Exports+ more 8-31-23
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Started by metmike - Aug. 31, 2023, 10:10 a.m.

Karen Braun@kannbwx

#Wheat export sales were weaker than some estimates predicted, but they did include two cargoes to #China (110kt total). China bought a small volume of old-crop #soybeans. New-crop beans were sold to unknown, China and Mexico. Mexico bought 644kt new-crop #corn.


Karen Braun@kannbwx

 (from Monday morning) Last week's U.S. #corn & #wheat export inspections were above the range of expectations, #soybeans were in line. The 33% deficit for corn vs last year has been pretty constant in recent months, though last week's volume was better than in recent weeks.


By metmike - Aug. 31, 2023, 10:10 a.m.
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Karen Braun@kannbwx

CBOT November #soybeans are relatively expensive versus December #corn at a ratio of 2.83-to-1 on Monday, the date's highest since 2016. Still watching that 2013 comparison....


By metmike - Aug. 31, 2023, 10:11 a.m.
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Karen Braun@kannbwx

This table is getting full, but it's helpful to see how the USDA & Pro Farmer numbers stack up against each other & past years. Versus USDA, Pro Farmer sees notable #corn yield downside in Minn & Neb, plus a sub-200 in Iowa. Not much disagreement elsewhere, small upside in IL.
