New John Cook 97% Consensus Climate Change Video
This is the comment that I submitted:
That is probably the worlds biggest climate science disinformation site.
They take a field(climate science) that few people understand or have data for and use a bunch of real climate science combined with anti science to spin a fake climate crisis out of a climate optimum.
Then, they pretend that they are the complete opposite of what they are and accuse those that disagree with them of doing what they do.
Supposedly objective and open minded, they are the exact opposite of that. They start with a climate crisis and interpret(spin) all data to support the crisis, with very little skepticism or objectivity and one of the top priorities, is to discredit people like me (so called deniers) that are actually using scientific skepticism/the scientific method and letting the data lead us vs subjectively interpreting data so it only supports one thing and ignoring all data that doesn't show it.
They even did a bogus (manipulated use of the results) study that supposedly showed 97% of climate scientists agreed with him on the climate crisis.
John Cook, who runs it, has probably contributed to more people getting dumber about climate and CO2 using internet sources than any one person on the planet.
John Cook and his team looked at tens of thousands of papers that don't support his position but he twists them to make you think they do. 97% of climate scientists(including me) believe that humans have caused varying amounts of global warming/climate change, some more than others. This is what he found. If that was his problems. But he believes that we are having a climate crisis from the beneficial warming. This is NOT what those 97% stated at all. Only a small fraction of them believe that we are having a climate crisis and the vast majority, like me DISAGREE with his view.
I actually PROVE that we are indisputably having a climate OPTIMUM for life on this greening planet with all my empirical data/research. Not despite climate change/global warming but BECAUSE OF IT.
Keep in mind, for the past 38 years, almost every day, all day long, I analyze the global atmosphere and have spent the past 2 decades studying climate and applying this to the real world that includes predicting crop yields/food production and energy use.
I haven't published any peer reviewed stuff using the information that I've observed and learned and I'm not as smart at math as some of the PHD climate modelers that program computers to simulate the weather/climate for the next 100 years using mathematical equations but I have, instead published 3 dozen articles/discussions, generously sharing it here with others that want the truth.
You will not find the truth in global climate models, that have all been too warm for decades and been discredited by all objective sources.............but continue to be relied on as evidence of the crisis. You will find the truth by observing what has been happening in the REAL atmosphere for the last 100 years and how its affected the REAL life on this REAL planet...............not a simulated world and from people using worst case and exaggerated scenarios that don't match up with the REAL world. Almost all of their apocalyptic predictions have been wrong for more than 3 decades now.
Funny thing. 3 decades ago, I actually believed much of it about the crisis. Fortunately for me, my profession as an operational meteorologist allowed me to understand the atmosphere better than those continuing the catastrophic predictions. I have learned a tremendous amount during that time because the science is NOT settled as many insisted 15 year ago(Gore for instance). But what about Joe and Jill non climate experts that only get their information from the gatekeepers?
One of those gatekeepers is John Cook the climate charlatan. I would love to have a debate with him or anybody else that represents the fake climate crisis.
Ironically, he spends a great deal of time trying to convince everybody that people like me are the ones spreading misinformation:
Understanding and countering misinformation about climate change
John Cook George Mason University, USA
It's convincing sounding scientific frauds like him.........that have a 10,000 times bigger following than I will ever have that make my mission to enlighten people with the truth(about the fake climate crisis) a futile effort but still worth it since, at least, some people have come to better understand authentic, climate truths based on science not politics .
This is my stuff:
...using data, from the viewpoint of an atmospheric scientist that has analyzed weather and climate almost every day for the past 38 years. I'm just reporting how the atmosphere and life on this planet is responding.......and how/why the politics hijacked climate science for global socialism/Marxism.
Climate Reality discussions-new article 2-24
Started by metmike - April 15, 2019, 4:10 p.m.
So John and skeptical science talk a convincing sounding game using words and sometimes cherry picked data as well as leaving out most of the wonderful benefits that this climate optimum is having for most life. (Don't you ever wonder why you don't read about the benefits associated with climate change?..........oh, except for ticks and roaches and mosquitoes and weeds and virus's......somehow, all bad life flourishes on climate change but the same climate change.........kills all good life. Weird.
Actually, if you have some objective brain cells you know that can't possibly be the truth. Only in politics, is the beneficial gas CO2 defined as pollution and the current climate optimum defined as a crisis...........wait, the latest word that sounds even more scary is the climate emergency.
Less than 10 years to go before we destroy the planet. Better do what they say this time (-: They didn't really mean it the last 31 years, when they said the exact same thing every year. This time is for real (-:
You know that story, "The boy who cried wolf"?
If he cried wolf 31 times in a row and the village people came running to him each time, with no signs of a wolf 31 times in a row, instead of it being a lesson to children to not give false alarms or you will never be believed when you tell the truth, the lesson would be much different.
People can be gullible creatures that will believe/buy anything and forget common sense if you package the product with the right marketing scheme(s)..........."saving the planet".....after all, who could possibly be against saving the planet...........outside of us deniers that don't believe in the climate model fairy tale forecasts!
U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked