Use this to help make yourself a better person!
12 responses | 1 like
Started by metmike - Feb. 28, 2022, 7:24 p.m.

These messages have helped make a continuing positive contribution to my attitude/views related to humanity the past 3 years from constantly searching for and contemplating their meaning. 

It really does work extremely well  but you have to do more than read them quickly because the fact is,  somebody else authored them after THEY discovered their meaning from THEIR experiences. 

Slow down and think seriously about each one when you read it and always follow it up by looking up something(s) related that YOU found on your own from searching. That process causes the meaning to penetrate your being vs just understanding it, then going on with your life...... and not allowing the full meaning to become something you embrace. 

Then it will stick, possibly forever.

Each time that you do that, it adds just a tiny bit of positive humanity to who you are. You probably won't know the difference that day or the next or the next.......unless you would have some sort of rare conversion from something that suddenly clicks and turns a light on.

However, when you multiply a tiny number by a big enough number, it eventually grows more significant.

This is actually how people change over time. 

Everybody from almost everywhere can change in a direction of their choosing. Motivation is required to start. Understanding the methodology is important but sometimes, you change without even having the method planned out....just the motivation and........the persistence.

Almost everything worth having in life took an effort to obtain.

Sometimes, that effort can be fun too. Looking up awesome quotes and ways to make the world better or appreciate this wonderful world has been a really fun labor of love.  Why wouldn't it be??


        Make the world better/appreciation-Nov 2021 onward            

                          74 responses |              

                Started by metmike - Nov. 2, 2021, 11:32 p.m.            

        Current: Quote of the day Nov 2021  onward            

                           97 responses |              

                Started by metmike - Nov. 2, 2021, 10:52 p.m.                                          


Previous threads:

                Make the world a better place-Aug/Sep/Oct 2021            

                            30 responses |      

                Started by metmike - Aug. 1, 2021, 3:10 a.m.    

                Make the world better/appreciation May/June 2021/July            

                            39 responses |              

                Started by metmike - May 3, 2021, 7:13 p.m. 

   Make the world a better place-March/April-be thankful            

                            29 responses |                                   

                Started by metmike - March 2, 2021, 10:56 p.m.    

                How to make the world a better place.            

                            16 responses |        

                Started by joj - Jan. 23, 2021, 3:58 p.m.    

   How to make the world a better place November/December 2020-Jan 2021            

                            36 responses |                

                Started by metmike - Nov. 4, 2020, 8:18 p.m.    

                How to make the world a better place Sept/Oct 2020            

                            18 responses |              

                Started by metmike - Sept. 6, 2020, 12:21 a.m.    

                How to make the world a better place Summer 2020            

                            45 responses |             

                Started by metmike - June 1, 2020, 12:05 a.m.    



                Quote of the day Aug/Sept/Oct 2021            

                            28 responses |                

                Started by metmike - Aug. 1, 2021, 3:02 a.m.    


 Quote of the day-May/June/July 2021            

                            41 responses |               

                Started by metmike - May 3, 2021, 7:21 p.m.            



    Quote of the Day-March/April           

                30 responses |     

           Started by metmike - March 2, 2021, 10:46 p.m.    

  Feb=Black History month quotes          

                            12 responses |         

                Started by metmike - Feb. 1, 2021, 1:17 a.m.    

                            11 responses |      

                Started by joj - Jan. 19, 2021, 11:57 a.m.    

 Quote of the day November/December 2020+Jan 2021            

                            41 responses |             

                Started by metmike - Nov. 4, 2020, 8:27 p.m.    

By bear - March 14, 2022, 11:01 a.m.
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here is a reading - suggestion.

go read the "meditations" of marcus aurelius.  

its a wonderful read.  i have talked to students that said this was the best book they ever picked up.

By metmike - March 14, 2022, 12:33 p.m.
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This is amazing and wonderful stuff from 2,000 year ago!

Mark Antony

Edit: This book is not about THE Mark Antony, with the link directly above. I was mistaken at first and corrected it in a post below.


1. From my grandfather Verus: the lessons of noble character and even temper. 

2. From my father's reputation and my memory of him: modesty and manliness. 

3. From my mother: piety and bountifulness, to keep myself not only from doing evil but even from dwelling on evil thoughts, simplicity too in diet and to be far removed from the ways of the rich. 

4. From my mother's grandfather: not to have attended public schools but enjoyed good teachers at home, and to have learned the lesson that on things like these it is a duty to spend liberally. 

5. From my tutor: not to become a partisan of the Green jacket or the Blue in the races, nor of Thracian or Samnite gladiators; to bear pain and be content with little; to work with my own hands, to mind my own business, and to be slow to listen to slander. 

6. From Diognetus: to avoid idle enthusiasms; to disbelieve the professions of sorcerers and impostors about incantations and exorcism of spirits and the like; not to cock-fight or to be excited about such sports; to put up with plain-speaking and to become familiar with philosophy; to hear the lectures first of Baccheius, then of Tandasis and Marcian, in boyhood to write essays and to aspire to the camp-bed and skin coverlet and the other things which are part of the Greek training. 

7. From Rusticus: to get an impression of need for reform and treatment of character; not to run off into zeal for rhetoric, writing on speculative themes, discoursing on edifying texts, exhibiting in fanciful colours the ascetic or the philanthropist. To avoid oratory, poetry, and preciosity; not to parade at home in ceremonial costume or to do things of that kind; to write letters in the simple style, like his own from Sinuessa to my mother. To be easily recalled to myself and easily reconciled with those who provoke and offend, as soon as they are willing to meet me. To read books accurately and not be satisfied with superficial thinking about things or agree hurriedly with those who talk round a subject. To have made the acquaintance of the Discourses of Epictetus, of which he allowed me to share a copy of his own. 

8. From Apollonius: moral freedom, not to expose oneself to the insecurity of fortune; to look to nothing else, even for a little while, except to reason. To be always the same, in sharp attacks of pain, in the loss of a child, in long illnesses. To see clearly in a living example that a man can be at once very much in earnest and yet able to relax. 

Not to be censorious in exposition; and to see a man who plainly considered technical knowledge and ease in communicating general truths as the least of his good gifts. The lesson how one ought to receive from friends what are esteemed favours, neither lowering oneself on their account, nor returning them tactlessly. 

9. From Sextus: graciousness, and the pattern of a household governed by its head, and the notion of life according to Nature. Dignity without pretence, solicitous consideration for friends, tolerance of amateurs and of those whose opinions have no ground in science. 

A happy accommodation to every man, so that not only was his conversation more agreeable than any flattery, but he excited the greatest reverence at that very time in the very persons about him. Certainty of grasp, and method in the discovery and arrangement of the principles necessary to human life. 

Never to give the impression of anger or of any other passion, but to be at once entirely passionless and yet full of natural affection. To praise without noise, to be widely learned without display. 

10. From Alexander the grammarian: to avoid fault-finding and not to censure in a carping spirit any who employ an exotic phrase, a solecism, or harsh expression, but oneself to use, neatly and precisely, the correct phrase, by way of answer or confirmation or handling of the actual question—the thing, not its verbal expression—or by some other equally happy reminder. 

11. From Fronto: to observe how vile a thing is the malice and caprice and hypocrisy of absolutism; and generally speaking that those whom we entitle 'Patricians' are somehow rather wanting in the natural affections. 

12. From Alexander the Platonist: seldom and only when absolutely necessary to say to any one or write in a letter: 'I am too busy'; nor by such a turn of phrase to evade continually the duties incident to our relations to those who live with us, on the plea of 'present circumstances'. 

13. From Catulus: not to neglect a friend's remonstrance, even if he may be unreasonable in his remonstrance, but to endeavour to restore him to his usual temper. Hearty praise, too, of teachers, like what is recorded of Athenodotus and Domitius, and genuine love towards children. 

14. From Severus: love of family, love of truth, and love of justice. To have got by his help to understand Thrasea, Helvidius, Cato, Dio, Brutus, and to conceive the idea of a commonwealth based on equity and freedom of speech, and of a monarchy cherishing above all the liberty of the subject. From him, too, consistency and uniformity in regard for philosophy; to do good, to communicate liberally, to be hopeful; to believe in the affection of friends and to use no concealment towards those who incurred his censure, and that his friends had no necessity to conjecture his wishes or the reverse, but he was open with them. 

15. From Maximus: mastery of self and vacillation in nothing; cheerfulness in all circumstances and especially in illness. A happy blend of character, mildness with dignity, readiness to do without complaining what is given to be done. To see how in his case every one believed 'he really thinks what he says, and what he does, he does without evil intent'; not to be surprised or alarmed; nowhere to be in a hurry or to procrastinate, not to lack resource or to be depressed or cringing or on the other hand angered or suspicious. To be generous, forgiving, void of deceit. To give the impression of inflexible rectitude rather than of one who is corrected. The fact, too, that no one would ever have dreamt that he was looked down on by him or would have endured to conceive himself to be his superior. To be agreeable also (in social life). 

16. From my father (by adoption): gentleness and unshaken resolution in judgements taken after full examination; no vainglory about external honours; love of work and perseverance; readiness to hear those who had anything to contribute to the public advantage; the desire to award to every man according to desert without partiality; the experience that knew where to tighten the rein, where to relax. Prohibition of unnatural practices, social tact and permission to his suite not invariably to be present at his banquets nor to attend his progress from Rome, as a matter of obligation, and always to be found the same by those who had failed to attend him through engagements. Exact scrutiny in council and patience; not that he was avoiding investigation, satisfied with first impressions. An inclination to keep his friends, and nowhere fastidious or the victim of manias but his own master in everything, and his outward mien cheerful. His long foresight and ordering of the merest trifle without making scenes. The check in his reign put upon organized applause and every form of lip-service; his unceasing watch over the needs of the empire and his stewardship of its resources; his patience under criticism by individuals of such conduct. No superstitious fear of divine powers nor with man any courting of the public or obsequiousness or cultivation of popular favour, but temperance in all things and firmness; nowhere want of taste or search for novelty. 

In the things which contribute to life's comfort, where Fortune was lavish to him, use without display and at the same time without apology, so as to take them when they were there quite simply and not to require them when they were absent. The fact that no one would have said that he was a sophist, an impostor, or a pedant, but a ripe man, an entire man, above flattery, able to preside over his own and his subjects' business. 

Besides all this the inclination to respect genuine followers of philosophy, but towards the other sort no tendency to reproach nor on the other hand to be hoodwinked by them; affability, too, and humour, but not to excess. Care of his health in moderation, not as one in love with living nor with an eye to personal appearance nor on the other hand neglecting it, but so far as by attention to self to need doctoring or medicine and external applications for very few ailments. 

A very strong point, to give way without jealousy to those who had some particular gift like literary expression or knowledge of the Civil Law or customs or other matters, even sharing their enthusiasm that each might get the reputation due to his individual excellence. Acting always according to the tradition of our forefathers, yet not endeavouring that this regard for tradition should be noticed. No tendency, moreover, to chop and change, but a settled course in the same places and the same practices. After acute attacks of headache, fresh and vigorous at once for his accustomed duties; and not to have many secrets, only very few and by way of exception, and those solely because of matters of State. Discretion and moderation alike in the provision of shows, in carrying out public works, in donations to the populace, and so on; the behaviour in fact of one who has an eye precisely to what it is his duty to do, not to the reputation which attends the doing. 

He was not one who bathed at odd hours, not fond of building, no connoisseur of the table, of the stuff and colour of his dress, of the beauty of his slaves. His costume was brought to Rome from his country house at Lorium; his manner of life at Lanuvium; the way he treated the tax-collector who apologized at Tusculum, and all his behaviour of that sort. Nowhere harsh, merciless, or blustering, nor so that you might ever say 'to fever heat', but everything nicely calculated and divided into its times, as by a leisured man; no bustle, complete order, strength, consistency. What is recorded of Socrates would exactly fit him: he could equally be abstinent from or enjoy what many are too weak to abstain from and too self-indulgent in enjoying. To be strong, to endure, and in either case to be sober belong to the man of perfect and invincible spirit, like the spirit of Maximus in his illness. 

17. From the gods: to have had good grandparents, good parents, a good sister, good masters, good intimates, kinsfolk, friends, almost everything; and that in regard to not one of them did I stumble into offence, although I had the kind of disposition which might in some circumstances have led me to behave thus; but it was the goodness of the gods that no conjunction of events came about which was likely to expose my weakness. That I was not brought up longer than I was with my grandfather's second wife, that I preserved the flower of my youth and did not play the man before my time, but even delayed a little longer. That my station in life was under a governor and a father who was to strip off all my pride and to lead me to see that it is possible to live in a palace and yet not to need a bodyguard or embroidered uniforms or candelabra and statues bearing lamps and the like accompaniments of pomp, but that one is able to contract very nearly to a private station and not on that account to lose dignity or to be more remiss in the duties that a prince must perform on behalf of the public. That I met with so good a brother, able by his character not only to rouse me to care of myself but at the same time to hearten me by respect and natural affection; that my children were not deficient in mind nor deformed in body; that I made no further progress in eloquence and poetry and those other pursuits wherein, had I seen myself progressing along an easy road, I should perhaps have become absorbed. That I made haste to advance my masters to the honours which they appeared to covet and did not put them off with hopes that, as they were still young, I should do it later on. To have got to know Apollonius, Rusticus, Maximus. To have pictured to myself clearly and repeatedly what life in obedience to Nature really is, so that, so far as concerns the gods and communications from the other world, and aids and inspirations, nothing hinders my living at once in obedience to Nature, though I still come somewhat short of this by my own fault and by not observing the reminders and almost the instructions of the gods. That my body has held out so well in a life like mine; that I did not touch Benedicta or Theodotus, but that even in later years when I experienced the passion of love I was cured; that though I was often angry with Rusticus I never went to extremes for which I should have been sorry; that though my mother was fated to die young, she still spent her last years with me. That whenever I wanted to help any one in poverty or some other necessity I was never told that I could not afford it, and that I did not myself fall into the same necessity so as to take help from another; that my wife is what she is, so obedient, so affectionate, and so simple; that I was well provided with suitable tutors for my children. That I was granted assistance in dreams, especially how to avoid spitting blood and fits of giddiness, and the answer of the oracle at Caieta: 'Even as thou shalt employ thyself'; and that, although in love with philosophy, I did not meet with any sophist or retire to disentangle literary works or syllogisms or busy myself with problems 'in the clouds'. For all these things require 'the gods to help and Fortune's hand'

By metmike - March 14, 2022, 4:34 p.m.
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I just read this chapter 1 over a 2nd time. OMG, this is amazing stuff from  2,000 years ago. 

I NEVER read books. I read medical/science papers/articles, news articles, history stories/articles and many hours of weather models along with data and graphs of climate...........chess and MarketForum and email stuff...things like that. But NEVER entire books.

Parts of books but NEVER entire books.

This will be an exception.

Thanks bear!

By metmike - March 14, 2022, 7:35 p.m.
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I have a huge correction to make.

Earlier, I posted a link to the wrong person because my search pulled that person up and I didn't remember them at all being like this.

So I was reviewing Roman history today and at first, wondered how in the heck did I already know so much about it?

Then, I remembered learning it in high school. I went to a ROMAN Catholic school in the Detroit area, St. Alphonsus and they taught us Roman history. Who ever thought Roman history would suddenly pop up in my life 50 years later!!!!

Or that I  would be a tv meteorologist for 11 years or would trade commodities for a living or chess coach to 3,500 students or MarketForum moderator. We often can't know what the future holds and sometimes for some of us,  our lives can shift gears and we end up in places never imagined.

It became extremely obvious immediately that Mark Antony would not have been capable of saying all these things, so I looked at the name again and pulled up the RIGHT person the 2nd time.

Wrong person: Mark Antony

Right person below:

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (/ɔːˈrliəs/aw-REE-lee-əs;[2] 26 April 121 – 17 March 180) was Roman emperor from 161 to 180 and a Stoic philosopher. He was the last of the rulers known as the Five Good Emperors (a term coined some 13 centuries later by Niccolò Machiavelli), and the second to last emperor of the Pax Romana,  (27 BC to AD 180), preceeding his son Commodus in an age of relative peace and stability for the Roman Empire. He served as Roman consul in 140, 145, and 161.


The major sources depicting the life and rule of Marcus are patchy and frequently unreliable. The most important group of sources, the biographies contained in the Historia Augusta, claimed to be written by a group of authors at the turn of the 4th century AD, but it is believed they were in fact written by a single author (referred to here as 'the biographer') from about AD 395.[3] The later biographies and the biographies of subordinate emperors and usurpers are unreliable, but the earlier biographies, derived primarily from now-lost earlier sources (Marius Maximus or Ignotus), are much more accurate.[4] For Marcus's life and rule, the biographies of Hadrian, Antoninus, Marcus, and Lucius are largely reliable, but those of Aelius Verus and Avidius Cassius are not.[5]

A body of correspondence between Marcus's tutor Fronto and various Antonine officials survives in a series of patchy manuscripts, covering the period from c. 138 to 166.[6][7] Marcus's own Meditations offer a window on his inner life, but are largely undateable and make few specific references to worldly affairs.[8] The main narrative source for the period is Cassius Dio, a Greek senator from BithynianNicaea who wrote a history of Rome from its founding to 229 in eighty books. Dio is vital for the military history of the period, but his senatorial prejudices and strong opposition to imperial expansion obscure his perspective.[9] Some other literary sources provide specific details: the writings of the physician Galen on the habits of the Antonine elite, the orations of Aelius Aristides on the temper of the times, and the constitutions preserved in the Digest and Codex Justinianeus on Marcus's legal work.[10]Inscriptions and coin finds supplement the literary sources.[11

By metmike - May 3, 2023, 1:50 p.m.
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It's the best time to be a human being with regards to powerful technology and potential ways to create a quality life and become enlightened with knowledge.

It's also the best time for clever people/entities to exploit those same wonderful things to push fraudulence with very convincing propaganda, DISinformation and false narrative schemes  to capture our brains in order to recruit us into, almost cult like/religious belief systems based on manufactured realities.

By metmike - June 14, 2023, 10:59 p.m.
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Don't just scrutinize and fact check things that you don't want to believe.

Be especially diligent at fact checking and being skeptical of things that you want to believe because those are the items that always get a free pass which allows DISinformation and propaganda to be stored as bad knowledge in our brains  and reinforcing what we think we know.........but really don't.

By metmike - Jan. 28, 2024, 11:25 p.m.
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By metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 8:55 a.m.
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50 Small Ways to Help Make the World a Better Place

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 9:09 a.m.
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Want to Improve the World? First Improve Yourself

It sounds insignificant, but don’t underestimate the power that self-improvement can bring.

By metmike - Sept. 2, 2024, 8:36 a.m.
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By metmike - Sept. 15, 2024, 7:18 a.m.
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Fact check things that you want to believe and that you wish were true and don’t automatically disregard things that contradict what you want to believe. 

in fact, visit opposing opinion sources to better understand their views.

Unless you already know everything and you are always right about everything…this is a wonderful way to learn  by seeing the world from a different, sometimes enlightening perspective.

stated another way…….we tend to spend a great deal of time at  echo chambers, where  like minded people repeat the same things that they think they know.

expand your sources if you want to expand your understanding of the world!

By metmike - Sept. 20, 2024, 5:40 p.m.
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