is this "trial" really happening????
10 responses | 0 likes
Started by GunterK - Nov. 15, 2019, 4:03 p.m.

disclosure: I did not listen to the proceedings... I only read the commentaries on it.

So here is a woman who got fired by her boss for doing a bad job. And she is now testifying against her ex-boss.  Hmmmm

then Trump posts some negative comments (probably true comments) about her on twitter, while she is on the witness stand. Schiff seems to be the only one in the room with an open laptop and he reads Trump's comments. Schiff then reads these tweets to the audience and calls it "real time" witness intimidation!!!

The witness could not have been intimidated, had Schiff not publicized these tweets. So, Schiff is actually the instrument of "witness intimidation"... and Trump is being charged with intimidation????

Am I living n the Twiligth Zone? This cannot possibly be happening in the USA

In the meantime, the MSM is going nuts about blowing out of proportion every halfways negative comment, as they have done for the last 3 years.

I know, anti-Trumpers will not change their opinion, and neither will "Trumpsters"

However I believe there is a large number of undecideds, who look at this spectacle and who will start dispising the Democrats. I have the feeling the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot.

By TimNew - Nov. 15, 2019, 4:10 p.m.
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According to Realclearpolitics,  Trumps approval is up for the last few days.  For what it's worth...

Kinda tells me this is not having the effect  desired by the dems..

By GunterK - Nov. 15, 2019, 4:11 p.m.
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this trial is discussed at DailyMail.UK

here is just one of the readers comments

"...i used to favor the democrats for the last 30 years. In 2016, I didn't like Trump, and Hillary was totally unacceptable... so I didn't vote. However, what I have seen during the last 3 years, has totally turned me off from the Dem Party.. Trump has many flaws, but this hysterical never-ending mud-slinging is disgusting. This impeachment "trial" is a Kangaroo Court. Go Trump... Trump 2020..."

it has 125 likes and 15 dislikes

and another reader replies to that comment:

"...I had dinner with a friend recently who for years has been a "Yellow Dog Democrat" in that she would vote for a Yellow Dog if it was on a Democrat ticket. She is also a close friend of Jimmy Carter and his wife. She told me that she is so absolutely sickened by the Democrat party in this day and age and the past 3 years of their antics especially that she will be voting Republican for the first time in her life at the next election. She is one of many that I have heard say that they are disgusted with and no longer recognize the party they have been members of for decades...."

it has (at this time) 32 likes and 3 dislikes

Is there a message somewhere in this?

By TimNew - Nov. 15, 2019, 4:42 p.m.
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I've been seeing a lot of this sort of thing on social media...  Cetainly unscientific...  But meaningless?

By wglassfo - Nov. 15, 2019, 6:19 p.m.
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As you said "Not scientific" but perhaps some thing different

It looks to me as if the political print commentary is more critical of the Dem party, especially this week as the impeachment proceedings go public

I have not seen this much Dem critical print in a long time

Or: Perhaps it is critical print about the impeachment process. I dunno

By TimNew - Nov. 15, 2019, 7:15 p.m.
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And  in the middle of all of this, Stone is convicted on all counts.

I'm sure the timing is a coincidence..   Big news,  right?

By GunterK - Nov. 15, 2019, 9:24 p.m.
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yeap... Stone convicted of Obstruction of Justice, and lying to Congress.

Didn't something similar happen in 2016, with another person being the culprit? But that person is still running around, unpunished.. I guess it's that other judicial system, the one that other groups of people are judged by.

By metmike - Nov. 16, 2019, 12:56 a.m.
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Dershowitz on Stone: Mueller Has Found "Almost No Crimes" That Occurred Before His Appointment

"So what happened here is these are crimes generated by the investigation. It doesn't make them any less criminal, but it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia? We don't find that. In this indictment, he tells stories about alleged collusion, stories about WikiLeaks. But that's not the basis for the indictment. The basis for the indictment are all events that occurred after he was appointed. That's very significant."

By metmike - Nov. 16, 2019, 1:17 a.m.
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Widespread corruption and the progressive activists pushing their agenda as news on the MSM is now the new normal.

Because its gone on for so long, people just accept it. 

If a person living 40 years ago was teleported from 1979 to 2019 and watched this, they would be flabbergasted. 

Here in 2019, not only is this the new normal,  many people actually think that its a good thing.

In this particular case, hate blinds us from being able to see objective realities. When we hate a person, we want bad things to happen to them.

It so distorts our reality, that we will cheer for bad things to happen to others, if it hurts or makes the person that we hate look bad.

When good things happen to the person that we hate or when they do good things, we twist the dynamics to rationalize it as NOT being a good thing and that they were not responsible  in order to continue to justify the hatred. 

After we killed the most evil person on the planet, 64% of the news reports were critical of Trump in their report and no Trump haters/never Trumpers celebrated with him the way that both parties did when Obama killed Bin Laden.

By GunterK - Nov. 16, 2019, 12:33 p.m.
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this is not the USA I immigrated to, as a young man

By TimNew - Nov. 16, 2019, 1:41 p.m.
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I've been watching it happen and resisting it for years. Mostly with votes and contributions.  But I've felt I was in a minority.  I'm starting to hope that may no longer be true.