Why climate change is an irrelevance
3 responses | 0 likes
Started by pj - June 6, 2020, 6:03 p.m.
By metmike - June 7, 2020, 1:26 a.m.
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I agree with  much of this!

                The real environmental crisis's            

                            14 responses |                

                Started by metmike - April 10, 2019, 7:11 p.m.    


I often refer to the fake climate crisis and fraudulent Climate Accord as being just an  attempt to convert  the world to global socialism but often fail to point out the other objective..........."sustainable development"

Fossil fuels are the life blood of every developed country's economy. You take that away and you stifle that countries economic growth, along with their consumption of natural resources. 

Most of the 17 goals below are wonderful. I am 100% in agreement  with those.  #13 is total BS and is being used to transfer wealth from rich to poor countries and establish global socialism with the UN in charge. ....and as I often fail to point out....being used to try to stifle economic growth in order to create more SUSTAINABLE development.

UN logo        



By metmike - June 7, 2020, 7:04 a.m.
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The Green New Deal would do very little to affect the climate in any beneficial way.

However, it will intentionally obliterate our economy.

In doing so, it will create a lot of suffering and hardship compared to our current spoiled, high standards for the quality of lives that we currently enjoy.

This is very intentional because it’s the best way to accomplish a model that obtains sustainable development for human beings on this planet for the next 100 years.

If it was sold based on this truth, it would be rejected by almost everyone. Who would vote to destroy the current economy, take away millions of jobs, no longer have cheap energy and as a result give up many of the wonderful luxuries that go with it?

Almost nobody.

So they are using a convincing sounding scheme. They hijacked climate science and made up a climate crisis To fool us into acting to save the planet from this. It’s a huge lie. We are having a climate optimum......by all authentic measures in science .....

Only in politics is the beneficial gas, CO2 defined as pollution.

By metmike - June 7, 2020, 7:26 a.m.
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People like me are accused of, and being labeled as climate deniers because, some of us represent the truth.

Ironically, that truth, for me goes beyond proving that we are having a climate optimum for life on this greening planet.

I also acknowledge that their fraudulent scheme is working and they will likely win and after 40 years of them forecasting climate disasters that have never happened but have still worked to convince people, ridiculous schemes like the one using Greta the no nothing, anti science teenage climate religion high priestess, will continue to pay dividends as propaganda has replaced authentic science and truth, with the MSM in a full court press to impose the socialist political belief system and agendaon the Western world right now.

Sounds crazy but it IS happening and you will see it more clearly with the new president, especially whenthey sign us back up with the climate accord And take us towards the land of the green new fairy tale.

No denial here! This IS where we are headed.