Gen Flynn says Myanmar-like coup "should happen" in US...yep, he really said this
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Started by WxFollower - May 31, 2021, 3:21 p.m.

 This is the kind of danger the US could conceivably face as a result of Trump's lies about the election and is why he's no longer fit to ever hold office again:

 Ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn says Myanmar-like coup ‘should happen’ in U.S. (

 From this article:

Appearing in Dallas at a QAnon conference, Flynn was asked during a Q&A session that was shared in a Twitter video:  “I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?”

After cheers from the crowd died down, Flynn responded:  “No reason. I mean, it should happen here.”

Supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory have praised the Myanmar coup and called for the U.S. military to do the same, citing unsubstantiated claims of election fraud.

By GunterK - May 31, 2021, 3:57 p.m.
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These Qanon people are a crazy bunch. For one of them to say something like this, is not surprising.

However, for a former Lt. General to say something like this is against everything the USA stands for. He should be stripped of his rank, IMHO

On the other end of the spectrum…

The Black Panthers held a march in Tulsa this weekend,commemorating the Tulsa massacre, 100 years ago. They marched for racial justice.

One of the speakers was heard saying, when the time comes, we will kill everything white in sight

will there ever be peace In the US?

By metmike - May 31, 2021, 10:18 p.m.
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Both sides are getting more and more extreme with fewer and fewer people in the middle.