Vivek Ramaswamy
5 responses | 2 likes
Started by metmike - Aug. 13, 2023, 7:40 p.m.

Vivek Ramaswamy won't 'prosecute the Joe Biden family' if elected


I'm really starting to like this guy alot.

His position is that if he got elected, he would pardon Trump AND pardon Hunter Biden.

This is the ONLY plan that would have the chance to bring us together with a blatant display of ANTI political weaponizing.

Of course I think both of them belong in prison but our country is MUCH bigger than these 2 criminals.

Pardoning Trump will get the far right Rs on his side. Pardoning the Biden's would at least be a peace offering and show that's not what he's about.

He's about moving forward with smart plans.

Some of his plans will not be very well received by the Ds(and bother me a bit-nobody is perfect) but he seems willing to try and has wonderful ideas that brings in what the United States as a country doctor needs to get back on track.

The best part is that he thinks we need to start over with the DOJ and other corrupt to the core Federal agencies.

This is a must for our system to get back to being fair and balanced.

What do you guys think?

By metmike - Aug. 13, 2023, 7:48 p.m.
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One of the tenets of Trumps campaign is that he will go after everybody that's currently holding him accountable for his crimes.

When did a candidate ever run on openly declaring he would get revenge on his AMERICAN enemies?

But he has the majority of the R support.

Our country can NEVER heal with this mentality in so many people.

By 7475 - Aug. 13, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
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Kind of early and I haven't thought much about the "pardoning approach" but  ,yes , I think both sides just biting the bullet and then getting on with the REAL stuff makes sense - acting very adult like !


By metmike - Aug. 14, 2023, 12:35 a.m.
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Thanks, John!

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2023, 5:08 p.m.
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He was on Hannity last night.

He started off by telling people that President Trump was the greatest president in history.

There goes my vote.

Ramaswamy is a brilliant guy and I can tell you exactly what his strategy is here, especially with him being in 3rd place and gaining quick on DeSantis.

Trump is the front runner and will run if he is legally eligible..........then lose.

However, if Trump is not able to run, who will everybody in his cult go to?

Answer: Wherever Trump tells them.

Who will Trump tell them to vote for?

1. DeSantis, who he has been attacking with unkind words?

2. Pence, who betrayed him and wouldn't go along with his diabolical scheme to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election?

3. Ramaswamy, who is campaigning with the message that Donald Trump was the greatest president in history?  AND WILL PARDON DONALD TRUMP

Ramaswamy volunteered that emphatically last night without anybody asking him about Trump, so this shows it's part of his strategy. He also claimed that if elected, he will pardon President Trump. 

In retrospect, that could backfire tremendously if there's any hope for Ds to support him. The only chance for it to not backfire, is if he also pardon's Hunter Biden or calls off the investigation.

The Ds ,DOJ  and media will protect Joe from his crimes and impeachment but in the event, that the D party decided it's time for Joe to go and impeachment would solve that.......there's a very tiny chance of Joe being impeached.  Then, Vivek(easier to spell) could also pardon Joe Biden and might be interpreted as bipartisan.

However, some of his agenda will not go over well for the left, especially the far matter what.

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2023, 6:03 p.m.
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I've had some time today to check this guy out and that's totally what he's doing.

He knows that nobody in the R party stands a chance running against Trump so it's "if you can't beat them.......join them"

This is brilliant.

If Trump can't run........he's the Donald Trump cheerleader that vows to carry the torch for Donald Trump.

2. Trump might be greatly inclined to pick him as his VP choice. The huge problem there would be in the general election. NOT Donald Trump or NOT Joe Biden will be the winner is we somehow have these losers running again. 

Having Vivek as V.P.  would just be NOT Donald Trump X 2 to voters, not much of an asset to get more NOT Joe Biden voters.

But Trump loves people that worship him. 

Trying to beat Trump by embracing him: Vivek Ramaswamy's 2024 strategy is unusual to other Republicans

Here's another thing. If Trump can't run, then this guy is likely in as the R candidate with Trump's endorsement. However, this strategy will potentially label him in a way that could destroy him in the general election.

Ds and Independents will associate him with Trump and since he's clear that he will pardon Donald Trump, I think that over half the voters will have a problem with that, unless it was somehow an act that brought the country together............which I'm struggling to find with my reassessment in the absence of the Biden's needing some pardoning which he would promise to provide balance.

So I revise my initial impression at the top of this thread and just view him as fascinating and brilliant with some wonderful agenda that lines up with the best of Trump(from a person that doesn't have the extreme pathological personality traits).........but not all of it lines up with my personal belief system.

If he ran, he would at least represent a very sharp person with good ideas and not be at the end of their career/old, along with no long history of lying/corruption which we haven't seen in a U.S. presidential race since 2012.

Even if you disagree with his ideas/agenda, he is young, sharp and doesn't have a personality disorder or communicating disability. And no political or otherwise crimes or long track record of telling lies.