" Zelensky is finished" Fmr. Marine Scott Ritter
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Started by 12345 - Feb. 9, 2024, 6:02 p.m.
By metmike - Feb. 10, 2024, 1:37 a.m.
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Thanks much, Jean!

Ive been saying this since late Summer of last year when it became obvious that the long promised counter offensive was a complete flop.

Honestly, Ukraine never had much of a chance  to start with. 

We keep hearing non stop propaganda about how Ukraine put up much more resistance than Russia expected and delusional statements about how we can’t let Russia win but almost never anything about negotiating peace.

Well, compare Ukraine today with Ukraine 2 years ago before Biden told Zelensky to shut down negotiations with Russia and told him that he would arm his military so that they could defeat Russia and make him a Great War hero.

They definitely armed Ukraine so Ukrainians  could maximize the resistance.

aThis absolutely maximized the incredible damage to both sides in human losses. 600,000+ dead or incapacitated. All of the brave soldiers having millions of family members suffering their losses…..whoops, Biden didn’t mention that in the promise.

Since the war was fought in Ukraine, well over 1 trillion in damage to Ukraine……whoops, Biden didn’t mention that in the promise )-:

But the war as fought by NATO countries assured Ukraine with 100% likelihood of those losses.

And what were their chances to win?

Maybe 1%?

They had to know this but didn’t care. How could some nobody meteorologist/chess coach from podunk Indiana see this clearly based on the authentic information the past 2 years but the powerful, enlightened, insider  gatekeepers not have a clue and be sending out constant messages that contradicted the authentic facts???

Offering up Ukraine for the opportunity of engaging in a war with their enemy Russia/Putin, with US politicians benefiting by rewarding the corrupt lobby bribes they were showered with by the Military Industrial Defense contractors.

Taking 100 billion of Americans tax dollars for the kill-fest, some of which greatly increased the already very corrupt Ukrainian political regime.

Biden did come thru with his promise of the weapons and especially with elevating the corrupt, charismatic, psychopathic charlatan, President Zelensky to  a Western  world great leader/hero! In reality,  Just a puppet for the deep state!!!

You might remember when they used very similar tactics to make Greta a great hero for leading young people to fight the fake climate crisis that doesn’t exist…..for political agenda and crony capitalism.

They booked Greta to speak in front of the United Nations(the group that created her and the IPCC for their agenda) and she spoke to the United States Congress.

how does that happen to an uneducated nobody with nothing but a gift of charisma to persuade people??

It happens because the gatekeepers recognize people like Zelensky (the career actor before using that to get elected in Ukraine-by promising to negotiate peace with Russia and stop corruption-the polar opposite of his actions in office) and Greta have the ability to profoundly persuade people with their gifted charisma and speaking talent so they elevate them to global rock star puppets.
Going from unknown nobody’s to household names traveling to dozens of countries in the West and meeting with important people in those countries that support their agenda……a Western world, NATO agenda. A United Nations agenda.

It happens because the deep state recognizes individuals that can best serve as messengers to deliver their propaganda.

Our politicians are bought and paid for with lobby money from deep state entities that own them, especially the Military Industrial complex.

With Greta, it backfired a bit when she started doing loony, extreme things…….wildly professing her political ideologies as a Marxist.

And  she displayed  almost no fundamental understanding of climate or science…….just a battle cry to follow the science and the world is going to end Because of a 1 degree, mostly beneficial warming on a planet that’s greening up thanks to the biggest gift that humans have ever bestowed on the planet, beneficially increasing CO2, the building block for all of life that’s still only half of the optimal level.

Zelensky, on the other hand is an extremely believable adult with incredible  charisma and  likability.
He has been useful until they’ve completely exhausted The propaganda and it becomes so increasingly obvious the gig is up that even the brainwashed masses catch on.

Common sense suggests  that point should have already,passed but the gatekeepers want to keep This going indefinitely, with convincing sounding manufactured realities able to effectively replace the real world.

keep repeating the lies often enough, in collusion with  Like minded powerful sources and you can extend the belief in something by the masses indefinitely because you’ve stolen their intelligence on such a large scale.

Using messages that people want to believe in.

Saving the planet…..who could possibly want to oppose that except for selfish People that don’t care about the environment and only care about profits or are paid off cronies of BigOil.

Saving democracy in Ukraine and the world…..who could be against that unless you support evil and Putin.

They define themselves and their cause as being the ultimate good for the world and humanity and anybody that opposes them of disagrees gets vilified as being evil people trying to sabotage their infallible altruistic endeavors.

This strategy is especially effective at destroying the truth and destroying the skeptics when attempts are made to question their science or their ulterior motives and questionable means to achieve not so rewarding objectives.