anything wrong here ?
16 responses | 0 likes
Started by wxdavid - July 7, 2020, 2:54 a.m.
By wxdavid - July 7, 2020, 2:56 a.m.
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consider these events of ALL LIVES MATTERs folks ./ bigots

You can see that the people in  the ALL LIVES MATTER group are waving Trump Flags signs as well as Confederate Flags.

if you are screaming ALL LIVES MATTER and waving the stars and bars ...  then you do not REALLY believe  “ ALL LIVES MATTER ”

By wxdavid - July 7, 2020, 3:04 a.m.
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By metmike - July 7, 2020, 11:42 a.m.
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Thanks Dave,

It's sad that ISOLATED very offensive and stupid displays like this from REAL racists get so much attention.

When people like you search the internet looking for stuff like this,  then send it out to as many people as they can to convince them that there is a racist around every corner and they all support Trump the racist.  

1.5 million views on the 1st link. 

Funny thing is that YOU are empowering these nimrods without realizing it.

Why would they post such an outrageous thing on line?

Answer: To upset people and get attention.

Why did Dave post their stuff here?

Answer: To upset people and give them even more attention for their despicable behavior.............magnifying their ability to push their message of hate.

The 2nd cut and paste troll link that you sent from a month ago,  was the worst example of cold hearted racism. 

Are you sure you didn't attend the same cut and paste trolling school that mojo went to(-:

Actually, that's all mojo and cliff did but to your credit, you provide much more than that expressing actual views and substantive thoughts............and I see that you are actually making some good weather posts for us this week...............good for you(and us).

However, all 3 of you are/were driven by the same motivator. Hatred of Donald Trump to a neurotic level that controls their thought process and actions and affects their relationships with other people in a negative way. 


If it appears as if I'm picking on you, note some of my almost daily posts here............"how to make the world a better place"............."quote of the day". Positive threads/posts/messages.

Many of your posts and those that define you are massively at odds with that.

I greatly welcome thoughtful criticisms of Trump. We even had a Trump bashing thread dedicated to any kind of mindless Trump bashing for months...........before Cliff got tired of doing it.

However, as long as your main objective is to push hatred and negativity, threads like this one on our forum will result in the moderator making not so favorable comments.

                1-28-2020 Trump bashing for cliff-e            

                                  Started by metmike - Jan. 28, 2020, 1:56 p.m.    

cliff-e continues to take advantage of  threads dedicated to his cut and paste trolling and Trump bashing. 

Since the impeachment process has cliff even more enthusiastic than ever, we set another all time record with the last thread.......congratulations cliff!

                12-20-19 New Trump bashing for cliff-e            

                            93 responses |                0 likes            

                                            Started by metmike - Dec. 20, 2019, 2:45 p.m.    


                11-5-2019 New Trump bashing Thread for cliff-e(others)             

                            73 responses |                


            Started by metmike - Nov. 5, 2019, 11:16 p.m.            


Here are some previous ones below:

The previous one got close to a record.

                10-5-2019 New Trump bashing Thread for cliff-e(others)         

   62 responses

                 Started by metmike - Oct. 5, 2019, 7:36 p.m.    


                New Trump Criticizing/bashing Thread for cliff-e(and others)            

                            65 responses |    

                                            Started by metmike - Aug. 22, 2019, 1:16 p.m.    


Here is the previous one:

                Trump bashing thread for cliff-e            

                            53 responses |             

                              Started by metmike - Aug. 5, 2019, 1:35 a.m.    

By wxdavid - July 7, 2020, 11:57 a.m.
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  they are not isolated incidents

By metmike - July 7, 2020, 12:45 p.m.
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I have been  chess coach for 25 years to 3,500 students and have 3 biracial grand this red neck, S.Indiana town(compared to Detroit, where I grew up).

Have not witnessed 1 racial incident or discrimination based on color that entire time.

CNN, however looks for isolated racial incidents, then sensationalizes and plays them round the clock to try to convince people that there is a racist around every corner.

And of course, out of tens of millions on the internet, there are some racists.

Guys like you get their stuff and empower them by sending it around............which is exactly what they want. 

For example, if a certain group represented 1% of the population but got their stuff played on the MSM and internet 5% of the time(or during especially lucrative periods last month...........50% of the time, they would  appear to be much more powerful and populated than they really are.

Of course there are blatant, despicable racists in our country. 

As anybody can see from the reaction by 99%+ of the population, including ALL cops, this act and people that are racists were resoundingly rejected. Racists are totally shunned and condemned in our society.

I was on television for 11 years. Not a month went by that we were not told how important ratings the profits of the station and our jobs.

It's not what you say or do, as long as you get them to watch we were often told. It's not a charity........they are in the business to make as much money as they can. 

Reporting news that shows evidence that we are NOT racist does not generate ratings. Stories of racists do generate ratings/newspaper sales..........sensationalizing the news sells it. 


I know that you are not intending to advertise and empower racists........just the opposite but you are buying into narrative's created to sell news and helping these dirt bags to give the false illusion that they are all over and represent society.

By joj - July 7, 2020, 9:19 p.m.
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MIke, you stated:

"As anybody can see from the reaction by 99%+ of the population, including ALL cops, this act and people that are racists were resoundingly rejected. Racists are totally shunned and condemned in our society."

Where do you get that 99% number from?   It seems like you offer no evidence other than your sincere hope that it is true.

I wish I was as optimistic as you about the character of mankind or the character of our citizenry.  But if Trump has taught me anything, it is that the underbelly of our society is by numbers, MUCH greater than 1%.  And it is rather  ugly, mean and yes, racist.

Here's a number for you:  When Trump announced his candidacy by stating among other things about Mexicans that "they're rapists" his poll numbers shot from 5% in the GOP primary field to 20%.  It sent chills through me.  It isn't so much Trump that I despise, as much as I lament the support that he taps into again and again with that hateful rhetoric.  I shudder to think what could happen if a talented and smart leader were to take that banner during economic hard times.

By metmike - July 7, 2020, 10:44 p.m.
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Thanks joj!

That 99% could be 98% or something else and not intended to be a statistically accurate number.

I should have just stated something like "the vast majority".

With 350 million people in the country, I don't think it would be unreasonable to guess we have 3.5 million racists........or less. 

My optimism is based on realism and living in the real world with contact with many hundreds of people in deep red neck Trump country. 

As I mentioned previously, I've coached 3,500 kids in chess at 5 schools and have 3 biracial grand children, oldest in 9th grade and have yet to see or hear about 1 incident having to do with race.

I've also worked with 5 of the inner city schools on their chess programs  and have yet to see it

I do know of a couple of racist families and am not stating they don't exist but where are all these racists?  Where are the incidents  in the local news of this pro Trump community?

When it happens anywhere, it often makes headline news BECAUSE it upsets almost everybody.

The worse the news is, the higher the ratings/newspaper sales. I was in that business for 11 years. Good news does NOT sell or make money.

We've witnessed numerous anti discrimination laws being passed that protect the rights of minorities in our society since I was growing up in Detroit.

There are many thousands of organizations in this country(The NAACP by itself has 2,200 branches) to help black people and/or to promote positive things for African Americans in the United States.

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities


Black Professional Associations & Organizations

In fact, at appears that black organizations outnumber any other in the US by a very wide number. 

This systemic racial discrimination and racism is a bunch of crapola being pushed for political agenda.

By metmike - July 7, 2020, 10:55 p.m.
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Of course we still have hate crimes.............nobody is denying that.

FBI Reports Dip In Hate Crimes, But Rise In Violence

Other notable findings include:


  • In hate crimes fueled by racism, African Americans continue to be the most frequently targeted, though anti-black incidents overall fell to a record low share of all hate crime in 2018. 
  • There was a mixed picture for religious minorities: Anti-Muslim incidents decreased for the second year in a row, but still make up nearly 15% of religiously motivated acts. Anti-Sikh attacks tripled between 2017 and 2018. 
  • Anti-Semitic homicides in the U.S. reached their highest level ever as a result of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh that killed 11 people in October 2018.
  • Latinos continued to experience an increase in racially motivated incidents. Levin, the researcher, said such incidents rose 13% over one year and 48% over five years.
  • The LGBTQ community also faced bias-motivated attacks in 2018.  Incidents targeting gay males increased by nearly 7%, and anti-transgender hate crimes rose nearly 34%. 
  • Anti-Latino, anti-gay, anti-Asian, anti-disability, anti-transgender, anti-Sikh and anti-white hate crimes increased in 2018.

  • Crimes against property, like vandalism and robbery, decreased by 19% from 2017 to 2018. 
By TimNew - July 8, 2020, 3:17 a.m.
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I don't think Trump's poll numbers shot up because he called Mexicans rapists.  I think it was because he was strongly opposed to illegal immigration. A LOT of voters are opposed to illegal immigration.  Not long ago,  most democrats were (or at least pretended to be) as well.

By metmike - July 8, 2020, 11:08 a.m.
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Congrats on using your head/common sense Tim!

Discussions on political issues involving President Trump and/or race usually start with a disengaged brain.

By wxdavid - July 8, 2020, 12:01 p.m.
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Tech CEO caught on video yelling at Asian American family apologizes: 'I lost control'

The video of the Friday incident went viral on Tuesday and showed Lofthouse giving the family the middle finger and saying, “Trump’s going to f--- you.” 

By wxdavid - July 8, 2020, 12:05 p.m.
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I have been  chess coach for 25 years to 3,500 students and have 3 biracial grand this red neck, S.Indiana town(compared to Detroit, where I grew up).

Have not witnessed 1 racial incident or discrimination based on color that entire time.

Let me see I have this right. You are stating that YOU personally over the course of  25 years have  NEVER  ever witnessed a single racial incident of any kind ever involving 3500 students.

Not only is that impossible to believe but it tells me that you are completely unable to detect racial animosity.

 But even more bizarre is that you expect me or others to accept your claim that you've never seen it and therefore your anecdotal life incidences are more important than events reported on CNN.

 to me  this argument is bizarre and completely irrational.  

2 .  Of course the media loves sensationalism.  In fact I would argue that the mainstream media is more sensationalist and it is liberal or Progressive.     That's why for example in 2016   ....22  different Donald Trump speeches were carried by CNN wire-to-wire whereas only three speeches of Hillary Clinton were ever carried completely.  

 But one of the reasons why these incidences with video cameras about Trump people exploding and rage over being asked to for example wear masks  or being told mind your own business is because they're true and because they are common.

 And yes it makes good headlines and it makes a lot of clickbait  and  eyeballs
 I get that.  

but it's also true and accurate. The same stuff happened 5 or 10 years ago but cell phone video cameras
and social media would not in the existence to the degree that are now.

 It is possible that the media is covering something that is sensationalist and also common and accurate

By wxdavid - July 8, 2020, 12:14 p.m.
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Ignorant Florida man without mask screams and spreads spit at an elderly woman who asked him to please wear a mask and the man who defended her because “he feels threatened!”

 notice the red shirt.
gee I wonder   who he is voting   for?
PS no  the  USA   as great as we are has not been running  the world since 1776

By metmike - July 8, 2020, 12:31 p.m.
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"Let me see I have this right. You are stating that YOU personally over the course of  25 years have  NEVER  ever witnessed a single racial incident of any kind ever involving 3500 students.

Not only is that impossible to believe but it tells me that you are completely unable to detect racial animosity."

That's one of your best lines so far Dave.

And rock solid evidence of your ability to recognize the truth being severely compromised as your brain has a pre conceived notion of the world and facts/truth that contradict it must be discarded.

Blacks make up a small percentage of those in chess at my schools.........however, in some environments, that would be the recipe for white kids to pick on them because of this. Not seen it 1 time.

Granted, chess kids are much better behaved then most kids but thru the years, I have had behavior issues with individuals/groups(especially at 1 of the schools) hundreds of times and am more of a baby sitter, not a coach then.

I have had to suspend students and called over a dozen parents and I am very liberal  in tolerating bad behavior(they are just high energy kids) but this has all been at one school. The other schools feature little angels, playing chess and minding their own business and being respectful of others.

During that time, I have not witnessed 1 racial incident. Not even something that could have been one. 

On top of that, I asked my black son in law last year if he knew of any incidents involving race with our 3 grand kids.  He said no, not once.

The reason I asked him is because I was gathering objective REAL information based on widespread observations myself, to see if this latest generation has truly become almost "color blind" (my wife says thats a politically incorrect term).

I just passed that along to you. 

I have never lied about anything here. Been mistaken lots of times and had opinions that needed to be adjusted but would never lie or make anything up.

But I understand you Dave. If you let this truth into you could cause your head to explode (-:

Actually, it would result in you learning, via authentic facts and truth. Which you have made clear is NOT what you came here for.

Suit yourself. 

Make a fool out of yourself instead.

This is what I have devoted my life to and can SHOW it. If you want to reject things that I share here and attack them tells us a great deal about your personal character  You and somebody you hate  have a lot of character traits in common Dave.

                Wonderful Chess Tournament            

                            14 responses |     

                Started by metmike - March 2, 2020, 4:17 p.m.    

                Integral Heart Family-July 18 fund raiser            

                                 Started by metmike - July 16, 2019, 10:42 p.m.    

Integral Heart Family

By metmike - July 8, 2020, 12:41 p.m.
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"notice the red shirt."


You are embarrassing yourself like mojo did because you are losing every argument on facts/science and resort to cut and past trolling.

You do realize that people that come here will read  and look at your stuff and think that there millions more just like you.

Try to be respectful, please stop using foul language (you used the F word, featured in a post earlier today).

And most importantly............use authentic facts and science please. 

Why haven't you been banned?

I would like for people to see the true Dave if he refuses to follow the same rules and standards here that everybody else follows.

There is a very tiny chance that I can get Dave to help himself by lessening his hate and anger and replacing it with respect and tolerance of others that he disagrees with.

You probably don't believe that because your brain doesn't work that way but its true.

By TimNew - July 8, 2020, 1:16 p.m.
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An observation.   Dave uses criteria to define racism that does not match the definition of racism.

Case in point,  he feels that Trump calling Baltimore a rat infested city is racist because Baltimore is 80% black. So, I assume, on the flip side of this,  were Trump to call Baltimore a rat infested city and it were 80% white,  then it would not be a racist statement.  Fact remains,  Baltimore has a lot of rats.  

But it appears that Dave feels that criticizing a black person or anything related to blacks is racist. There are a few examples of this thinking  in his recent posts. 

In reality, Racism is criticizing someone for BEING black.

That is, at least in part, a good explanation for why he would see far more examples of racism than someone who uses the actual definition of racism.  Really casts some doubts on his concept of "Critical Thinking" as well.