US National Guard on Jan 6th
8 responses | 0 likes
Started by mcfarm - April 23, 2024, 6:21 p.m.   wouldn't it be nice if the Jan 6th committee could have or would have included brave souls like this Captain in the National Guard instead running around like ants with their hair on fire trying to blame everyone else and most esp Trump. Even going to the extent of hiding certain materials from the public. Hell maybe if they had included a couple of real Repubs instead of the jokers they appointed more sunlight could be held on this so called fact finding mission.

By WxFollower - April 23, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
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What do you mean when you say you consider Cheney and Kinzinger to not be “real Republicans” and “jokers”? What is the definition of a “real Republican”?

By mcfarm - April 23, 2024, 7:04 p.m.
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those two took the very places of more dems even in the guys moment of trying to bring fake tears and Liz' moment of hiding materials...very dem like. If you watched you know perfectly well what a mess these hearings were and if you listened to the Captain in the video you could easily tell what happened and when although the American were not allowed. Got to keep that narrative alive at any cost.

By metmike - April 23, 2024, 8:47 p.m.
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"If you watched you know perfectly well what a mess these hearings were"

Thanks mcfarm, Fox was the only station that did not let their viewers watch the hearings(wonder why not).

Instead, they blacked out the live coverage, taping the hearings. Then, they played back cherry picked portions and applied spinning hogwash. I know, I watched them do it!

With regards to this fellow's story. 

You keep ignoring 99%+ of the rock solid facts that we have about the event, much of which was covered by the hearings but not all of it. 

Instead, you want to latch on to tiny excerpts that represent much less than 1% and want that to count more than the 99%.

And you want to believe wacko conspiracy theories like the one of Ray Epps being a key figure in the FBI's plot to frame Donald Trump for the Insurrection.

Trump was the ONLY ONE responsible for this riot. Not the FBI. Not Ray Epps. Not Nancy Pelosi. Not anybody else, even though there were people trying their hardest to battle Donald Trump's rioters.

Trump gleefully watched the riot on his screen for 187 minutes and ignored the numerous pleas from his friends/contacts to do something. To please call them off before he finally did over 3 hours later. 

Trump was their leader.

Trump was their inspiration.

Trump told them the election was stolen and they needed to fight to take their country back. 

For 2 months, Trump got 10s of millions of Rs fired up, leading up to the riots, convincing them that the proven,  most secure presidential election is history was stolen. Because it had more challenges in more places than ever in history-and not one challenge resulted in showing  widespread fraud-NOT ONE- In fact, many  challenges did turn up evidence..... that the CHALLENGERS were the ones perpetrating fraud!!!!

But this just won't die because far R sources and Trump continue to LIE to people. Tell them what they want to hear, that Trump really won and Biden stole the election to get them all fired up. 

The saddest thing about this is the majority of Americans dang well know the truth about this. Try to imagine for a moment what  Rs look like to people that know the authentic truth.

Do you think that this motivates them to join you? It's the polar opposite. 

You are ALIENATING everybody but other delusional far right people at your echo chambers NOT convincing anybody. That even includes fellow Rs that know the truth.

January 6th was a black eye for this country and repeatedly trying to  impotently re-litigate it with piddly scraps of evidence just replays the loss all over again. 

I have always been your friend and WILL always be your friend, regardless of this, so it's NOT alienating me.

Honestly, in many ways I think its good for you to bring this up here. You know with certainty by how I stand up for Trump  every time the justice system unfairly attacks him.

I do NOT have TDS as you assume with many people that have this opinion on Jan. 6th and the election. Only a committment to the objective, authentic truth even if it means standing up for people I dislike.

I will never change your mind on this, obviously but I WILL respond to it with the truth on this forum.  In that way, at least you have the chance to actually see the truth from somebody you know is not a lib and gives Trump a fair shake. 

I covered much more than this last month with a similar discussion:

                Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim                                      18 responses |              

                Started by cutworm - March 11, 2024, 2:47 p.m.    

This happened over 3 years ago and you guys get upset when the left brings it up.........but then you guys are the ones who bring it up here. I only respond when YOU bring it up. 

Again, I'm not suggesting you not bring it up anymore but at the very least, appreciate that you are TURNING OFF some fellow Rs and others that might consider voting for Trump...............except this insane extremism and nonsense about the 2020 election and Jan riots that won't go away is causing the Rs to be their own worst enemies.

Put another way.

Do you want to win in November?

The Ds are trying to win with an effective campaign by portraying you as being deniers of the 2020 election and Jan riots. A very negative trait by most standards

So what are you guys doing?  Exactly what they portray you to be doing.

Here's some great advice if you want to make gains and the best chance to win the election because Trump needs MORE votes than he got last time.

Drop the whinning and blaming and accusations on the 2020 election and especially of Jan. 6th.

Every single time that Jan. 6th comes up, its a reminder for most people of why they DON'T want to vote for Trump and be part of the group with this mentality.

Stop shooting yourselves in the foot and being your own worst enemies and MOVE FORWARD!


Unfortunately, I realize why it will be impossible for the R party to do this. That's because I watch Fox in the evening. THEY are the ones regurgitating this nonsense over and over and over because they know its what you guys want to believe and want to hear.

They know that it fires up the base and LOCKS IN RATINGS of people on the right.  They aren't number 1 for no reason. They know how to tell people what they want to hear.

You will note that I am the opposite of that.  

They are making a ton of money. I get nothing.........because I'm not doing it for the money. 

By mcfarm - April 24, 2024, 6:31 a.m.
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so I had re read every point you have made for 3 years without one word about the Captain in our National Guard who was there, testified under oath about the lies and missing information, risk his own life and career to do so but not a word about him. Wow, makes me want to rush right over and join the National Guard, the FBI, or the DOJ so the dems can make a mockery out of serving this country

By metmike - April 24, 2024, 8:37 a.m.
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Thanks very much, mcfarm!

I get that this guy is a credible source and I believe him and that mistakes were made in responding quickly enough to stopping Donald Trump's thousands of henchman doing his dirty work that day.

For sure they could have done a better job and then afterwards,  tried to cover their flawed job by telling some lies because Trumps diabolical plans to try to overturn the election caught almost everybody off guard(not Mike Pence, who knew him well-but Pence, like everybody else never expected Trump's riot).

But you guys keep wanting to blame entities that DID NOT CAUSE IT but instead, didn't do a better job protecting the capital from Donald Trump's massive crime and people he incited to riot that day. And who continued to riot with his approval for 187 minutes as he watched on with pleasure and refused to call off for 3 hours. 

Was anybody expecting Trump to go this far and  were they prepared for it?

Obvious not.

Trump was one of the few that not only knew it(outside of the rioters themselves)  would happen but PLANNED FOR IT TO HAPPEN!

We know by his actions, including him calling off the metal detectors of the people coming there to riot for him. He stated: "They aren't here to hurt me" as the reason to allow them to pass thru without being checked for weapons.

That Trump managed to surprise law enforcement with such a diabolical plan doesn't in the least concern you about Trump's intent?

Trumps culpability, which is 100%, not even 99.9% but 100% the CAUSE for the riots on January 6th. 

Somebody very close to me, knows somebody very close to them that went to DC that day. When things got crazy, they claim they left and I believe that.

However,  I understand the mindset of that family. They are real good people that were misled by Donald Trump. There were/are 10s of millions like them and some felt that they were doing a patriotic thing on January 6th. They were totally inspired by and incited by Trump and brainwashed into thinking that they were patriots fighting to save our democracy for Donald Trump. No question they were totally convinced of this. 

When you are in a cult and brainwashed, you don't think clearly. The people that rioted on January 6th were in a cult and brainwashed by their leader, President Trump.  

That does not excuse them for committing crimes however but this insanity to try to deflect the blame away from the cult leader is coming from fellow members IN THE SAME CULT. Their brains are completely unable to accept where 99%+ of the blame goes. By definition of being in the cult. 

We can see this dynamic and relationship clearly AFTER January 6th too.

Unlike most of the world, that saw Jan. 6th as one of the worst days in our country's history and also the biggest black eye in the R party's history...... Trump still sees that riot like this:

Trump calls Jan. 6 riot ‘a beautiful day’ during CNN town hall

While the rest of the objective, NON cult thinking world tries to hold the rioters accountable to laws and objective standards,  Trump, instead  glorifies them because they were DOING WHAT HE WANTED THEM TO DO THAT DAY.

So not only was he crystal clearly responsible based on the Mt. Everest sized  pile of rock solid evidence that we have but he is still proud of the fact that he's responsible and glorifies the crime and criminals as patriotic hero's because they were acting in his behalf.  

By metmike - April 24, 2024, 9:09 a.m.
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There is no other authentic interpretation to what Donald Trump did that day:

Why treason is a key topic in Trump’s 14th Amendment appeal to the Supreme Court

What did Congress intend?

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment reads:

                            Section 3                    

                    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


It's not even close with regards to Trump being blatantly guilty of this crime. However, he has not been convicted of it.......yet. 

I am completely baffled as to why the left and justice department is going after him for lots of  FAKE crimes and not the REAL crime. A really, really bad crime for a president while they were in office.

Trump can still serve as president and can run as president despite being found guilty by corrupt NY prosecutors of his fake crimes and even if he's found guilty of ALL the trumped up felony charges in this current Soap Opera going on in NY.

But if he was found guilty of his REAL crime, trying to overturn the election and crystal clearly inciting and causing the Insurrection/Rebellion against and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.......he would be banned from holding political office for life.

This is not by chance or oversight by the justice department.  They must want Trump to remain eligible to run, thinking he's so flawed and they have all this ammo to destroy him that no other R has, so they WANT HIM to be the R candidate TO THIS POINT so that they can apply the current tactic, election interference by the justice department,  by obliterating him with the corrupt court system and controlling his ability to campaign or to even speak by tying him up in the court system. 

This is clearly by design!

Otherwise, why put us thru all this complete nonsense to destroy Trump but keep him eligible to run, when they have the evidence and  power to make him ineligible to hold office at any time?

Why are they holding back on the really, really bad stuff with all the rock solid evidence?

We can only speculate that they are waiting to use it in timely fashion AFTER its too late for the Rs to replace him. 

They've had all this evidence for years. If they would have used and convicted him  a year ago, for instance the Rs could have replaced Trump and won the 2024 election against the weakest president in history. 

But they're doing it this way instead.  

Starting with the complete nonsense and waiting with the REAL stuff in timely fashion so that it cripples the R party at the last minute. We can only speculate but thats the only thing that makes any sense. 


                Started by metmike - April 17, 2024, 4:57 p.m.    

                Trump civil fraud trial-nonsense          

                32 responses |              

                Started by metmike - Nov. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.   

 Trump rape case            

                            20 responses |          

                Started by metmike - May 3, 2023, 9:33 p.m.


Rs are under the false illusion that they haven't tried Trump yet for his real crimes because they don't have enough on him.

Not by a long shot!  They have way more than enough evidence in his attempts to overturn the election of 2020 to easily convict him but they are waiting to use it.


Ironically, one of the charges against Trump right now is election interference in 2016........while at the same time, they are engaging in the most diabolical election interference scheme in history.

And their election interference in 2020  to cover up Hunter's laptop goes without prosecution or accountability.  Or the covering up of Hillary's crimes ahead of the 2016 election.


By mcfarm - April 24, 2024, 3:55 p.m.
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guess we have fallen even further as a constitutional republic than I knew. If trump is guilty, Biden is surely more guilty. And his case is even simpler. Taking the oath that you outlined and then committing treason by opening the border to every crook that comes along. Now times 2 that for Mayorkis because he is even more guilty than the other 2. What a mess these post WW II type voters have caused in this country. We are getting it tossed back at us in spades. Last nite another 95 billion was ordered to be printed as we have no cash and where is it going? To help solve the border mess? Hell no, to several foreign countries.

By 12345 - April 25, 2024, 6:21 a.m.
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