News frm the border...
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Started by GunterK - March 9, 2021, 1:33 p.m.

The Border Patrol arrested 100,000 illegal aliens this February. (how many made it through the border undetected is unknown). This is the highest number for a February, since 2006. In the summer time, these numbers are much higher.

This recent surge comes as a result of Biden’s new immigration politics.

A caller on a radio station in Tucson brought up the connection of illegal immigration and Covid19. This nurse said that her hospital (Banner Hospital) had been mostly empty during the last month, but now it as experienced a surge in Covid19 cases, almost all of them Illegal aliens

By metmike - March 9, 2021, 5:14 p.m.
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Thanks much Gunter!

Yeah, this is pretty bad.

Biden's Recklessness Has Helped Foment a Border Crisis

This, in combination with insanely damaging energy policies that will obliterate jobs and the economy and the dems now in power and the cultural revolution well underway and it looks pretty bad.

By metmike - March 9, 2021, 7:23 p.m.
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Increased migration into the US is part of the UN's Agenda 2030, which is also the entire reason for the climate accord(Agenda 2030 is the 100% reason for the climate accord...... NOT anything to do with climate because the climate accord will do zero for the climate-its entirely a ruse).

Some great objectives to help the worlds poor...............which is most of the world.

Just know that the plan will also intentionally change life for Americans and Canadians by reducing their consumption of natural resources by weakening their economies reducing  access to cheap, reliable, dense fossil fuels, the life blood of every developed country.

And it will greatly increase the population of the US via migration of poor people.............helping to solve the world's problem.

It's in the plans:

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Green Climate Fund  and   the Paris Agreement

This is the money that goes from the developed countries to the undeveloped countries as part of redistributing global wealth(they claim its for climate adaptation-too funny, because we are having a climate optimum). BTW, China is considered an undeveloped country and they get our climate accord, Green Climate Donations/money............while not having to cut CO2 emissions until the year 2030.........seriously.

By metmike - March 9, 2021, 7:32 p.m.
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The gatekeepers have a plan for us.........and its not to inform us about their's to trick us and control us so that we go along with THEIR plan.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory..............except that I have all the authentic facts and science to prove it. 

                Re: Executive order 13990    

                Re: Re: Biden Venezuelan solution    

The United Nations is calling the shots now. They will be our new Mommy and Daddy. The Biden administration has not only signed up with the UN's Climate Accord on day 1 but Biden/Harris insist that they will lead the way.

Actually, it's the UN calling all the shots. The US will just be doing the UN's bidding and falling in line with the UN's well defined Agenda 2030 to change the world...............and helping the UN accomplish its objectives. 

Some really good stuff in Agenda 2030 for most of the world. Read it, you have to agree. I'm very much about helping the less fortunate.

Also it's about conserving natural resources and cutting legit pollution. Those are really good things too. 

But I'm even more about telling the truth and they are being totally dishonest with people in developed countries about a fake climate crisis to scare the crap out of them in order to trick them and control them. 

My field of expertise, atmospheric science has been completely hijacked and misrepresented for their political agenda.....they are stealing peoples scientific intelligence with the propaganda/junk science......messing up my mission in life of educating people using science and truth. 

Kind of hard to go along with their program because of those last 2 facts. 

Funny thing is, if they did everything exactly the same, except just told the truth. "hey world, we are not having a climate crisis, it's a climate optimum, however, we have billions of really poor people that we want to help and we need to cut back on our over use of natural resources in the rich countries and cut back on pollution and we will do the same things that are in the climate accord.....except that  we will call it the NON climate accord and not try to obliterate or tax fossil fuels.

Man, I could be on board with that!!!


By bear - March 10, 2021, 12:59 a.m.
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since i live in the area, here are a few random thoughts about the immigration issue.

yes,  there tends to be more covid in places where there are ports of entry... nogales and yuma. 

also there is more covid on the reservations.  (more cases per 1000 residents, but not more total).  

also the vast majority of people who are here illegally came in legally.  they did Not sneak across the border.  

By metmike - March 10, 2021, 1:35 a.m.
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By metmike - March 10, 2021, 1:52 a.m.
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More on emissions and the Climate Accord:

Ex-KGB on Ideological Subversion: How the UN/IPCC hijacked science/brainwashed the world. Previously warmer. Polar bear hoax. Sept. 2019