Dean Phillips
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Started by metmike - Aug. 11, 2023, 7:05 p.m.

Jake Tapper interviewed this guy on CNN and I liked what he stated.

Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips calls for Biden primary challenge, doesn’t rule out WH run

He insisted that the D party has coronated Joe Biden and isn't letting anybody of note run for president right now. He said that he's the only one of 260 Ds in congress that will speak out against the really bad system. 

Focusing entirely on Biden is leaving the D party extremely vulnerable(no kidding).


In August 2023, the leaders for the 2024 election presidential election are the worst R in history by an astronomically wide margin(mentally ill, treasonous, delusional, ultra divisive cult leader) against the worst D in party history (most corrupt in history with dementia, extremely divisive, failed policies, caused half of million deaths in Ukraine and their country to be decimated with the exact same plan for it to continue indefinitely).

This would be the 3rd presidential election in a row that the person who wins will have more people that dislike them than like them. That's not being liked by the majority is not  what wins presidential elections in the United States anymore. 

You win by NOT being the other person that Americans hate even more.

Trump won in 2016 because he was NOT Hillary Clinton.

Biden won in 2020 because he was NOT Donald Trump.

Who would win in 2024?

NOT Donald Trump or NOT Joe Biden?


I looked back and the last election was almost this bad but Trump is now slightly worse with less favorable and Biden modestly worse in both categories:

Americans' Views of 2020 Presidential CandidatesNext, we'd like to get your overall opinion of some people in the news. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person -- or if you have never heard of them.
 FavorableUnfavorableNo opinion
Donald Trump41572
Joe Biden46504
Mike Pence41509
Kamala Harris424315
Gallup, Aug. 31-Sep. 13, 2020

The same thing defined the 2016 election too. Both candidates had higher UNfavorable ratings compared to favorable.

Before 2016, this was completely unheard of! (other than Barry Goldwater in 1964).

Look at the graph below. In the past, it was the total opposite. The bottom half of the candidates below had at least double the favorable vs unfavorable rating. 

The bottom 8 had around a 4 times more favorable vs unfavorable opinion.  The bottom 3 were around 6 times more favorable vs unfavorable.

This is absolute proof of a monumental problem for US politics in this age!!!

Candidates  since 2016 are literally winning presidential elections by NOT being the other person.

Nominees, 1956-2016Based on U.S. adults; ranked by % total unfavorable
 NomineeTotal favorableTotal unfavorable
  % (+1 to +5)% (-1 to -5)
2016 Nov 2-5D. Trump3661
2016 Nov 2-5H. Clinton4752
1964 Oct 8-13B. Goldwater4347
2012 Oct 27-28M. Romney5543
1972 Oct 13-16G. McGovern5541
2004 Oct 22-24J. Kerry5740
1992 Oct 23-25G.H.W. Bush5940
2004 Oct 22-24G.W. Bush6139
2012 Oct 27-28B. Obama6237
1980 Oct 10-13R. Reagan6437
2008 Oct 23-26B. Obama6235
2008 Oct 23-26J. McCain6335
1984 Sep 21-24W. Mondale6634
1992 Oct 23-25B. Clinton6433
1980 Oct 10-13J. Carter6832
1956 Oct 18-23A. Stevenson6131
1984 Sep 21-24R. Reagan7130
1968 Oct 17-22H. Humphrey7228
1968 Oct 17-22R. Nixon7922
1972 Oct 13-16R. Nixon7621
1976 Sep 24-27G. Ford7820
1960 Oct 18-23R. Nixon7916
1976 Sep 24-27J. Carter8116
1960 Oct 18-23J. Kennedy8014
1964 Oct 8-13L. Johnson8113
1956 Oct 18-23D. Eisenhower8412
No data for 1988, 1996 and 2000


So the obvious effective strategy much of the time  in recent years is to run negative ads to try to get you to hate the other person and NOT vote for them by choosing  the candidate who's running against the NOT  for them person!

I seriously would like to get comments about this from others. It seems to be a profoundly revealing negative fact about our politics and our world in 2023.

The last 6 candidates running against each other in the last 3 elections 2016-2020-2024(though I would bet it WON'T be those 2 in 2024) had higher UNfavorable ratings.

Other than Barry Goldwater in 1964, an aberration, before 2016, even the weakest candidate ever was +12 to the favorable side.

If things are the same in 2024, it means the last 3 presidential elections were won by a person that more people didn't like than that liked them(gave them a favorable rating)!!

1 time and it might be considered an outlier.

2 times back to back should have got our attention

3 consecutive elections like this and it defines a really, really bad, dysfunctional government and leaders in our country.

It also screams out that we should NOT be running either of these 2 guys. With an extremely high unfavorable rating for both, it guarantees divisiveness because everybody from the other party greatly dislike them!

By metmike - Aug. 11, 2023, 7:44 p.m.
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This greatly dysfunctional, divisive dynamic is no longer a 1 person/term or isolated situation.

It totally DEFINES THE US POLITICAL SYSTEM. And there is no sign of it turning around.........the complete opposite. 

We have a blatantly biased, corrupt political system and political justice department, along with the dishonest and biased media(more concerned about power grabs and self serving interests), in combination with a national debt and interest rate that's about to crush our economy(yes, the wolf really is out there and is breathing down our necks-and the credit rating drop is just the start), even while Biden uses 100+ billion of  money we don't have to kill Russians and try to weaken Putin, destroying  Ukraine and greatly weaken the respect for the US in the world with a still escalating war that could turn nuclear(and trying to spend another 24 billion at this very minute).. Also, destroying our wonderful energy delivery system for political agenda and crony capitalism..........the path forward is looking really, REALLY ugly to those seeing the realities.

I made a ton of money trading commodities using the weather and fundamental/technical indicators that influence price to project the future price.

I really, really hate saying this because right now, we live in the best country in the world. 

However, our complacency and  being naive, believing in people that tell us what we want to hear to use us, with  corrupt leadership and media doing things for self serving interests has grown to an unsustainable level.

If there was a commodity called the United States and the expiration date was August 2025, I would be short right now.

For those that think "We're the greatest country in the world, we'll somehow figure a way out of this!"

OK, great. Let's here the plan for that. I'm very open minded/objective and very patriotic and always grateful and optimistic about the future but can't see it.

I'm not saying the US will just completely collapse.........although there's a 10% chance of that if there's a nuclear war for instance, it will be much worse than an economic or political system collapse......which is 10% much too high.

But we've seen our best days with extremely high certainty. The highs are in. 

There are half a dozen potential events that we are vulnerable too because of atrocious leadership which could make for big spike down at any point.  

Every single one of these, with no exceptions was SELF INFLICTED. They were almost all completely avoidable. Now, some of them are going to happen with 100% certainty.  

A war with Russia AND with China at the same time for instance.

A nuclear war.

Trump's prosecutions and how that plays out in the next election

Biden's impeachment hearings

Increasing divisiveness and hatred between the parties and unwillingness to compromise on no brainer items, like cutting spending. 

For sure, the damage of replacing efficient, planet greening/food producing fossil fuels(the lifeblood of every developed countries economy-and responsible for the fertilizer that feeds over half the world) with planet wrecking, weak, unreliable wind turbines, by itself ensures a slow downtrend for our country with absolute certainty. 

I would seriously like other thoughts on this.