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Started by 12345 - March 19, 2023, 9:15 p.m.
By metmike - March 20, 2023, 8:26 a.m.
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Fake inflation reduction act that will actually CAUSE high inflation by increasing energy costs.

they picked the fraudulent name for it as a marketing scheme for getting it passed.

fake green energy is unreliable, expensive energy that will cause the price of most other goods to increase.

By 12345 - March 20, 2023, 1:31 p.m.
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Insider Q&A: From Oil To Offshore Wind, Ørsted Transformed

Q: How can you use the incentives offered for green energy in the U.S. through the Inflation Reduction Act?

A: Given some of the headwinds of the industry recently and especially higher cost of capital through interest rates and significant capital expenditure inflation due to both materials but also supply chain bottlenecks, the Inflation Reduction Act is a vital part of addressing that challenge. And quite honestly, also in a world where there is going to be competition to attract capital both for offshore and renewable energy, but also for the manufacturing jobs that follow that, that is where the U.S. has clearly set a benchmark globally for what I call a wholehearted push to really advance clean energy. That’s both for offshore but also for onshore, and maybe most revolutionary also with the up to $3 tax credit for green hydrogen. Overnight, that very likely made the U.S. the cheapest market to produce green hydrogen, which as opposed to electricity can travel well if you make liquid fuels from green hydrogen.