gun control laws
12 responses | 1 like
Started by mcfarm - March 25, 2021, 5:39 p.m.

Here is an idea. Before we establish tons more of gun control laws lets enforce the ones we already have. Does anyone here know what the penalty is for lying on the ATF form when purchasing a gun? Yes, that would be up to 10 years in jail and a 250,000 dollar fine. Then why would Hunter Biden be not in the least concerned with committing this felony which he did? I wonder? What do you think?

By metmike - March 25, 2021, 7:23 p.m.
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I don't know much about that mcfarm except for 3 thoughts.

1. It makes no sense to NOT have very strict federal background check laws that apply to anyone seeking to purchase a fire arm.

2. Banning all high powered and rapid firing firearms is a no brainer in a civilized society. 

3. Political elites and their families are there to tell us what laws that WE must follow. They consider themselves to be above those laws.....and are usually treated that way.

By metmike - March 25, 2021, 7:28 p.m.
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                Gunman kills 10 in Colorado, including cop            


                11 responses |              

                Started by metmike - March 22, 2021, 11:25 p.m.    

By mcfarm - March 26, 2021, 6:23 a.m.
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another question comes up with your post MM. Why would the mSM in one shooting {Atlanta} print the gunman was a white male....{they somehow missed conservative Christian} and in the Colorado shooting list the gunman was a 21 year old male????? When he actually was a Muslim born in Syria and murdered 10 white is that for controlling narrative and how repugnant our free press has sunk to such levels.

By TimNew - March 26, 2021, 8:30 a.m.
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I have an idea.    Lets make Murder Illegal!!!  With really strict penalties!!!  That should take care of all this.

By metmike - March 26, 2021, 1:40 p.m.
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Yes, they don’t even hide it anymore because they don’t need to. People believe what they want to believe. They go to their favorite biased news  sources because they want the news to be told this way.....because it reinforces their belief system and makes them feel good.

Instead of objective news we get news interpreted for us before we read or listen to it.

That, and the fact that many journalists are liberal activists that are in that profession because they want to help change the their version of better.

By mcfarm - March 28, 2021, 9:08 a.m.
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Journalist making the world better? That is kind of the problem MM. In this case we have a drug addict lying about being so having  loaded gun and that gun being found in the trash across from a school. Then the secret service and FBI get involved and try to cover the entire mess up. That is hardly a better world is it?

By bear - March 28, 2021, 5:10 p.m.
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here is another problem with this discussion.  

remember, often times laws do Not work.  laws do not always accomplish what you want them to.  

we had laws against alcohol, but it did not stop people from drinking beer.

we have laws against gambling,  but it does not stop people from gambling.

laws against prostitution do not stop prostitution. 

laws against murder do not stop murder.  

laws against abortion do not stop abortion.  

in mexico, guns are illegal.  but all the gangs have guns.  and the gangs control much of the economy.  and the average person who needs to protect themself, cannot do so.   and there is still a lot of violence.  

we have had laws against marijuana,  but it never stopped people from getting high.  

By bear - March 28, 2021, 5:14 p.m.
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another comparison...

i have often asked college classes,  when you were in high school,  which was easier to get,, or marijuana?

one is illegal, and forbidden,  the other is legal (for anyone above 21 anyway).  

most students say that both are equally easy to obtain.  some students will say marijuana is easier to buy than beer.

the point being... whether an item is legal or illegal, or regulated or not, seems to make no difference in whether they can buy it if they want.  

By TimNew - March 29, 2021, 6:36 a.m.
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Kinda the point of my post above.   If laws are so effective in dealing with these issues,  making murder illegal should address all concerns regarding guns.

By metmike - March 29, 2021, 1:23 p.m.
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7 facts about guns in the U.S.

Guns are deeply ingrained in American society. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and three-in-ten American adults personally own a gun. Most of these gun owners say the right to own firearms is essential to their own personal sense of freedom.

At the same time, gun violence – from big-city murders to mass shootings – has spurred debate in Congress and state legislatures over proposals to limit Americans’ access to firearms. Counting murders and suicides, nearly 40,000 people died of gun-related violence in the United States in 2017, the highest annual total in decades.

Here are seven key findings about Americans’ experiences with and attitudes toward guns, drawn from recent Pew Research Center surveys and other data sources.

About four-in-ten U.S. adults say they live in a gun-owning household

U.S. gun deaths have increased in recent years

2017 saw more gun deaths in the U.S. than any year in decades(last year of this study)

metmike: It should be a no brainer to increase the scrutiny of background checks  for gun owners.  Also ban high powered , high capacity/assault style weapons.

Guns are great for self defense but nobody is going to be invaded by an army.

By metmike - March 29, 2021, 1:32 p.m.
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Some wonderful stats, better than any place I could find at the link below. 

* Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[21] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[22]

Portion of U.S. Population in Public Psychiatric Hospitals

Institutionalization Rates in Developed Nations, 2017

* During 2017, the federal government:

  • conducted 8.6 million firearm background checks resulting in over 112,000 denials. 
  • prosecuted 12 people based on these denials. 
  • obtained 8 guilty pleas, or less than 0.01% of the denials.[109]

* Between 2006 and 2010, federal background-check denial:

  • investigations decreased by nearly 50%. 
  • prosecutions decreased by about 77%. 
  • guilty pleas and verdicts decreased by about 82%.[110]

* States may prosecute cases that the federal government does not. In 2010, Pennsylvania convicted more than 100 individuals for state law violations arising out of firearm background check denials.[111]

* If an FBI background check takes longer than three days, the gun sale is approved by default.[112] This is how Dylann Roof, the killer of nine people at a black church in South Carolina in 2015,[113] was able to buy a gun despite having a police record that included drug possession.[114]

* In 2010, the FBI referred 2,000 to 3,000 cases of post-gun sale denials to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) for further action.[115] The ATF retrieved guns in 1,157 cases.[116]

* According to a 2014 Government Accountability Office report, the ATF “does not have information readily available to systematically track the timeliness and outcomes—such as if a firearm is retrieved—of delayed denial investigations.”[117]

* At a 2013 Senate hearing, a Department of Justice representative stated:

The Department prioritizes prosecuting prohibited persons who actually obtain guns—people who have gotten around the background check system and acquired weapons—illegally rather than those who attempted to purchase a firearm through the background check system but were unsuccessful.[118]

By TimNew - March 29, 2021, 1:57 p.m.
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The most populer weapon for mass shootings are shotguns.  Should we ban those?

By "High powered"  "high capacity" assault style weapons, are referring to AR15's or all semi automatics? There's very little difference, other than some people think the AR-15 looks more scary.

I have no problem with background checks.   There are a few federal laws that "protect" some people from having pertinent data made available,   but I know they are pretty strict in Ga with the data they can get.