Finland joins NATO
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Started by metmike - April 6, 2023, 8:54 a.m.

Finland joins NATO, doubling military alliance’s border with Russia in a blow for Putin

It includes the protection offered by NATO’s Article 5 principle, which states that an attack on one member of NATO is an attack on all members. It’s been a cornerstone of the 30-member alliance since it was founded in 1949 as a counterweight to the Soviet Union.

By metmike - April 6, 2023, 9:02 a.m.
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These 3 people have the most say in the Ukraine war.

1. Putin

2. Zelensky

3. Biden

All 3 are solidly committed to war "as long as it takes" 

So killing of Ukrainians (and Russian soldiers) and widespread decimation of Ukraine will continue............"as long as it takes"

Possible ending points.

1. After Russia and Ukrainian military's trade off enough deaths that Ukraine loses. In that event, the psychopath Zelensky may still not give up, even if he killed most of his army, he would still be pleading with NATO, that he just needs more assistance.

2. Some totally unseen way(using common sense) that Ukraine would get the upper hand and force Russia back. In this case, Russia would be most likely to use nuclear weapons. When it comes to "as long as it takes" for Putin, that likely means using nuclear weapons if his current plan.........which is working, is no longer working. 

3. Both sides decide to negotiate and go for peace. Everybody reading this has read mostly that it's Putin's extreme demands that are preventing this.  This is propaganda. 

Putin mainly wanted a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO, see why for yourself:

How NATO's expansion helped drive Putin to invade Ukraine

Two maps show NATO’s growth — and Russia’s isolation — since 1990

Europe in 1990

In 1990, the year after the Berlin Wall fell, the Russia-dominated Soviet Union included Ukraine, the Baltic states and several other now-independent countries. The Warsaw Pact, an alliance also dominated by Russia, included six satellite countries that are all now independent as well.

In 1990, the year after the Berlin Wall fell, Russia dominated the Soviet Union and six allied Warsaw Pact countries.

Europe in 2022

Over the last 32 years, Germany has reunified and all the former Warsaw Pact countries have joined NATO. Three countries that were once part of the Soviet Union — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — have joined NATO as well.

As of 2022, NATO has expanded to let in three former Soviet states and all of the former Warsaw Pact countries.

The US and Canada are also NATO members.

Putin is fighting NATO for Ukraine right now. Not possibly or theoretically. Look who's helping Ukraine right now........NATO! The entire war is all about that. The US is the most powerful part of NATO fighting Russia for Ukraine right now.

The war would have been avoided if Ukraine agreed to NOT join NATO. That's it, man. I think that Ukraine should have been able to join NATO but when the choice was this, that was inevitable and 1 million  trillion times worse than the right to join NATO, only retarded thinking and diabolical political propaganda would justify this choice. 

There was a choice that would have resulted in no Ukraine war but it meant no NATO for Ukraine. People stating otherwise are either lying or repeating a lie they read and believe from propaganda..........which is almost everything we read in the US.

Again, Putin is an evil guy and this was unjustified. But we COMPLETELY understood his thinking and intentionally choose to go to war with him over Ukraine because NATO wanted this PREVENTABLE war. 

And Joe Biden wants Ukraine in the US protection alliance called NATO.