Stossell Again!!
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Started by TimNew - July 17, 2021, 11:26 a.m.

Break Rules by John Stossel (

"America has so many regulations that today, often the only way to do something new, to create something great, to prosper is to ignore rules.

Minutes before SpaceX launched a rocket, the government told the company that the launch would violate its license.

SpaceX launched anyway."

By metmike - July 17, 2021, 12:29 p.m.
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Stossell is the best!

I don't remember an article of his that I disagreed with. 

This principle he sites..........breaking rules to create innovation is exactly why we got the COVID vaccination ready in lightning fast, record time.

If we followed previous FDA protocol for testing vaccinations, that included years of testing.................none of us would have been vaccinated and the death toll would be several times higher than it is here in July 2021.