Latest on the George Floyd legal case
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Started by GunterK - March 19, 2021, 9:01 p.m.

The article liked below discusses some interesting legal issues in the George Floyd case.

When the infamous video was shown all over the world, most people were sickened by what they saw. I myself considered this a clear-cut case of murder.

The MSM did not discuss much later info, coming from the coroner's office  The coroner’s examination revealed that George Floyd did NOT die from asphyxiation. Rather, the examination revealed that George Floyd’s blood contained the often fatal drug Fentanyl, at a level four times the level that can lead to death.

Before his death, George Floyd had admitted that he had taken drugs, and his exclamation “I can’t breathe” is consistent with people suffering from an overdose of Fentanyl… and he even complained about not being able to breathe, before his arrest.

However, the link below contains a piece of info that shocked me…. he was Covid19-positive!!!

As most of us know, some strange things were happening in our Covid19 world, in 2020. Yes, lots of people died from Covid19, some of them suffering horrible deaths. But we also know that medical institutions registered just about any death as a Covid19 death… we heard of motor cycle crashes and gunshot victims being counted as Covid19 deaths. And we even saw official government documents encouraging doctors in hospitals to count every death as a Covid19 death. There is no doubt in my mind that the official Covid19 death numbers are greatly inflated.

So, here we have a person who died, and he actually had Covid19. I must assume he was THE ONLY covid19-infected person of the year 2020, who died without being counted as a Covid19 death.

It is quite possible, with all this information, that the case against the police officer will be dismissed…. and that means, our cities will go up in flames

By TimNew - March 19, 2021, 9:22 p.m.
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Likely he was counted as a covid death. It just  wasn't reported that way to us.

And yes,  he died while in police custody,  but he did not die as a result of "police brutality". Significant heart issues complicated by Massive drug overdose 

The aquital of his "murderer" will likely come at a strategic time.  Around the next election cycle.   

By metmike - March 20, 2021, 1:58 a.m.
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I’m getting very worried about you guys and what you will believe.

By TimNew - March 20, 2021, 5:44 a.m.
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MM, Are you familiar with the autopsy report?  Do you not believe it?

By metmike - March 20, 2021, 11:25 a.m.
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Yes I did see that report and most everything else I could get my hands on.

"he did not die as a result of "police brutality""

Seriously Tim??????

You stated this earlier in the week:

"Guess I am having an existential crisis.  I don't know what's real anymore outside of what I can touch, see and feel.  The rest seems like total bullshyt."

Your statements in this thread prove that you really don't know what to believe but have decided to believe right wing sources like Zerohedge and not believe other sources that are not right those reporting the huge increase in attacks on Asian Americans that is happening with absolute certainty.

On the George Floyd case. So what if the autopsy of 1 doctor evaluated what the condition of Floyd's body was (that differed somewhat from another doctor) and he was using drugs or had a heart condition. So what if the guy had a criminal record.

You said in the other thread that you only believe what you can touch, see and feel.

When did you see or hear George Floyd resist arrest?

When did you see or hear George Floyd threaten any officer, anybody?

When did you see or hear George Floyd attempt to escape?

What you did see and hear, dozens of times like everybody else, was the officer kneeling on Floyd's neck and Floyd, before he stopped breathing and died, saying "I can't breathe" and MANY people around saying "you are killing him" and pleading with the officers to stop killing him.

But because Zerohedge is telling you that he would have died anyway, if the officer had not done what you and the rest of the world saw him do............FOR 9 MINUTES FOR PETES SAKE!  and that other officers have done the same thing briefly to other suspects in the past  that are actually resisting arrest and they did not die.............that this is your position:

"he did not die as a result of "police brutality""

By TimNew - March 20, 2021, 1:19 p.m.
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I never said Floyd resisted arrest.  I've heard that he did.  But, Thats irrelevant. I DO know that he had 3 times the fatal level of fentanyl in his blood along with meta-anphetamine and he had a heart condition. Those are facts.   He was likely dead an hour after the confrontation whether the confrontation happened or not.

By GunterK - March 20, 2021, 2:02 p.m.
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I can easily imagine what the jury in this trial will have to listen to.

The prosecution will claim that Floyd was choked to death.

It’s interesting that Floyd was able to speak and complain about his breathing for almost 9 minutes. (How long can you hold your breath?). Only well-trained free-divers can be without oxygen for 9 minutes, after first taking in a huge gulp of clean air. For most people, the brain will die very quickly after the oxygen supply is turned off.. And after the body stops breathing, the heart can still beat for up to 30 minutes.

The defense will try to prove that Floyd died of a combination of severe cardiovascular problems and a severe overdose of Fentanyl and other drugs (backed by the blood test and the fact that he had complained about his breathing while still sitting in his car).

As metmike pointed out… it’s easy to blame his death on this medical condition… however, the police officer’s action most likely contributed to Floyd’s death. Had he not been stopped by the police, he quite likely could have made it home and slept it off, and lived another 5 or 10 years.

metmike’s argument has merit, IMHO, and may very well be the most important component during the Jury deliberation


The purpose of my original post was not to be the jury in this legal case. Rather, I wanted to point out, what kind of a twisted world we live in today.

In 2020, they counted almost every death in a hospital as a Covid-death, whether the virus was present or not. Had it not been for the publicity this “police brutality:” case received, Floyd‘s death, considering he really was Covid-positive, would have been simply registered as a Covid-death.

And now we have the era of Covid-vaccines.

When I read the news stories (no, not on our MSM) of people in nursing homes being vaccinated against Covid19, and half of them die right after vaccination, the official story never is “the vaccine killed them”…. no, they always blame existing medical conditions. They don’t admit that “without the shot, he/she may have lived another 5 or 10 years”

Just recently, here in the US, a very healthy 39-year old mother got the shot, and within a day her liver stopped working (needed an immediate liver transplant, but couldn’t get it done in time). Death not attributed to the vaccine??? You have to be kidding me.

My questions really are…

Since we know that they attributed almost every hospital death to the virus, how many of the 500,000+ Covid19-deaths are really Covid19-deaths?  75%? 50%? 30%?

And when the vaccines arrived, our “medical science” switched protocol…  when people die right after receiving the vaccine, it's never the vaccine... it's always "other causes"

How many people were really killed by the mRNA vaccines? We don’t really know, because they deny it's happening


By metmike - March 20, 2021, 2:06 p.m.
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"He was likely dead an hour after the confrontation whether the confrontation happened or not."

Tim that one actually made me laugh out loud and I know that you didn't intend it to be funny and I'm not trying to be disrespectful, just honest.

So now, we should base murder charges on how healthy a person is. If you kill an unhealthy person, they died too easily because the same force would not have killed a healthy person....... Or, the unhealthy person would have died anyways, but it just would have happened a tad later.  

BTW, everybody has a different tolerance for drugs. A long time drug user can take, in fact often requires many times more of the drug for the same affects as somebody not accustomed to heavy drug use.

I was in the ER visiting a person just 2 years ago, somebody with an extreme tolerance that was going thru severe alcohol withdrawal. 

The doctor gave them almost 100 mg of Ativan in less than 24hours. 8mg every 2 hours.  I'm very familiar with drugs and treatments and still think that was a very bad idea but I confronted the doctor because I thought it was wrong/bad. 

They were trying to control the patient.

He said, "half that amount would have killed you or me".

I got him to change the drug to Ketamine and it worked at a lower/safer dose.

If that patient had been George Floyd and taken that much Ativan to get high, before he was killed by a cop kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes,the autopsy would have indicated he had over double the lethal dose of Ativan in his blood and would have died anyway.

If you understand pharmocology, you would understand that but people reading the article that you did to form your opinion don't understand pharmocology or they would not have the opinion that he would have been dead an hour later, without the cop kneeling on the back of his neck for 9 consecutive minutes. 


By metmike - March 20, 2021, 2:30 p.m.
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The daily limit of Ativan based on the FDA is 10 mg in 24 hours.....I just looked but I told that to the head doc treating this patient and remembered it.

The lethal dose is much higher of course but he got way more than that.

If you or I got some Ativan, the doc might give us 1mg, maybe 3 times in a day, possibly up to double that for a short period if they were treating something like seizures.

So this person who received 100 mg of Ativan in 24 hours should be dead.

Good thing they didn’t escape from their room....they were actually in restraints because of being aggressive and awake part of the time.

A cop could have suffocated them or manhandled them and because of the Ativan they would have died easier and the autopsy would have shown the cause of death was an overdose.

By TimNew - March 20, 2021, 11:39 p.m.
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"He was likely dead an hour after the confrontation whether the confrontation happened or not."

Tim that one actually made me laugh out loud and I know that you didn't intend it to be funny and I'm not trying to be disrespectful, just honest.

So now, we should base murder charges on how healthy a person is. If you kill an unhealthy person, they died too easily because the same force would not have killed a healthy person....... Or, the unhealthy person would have died anyways, but it just would have happened a tad later.  "

Bless your heart  :-)

My point was Floyd Od'd.   He was going to die no matter what happened.  Had the actions of the police actualy been fatal,  he would have died on the spot.  That's how fatal actions work.  That he died an hour later should give you a clue.

So,  answer a few questions.

Did Floyd have 3 times the leathal level of fenatanyl in his system?

Did Floyd have meta-anphetamine in his system?

Did Floyd have a heart condition?

If you answer yes to two or more of these questions honestly,  then you have to agree that the actions of the police did not cause his death.

Or, you can be dishonest.  Your call.

By metmike - March 21, 2021, 1:29 a.m.
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"If you answer yes to two or more of these questions honestly,  then you have to agree that the actions of the police did not cause his death.

Or, you can be dishonest.  Your call."


Seriously? I can either agree with your bs source or I'm dishonest?

You are being faked out with fake news from an unreliable source that does not understand toxicology, pharmaceuticals and the human body or is intentionally using misleading information to fake people out that want to believe this who also don't understand it one bit.

Since you decided to completely ignore my attempt to return the intelligence stolen from your brain by this silly article back to your brain....with a real world example using Ativan, which actually just happened to me 2 years ago..............

Let me suggest that you reread the Ativan example above and in addition, note from  peer reviewed sources that  post mortum Fentanyl  blood levels are not reliable.

Reliability of Postmortem Fentanyl Concentrations in Determining the Cause of Death


The very wide and overlapping ranges of postmortem fentanyl concentrations effectively nullify the utility of correlating the dose and expected postmortem concentration for any particular death. Based on the variable relationship between dose and blood concentration, the antemortem dose cannot be reliably predicted based on the postmortem concentration.

Post Mortem Redistribution of Drugs: Current State of Knowledge

They concluded that femoral blood concentrations obtained in deceased treated subjects were a mean of 9 times higher than the concentrations obtained in living subjects treated with equivalent doses, and could also be higher than the concentrations obtained in subjects who died of an overdose. As well as the lipophilic basic nature of the molecule, transdermal administration appears to be a contributory factor [110]. These results were corroborated by those of Olson et al. [34] who measured early post mortem femoral concentrations (at admission to the mortuary, mean post mortem interval 4 hours) and at autopsy (mean interval 21.6 hours).  ...

metmike: Your link claims Floyds Fentanyl was 11ng/ml and people have died at just 3 ng/ml.

This is absurd. The theraputic dose for pain management under medical care is 1 to 2 ng/ml. People that died at just 3ng/ml likely were using/abusing a combination of other drugs with the fentanyl.

The amount they measured postmortum in Floyd, is possibly 9 times too high based on the science explained above. 

But you keep believing in the silly thing because it came from this source that you want to believe and ignore what we all saw in the video for 9 minutes and what I just explained to you about the science. 

I think because you are much smarter than the average person, when you take a few minutes and actually read this information, you will realize that you just got bamboozled. If that happened to me, I'd be pretty ticked off at the source vs defending them. 

I'm not hear to sell politics................and as your friend Tim.

People that deceive and mislead you are not your friend.

By TimNew - March 21, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
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One of us is ignoring facts.  I know you have concluded which of us.   But the fact is,  Floyd had a fatal combination of drugs in his system. 

Chavin's actions are actually SOP,  but many "experts" discourage it and disagree with it's use.

Had Chavin's actions resulted in death by suffocation, Floyd would not have been able to repeatedly yell "I Can't breath".   When you can talk, you are not suffocating.   BTW, Floyd was yelling "I can't breath"  before, during and after the time he was being restrained,  probably related to his fatal level of ingested drugs aggrivated by his heart condition.

FInally,  getting back to the original point,  Chavin will not likely be convicted.  The evidence simply does not support a conviction,  and we will probably see serious riots,   right around the time the campaigning for mid-term elections begin.  That sort of thing has become very predictable.

By TimNew - March 21, 2021, 7:30 a.m.
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One of us is ignoring facts.  I know you have concluded which of us.   But the fact is,  Floyd had a fatal combination of drugs in his system. 

Chavin's actions are actually SOP,  but many "experts" discourage it and disagree with it's use.

Had Chavin's actions resulted in death by suffocation, Floyd would not have been able to repeatedly yell "I Can't breath".   When you can talk, you are not suffocating.   BTW, Floyd was yelling "I can't breath"  before, during and after the time he was being restrained,  probably related to his fatal level of ingested drugs aggrivated by his heart condition.

FInally,  getting back to the original point,  Chavin will not likely be convicted.  The evidence simply does not support a conviction,  and we will probably see serious riots,   right around the time the campaigning for mid-term elections begin.  That sort of thing has become very predictable.

By mcfarm - March 21, 2021, 8:24 a.m.
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I do not believe the cop SHOULD be convicted of what some silly people decide on a jury is another question, right OJ?

By metmike - March 21, 2021, 11:43 a.m.
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thanks much for your sincere opinions!