2022, Joe Biden, personally is responsible for causing more CO2 emissions than any other person on the planet.

In addition, when the U.S. blew up the Russian natural gas pipeline, there was an enormous, unchecked leak of methane, which is 25 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

Where is the concern for the climate for this??

Nature and EnvironmentUkraine

Climate another casualty of the war in Ukraine


NORD STREAM ~ RUSSIA ~ ETC,            

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                Started by 12345 - Feb. 8, 2023, 8:26 p.m.    

Below, the propaganda twisted this to mean the exact opposite. Instead of an increase of CO2 emissions supposedly killing the planet, that we know has and will continue with the rebuilding of Ukraine,  the propaganda wants to convince us that the war in Ukraine will absurdly cause us to get to the completely fairy tale net-zero world in 2050. 

Wow, who would have thought this war would help save the planet (-:

Ukraine war sped the world on a path to net zero emissions: Report

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has helped put the world on a path to net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, a study says.

Here's the truth on the totally, 100% fake net-zero propaganda:

 Energy transition is a hoax                       

                26 responses |               

                Started by metmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m


While wind and solar power are taking a larger piece out of a growing world primary energy pie, fossil fuels are expected to have more absolute growth through 2050.

As Liberty Energy CEO Chris Wright explained in his viral video a few weeks ago, dishonest terminology surrounds the climate debate.  One of these terms is “Energy Transition”.  The term’s use gives the impression that there exists a quick, easy and scalable alternative to eliminate fossil fuel use without serious impact on people.


By 12345 - Oct. 20, 2023, 2:15 a.m.
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By metmike - Oct. 20, 2023, 11:06 a.m.
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Until last night, I was impervious to letting a politician cause intense anger in me. This is why Biden's speech last night changed that.

We were rightfully outraged when Hamas brutally slaughtered over 1,000 people in cold blood, some were women and children because of their hatred for Israel and the Jewish people. We had strongly felt compassion. Our hearts went out to Israel and we should help the good people of that country after such a tragedy. I am totally for this. 

But here is where the biggest tragedy lies and things in this world are completely messed up.

President Joe Biden, who enriched his family by multi-millions by participating in Ukraine corruption with his son, Hunter while as vice president(instead of fighting that corruption-the job Obama appointed him to do)  has an extremely personal  stake with  Ukraine.  

Joe Biden wants Ukraine to join NATO. NATO has had a problem with Ukraine joining because of their horrible corruption (that has been made MUCH worse by all the billions of untracked U.S. money gushing into their country and going to money laundering and graft because corrupt Zelensky has not implemented the corruption fighing reforms needed). 

Joe Biden has a  non negotiable position of Ukraine joining NATO, related to his being neck deep in their blatant corruption that enriched his family. He crystal clearly hates Putin.

As a result, he met with President Zelensky in 2021 and turned him into his puppet by using his power as the president of the United States to promise limitless support in order to get Ukraine into NATO and that meant shutting down negotiations with Russia for good.

Putin has only wanted an assurance that Ukraine, his next door neighbor with millions of Russian brothers and sisters would not become part of NATO, like all the other countries surrounding him have done in the last few decades. 

In 2021/early 2022, Biden continually told Putin to  shove it instead of negotiating or giving in to his demand that Ukraine would not become part of NATO. 

But here is where it becomes so twisted.

Putin threatened to invade because Biden shut down the negotiations for personal reasons, then when Putin did invade, President Biden formed a completely false narrative about the dynamic, telling none of the truth about this being all about joining NATO. 

According to Biden, this was/is a fight for democracy and Putin would be coming after Ukraine's neighbor's next.  If we didn't defeat Putin in Ukraine now, it would set a precedent for other democracies around the world. This is a fight for democracy and freedom and the United States, as the global leader for democracy must prevent Putin from destroying democracy.

Biden repeated that 100% complete hogwash again last night, lying his arse off to the American people in order to get another 60,000,000,000 for his war against Putin.  The truth is that this has always been about whether Ukraine can join NATO or not(after NATO promised Russia decades ago that they would not do this-surround Russia with NATO countries). That the only thing Putin wanted before invading. For NATO to live up to their promise of NOT taking the countries surrounding Russia. 

Ukraine has never been part of NATO, so Putin is/was not trying to take away anything that they have/had as Biden's narrative claims. 

The astronomically  pathological dynamic of Joe Biden's involvement has been the fact that he got 500,000 human beings killed dead forever and a large number permanently disabled(Russian's are real people too, most being involved in the battle-only because they had the misfortune to be born in Russia and are not really our enemy that we should intensely hate).

He got Ukraine decimated to the tune of $1,000,000,000,000(with more U.S. money going to rebuild), caused 9,000,000 Ukrainians to be displaced, global inflation from supply side energy/food shortages(hurting the poor countries in Africa the most), caused our adversaries around the world, China, North Korea, Iran to bond with Russia, resulting in a greatly elevated threat of what he claims to be fighting, drained almost half of our SPR oil because of the so called "Putin price hike" and insanely, used $120,000,000,000 OF OUR TAX MONEY to do all that damage (at a time when the National Debt is threatening government shut downs and future economic ruin for our children) and drained our weapons stockpiles to greatly increase United States insecurity.

All that, instead of agreeing to what NATO originally agreed to.....that Ukraine would not become part of NATO.

No kidding. President Joe Biden caused all of that to happen, instead of telling Zelensky to agree with Putin to not join NATO. At least he could have kept negotiations with Putin going, instead of telling him to shove it.

 I thought this might finally be coming to an end with the world seeing the results of Joe Biden's war with Russia. 1 trillion times more damage than the potential benefit of Urkaine joining NATO.

Even people in the U.S. were seeing the thru the lies of the constant propaganda.

Then, the war in Israel/Gaza broke out.

And this pathetic president, used it to not only fund the additional $26,000,000,000 that he was asking for to keep the war with Russia/Putin going (and was not getting as support for the never ending war in Ukraine was dropping by the day) but he jacked it up to $60,000,000,000, exploiting the circumstances of the tragedy in Israel/Gaza for his own self serving agenda in Ukraine.....which is what he focused on last night. 

That would bring the hit to United States tax payers up close to $200,000,000,000. For nothing but off the charts damage to the world, especially Ukraine(with half its army killed or permanently disabled from Biden's war).

Yes, this still has me upset and sad that a charlatan can have so much power to bamboozle the world, causing so much damage and be asking people for $60 billion more of their money to continue to do it.

He knows that Americans and Republicans want to help Israel but have turned sour on funding Ukraine. He used that to create a bill that tied funding of Israel to funding of his war against Putin and doubled the amount to corrupt Ukraine to maximize the exploitation.

That last paragraph is what ticks me off the most.

By metmike - Oct. 20, 2023, 3:58 p.m.
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If that doesn't sound convincing enough, he is so diabolical that he would blow up the Russian pipeline in front of Winter when supplies in Europe were extremely low because he was so obsessed with cutting off Russia's ability to sell their energy products to the world!

NORD STREAM ~ RUSSIA ~ ETC,            

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                Started by 12345 - Feb. 8, 2023, 8:26 p.m.    

By 12345 - Oct. 21, 2023, 2:08 a.m.
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By metmike - Oct. 21, 2023, 1:39 p.m.
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My wife often gets upset with me when I share these things because it upsets her so much. Especially if it’s late in the day because it will interfere with her sleep.

Ive always been one that wants to know everything, no matter how bad it is.

With diabolical Joseph Biden, understanding what I do about him and what he’s done and caused feels like a curse. 

Listening to the exact words of his speech earlier this week was like torture.

I was expecting it to be about The Middle East, then he quickly made it clear that it was really about Ukraine and he was just  using the new war to get money for his war with Russia.

Then he more than doubled the amount  of money he wants for Ukraine  and tied it to giving money to help in the Middle East.

I will remember that speech forever like it was yesterday because of the emotions that it stirred up in me. Only because Ive spent over 1,000+ hours studying the Ukraine War and understood that his speech meant that he wants to kill more people and use up what’s left of the Ukrainian army to hurt Putin and Russia and make good on his repayment for the many millions in corrupt Ukraine money that went into Biden family accounts.