Post of the week December 23, 2023
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Started by metmike - Dec. 23, 2023, 2:37 p.m.

Reiteration of the George Floyd authentic facts for the UMPTEENTH time to debunk the never ending manufactured descriptions of why he died from dishonest sources on the internet.

Most importantly, something new and profound. 

A list of the numerous topics where propaganda, DISinformation, false narratives and REPETITION are the effective means of communication by at least 1 side.

“Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.”

1. We learn MUCH MORE when discovering things that WE DIDN'T KNOW and CORRECTING things that we thought that we knew based on flawed thinking in a political ideology.  This requires having an open mind!

2. We learn very little by having things that we think that we know repeated over and over to reassure us that we are right about everything.

The path with #2 is the easy road. The path with #1 is much tougher and often psychologically  painful but always the most rewarding because it ALWAYS results in the most growth for us as human beings.


You have free will on what path that you want to take.


By metmike - Dec. 23, 2023, 3:02 p.m.
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Hate(and love)

 Cognitive biases            

                            11 responses |         

                Started by metmike - April 24, 2022, 11:34 a.m.    

Cognitive bias: What it is and how to overcome it



      Re: Re: Re: Re: My Fellow Republicans Part 2                                             

                By metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 9:16 a.m.            


There are many things that I think/thought that I know with certainty that I'm wrong about. This place causes me to be more objective/honest and apply the scientific method, when I wouldn't otherwise do it.

Because I'm projecting my opinions on readers and I sincerely care about making the world a better, more honest place based on authentic truths, I fact check my own work and you would be surprised at how many times I bust my original thoughts before posting an opinion.

First impressions are the most powerful. They often cause us(including me) to immediately start processing new information on the topic a certain way. If it confirms what we now think that we gets stored in our heads as knowledge. If it contradicts what we think that we gets rejected.

The scientific method is to do the opposite.

Seek out information that contradicts what we think we know and assume that information is right. Then look for reasons for that information to be right. If we can't find that............ONLY THEN do  we know it's wrong which solidly confirms what we previously thought that we knew.  

ADDED: IF we never find times when we find contradicting information to be right/authentic...... then either you are a God or you ain't lookin hard enough with an open mind (-: ,

WE SHOULD USE THAT PRINCIPLE TO ADJUST OUR ORIGINAL VIEW in the direction that the new evidence tells us to!

                Major DISinformation source                        

               Started by metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 8:05 p.m.