How tens of millions of Americans recently became racists-Not!
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Started by metmike - June 20, 2020, 8:06 p.m.

As most of us know, slavery in the US was an accepted part of society for hundreds of years.

The battle to seek freedom and equality for slaves was won in the 1860's but blatant racism continued, especially in many places in the south for another 100+ years.  The KKK was a powerful organization and there were numerous lynchings and killings of blacks in the south.

However, massive progress was being made in some areas. The NAACP and many other organizations pushed hard to advance laws and changes in society that continually made positive progress.

In the 1960's that positive progress accelerated, led by the man who caused more positive changes for human rights in this country than any other,  Martin Luther King.

His incredible sacrifices, peaceful protests and powerful speeches galvanized America and Americans into understanding the extent of the problem and helped both races to galvanize around a common objective.

Still plenty of racism, especially where it was deeply rooted in some places in the South but gradually being snuffed out as the generations raised in racist communities as children and came to embrace those ideas.........died out and were replaced by new generations taught to embrace all men and women really being equal and skin color makes no difference.

By the time we got into this new century, racism was still shrinking but there were still groups of white nationalists scattered around  that would push their agenda at meetings/rally's or soon after, online. As evidence of the new world order that shunned this belief system, they would be resoundingly/emphatically  condemned by almost everybody that wasn't them..........which was gradually morphing towards almost everybody. 

Go crawl back into your holes you racist MF-ers (-:  And that's what happened most of the time. 

In 2008, one of the signs that Americans by a wide margin, didn't judge a person by their skin color any more happened when we elected a black president, then elected him again in 2012. 

Things were not perfect but again, they were going in the right direct and most people thought so too. This is not to downplay the existence of persistent racism in some realms, just stating that it was getting better and the vast, vast majority of Americans, including 100% of mainstream viewpoints 

 However, if we look back on it now, we can see that America's view of American racism was actually the most positive during the decade previous to President Obama being elected and his first 4 years.............then, suddenly America's view on American racism plunged precipitously in 2013 based on race relations surveys and people's attitudes.

What the heck happened?

White supremacists didn't suddenly grow by many millions. Laws protecting equal rights for minorities were not revoked............we had a black president for God's sake. And it wasn't a small drop either. It was a big drop that did not recover and in fact, kept going lower from the black Americans point of view.

So it was extraordinarily significant and marked a turning point. Not a turning point in racism or racists but the turning point for the MSM and democrats to use race, politically  to convince us, that our country was wrong about ourselves the last decade+ or even since MLK died. They want us to think that we really are a bunch of racists but just never knew it.

It goes much farther than police but they have been the centers of using this politically to blame totally failed political policies (or lack of them) to address the real reason that blacks are not enjoying the same American Dream as whites. They want us to believe that its systemic racism and racist cops and a system controlled by racist white people  is intentionally stacked against black people.

While I agree 100% that the system needs to make changes to ASSIST case is to focus almost entirely  in programs for better educations, more jobs and helping  young black males growing up to appreciate the values of being part of black families when they are adults vs committing violent crime at a 6 times higher rate as whites.

I contend that racism has little to do with this. Racist whites are not intentionally holding back blacks from getting educations, jobs or being good fathers.  It's the people who's job, often making 6 figure salaries to do this and its mostly one party running our inner cites that have failed out black families to provide this needed instead of taking actions or being held accountable for their lack of actions, since 2013, what has been very effective in continuing to convince blacks that THEY are the party that fights racism and the other party is the party of racists, is to convince us that there is massive systemic racism(of the other party) and they are the only hope that blacks have to make it vote for them.

By metmike - June 20, 2020, 8:45 p.m.
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Based on surveys/polls Americans think there are tens of millions more people out there that are either racists or on board with systemic racism which is hurting blacks then there were just 10 years ago.

Where did all these new racists and new discriminatory practices come from?

Yes, cops profile blacks  but studies show they actually kill more whites than blacks for individual confrontations.........and if anything, that has gotten BETTER since 2013, while race relations have dropped off of a cliff.

It's 100% perception. People are not telling us things based on facts, they are telling us their opinions based on what they SAW/HEARD ON THE NEWS/INTERNET or READ IN THE PAPER. They only know what they were shown and told. 

There isn't one iota of data that shows tens of millions of people or society became more racist, the evidence is 100% the opposite. We are NOT a racist society and racism is absolutely not systemic and  almost everybody finds it extremely offensive/repulsive. Don't let the MSM and dems convince you otherwise.

Case in point: The murder of George Floyd. It was pretty graphic and sickening. It led to widespread condemnation from everybody. From both sides politically, including President Trump. From all media sources, especially Fox news. From all police organizations and all police officers. From all protesters.

How many counter protesters or opposing views were there?


 The entire country agreed on the extreme level of this being appalling. Surely there were some white nationalist types out there that thought otherwise but not a peep from them because their kind and their opinion don't matter to society and they no longer have any power to influence anybody or anything other than others like them who are totally shunned by society in the United States. 

However, the MSM and dems don't tell you that. If they did and we realized racists don't control a big part of our world(police) , then we wouldn't need them to save us(by wearing African garb and taking down statue's of men that had slaves when slaves were accepted by society).

So the place where these tens of millions of new racists that American's didn't know about 10 years ago is the land of make believe created for political agenda.

It's from the  exact same place that BLM gets its fraudulent agenda from.  Thousands of blacks die at the hands of other blacks from crime but they don't matter. Defund the police.............which will increase crime that kills more blacks, to potentially save others, that fight police who try to arrest them for violent crimes they commit at a 6 times higher rate than whites. Safety for the law abiding blacks matters not.....or education or jobs or their dysfunctional families from not have good fathers........because we can blame everything on the cops, making them the fall guys.

Probably most behind BLM.........who are very sincere, have no idea they are just being totally used by people with agenda that are taking them down the exactly wrong path, going in the opposite direction of where MLK Jr. took us. 

By metmike - June 21, 2020, 11 a.m.
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By metmike - June 21, 2020, 11:54 a.m.
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Race relations are now front-of-mind for 2020 voters

"According to a new CNN poll, "With 42% of Americans calling race relations extremely important to their vote for president this fall, the issue now stands on par with the economy and health care near the top of campaign issues," writes CNN polling director Jenn Agiesta (emphasis mine).

Among those prioritizing race relations, there's a demographic and political split. Most black voters call it extremely important: 61%. That's an increase from the 34% of black voters who said the same in 2015.

          Right now, 60% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters say race relations are extremely important. Compare that with just 18% of Republicans and Republican-leaners who said the same."

metmike: The graphic George Floyd killing caused the recent spike in concern but as shown from the previous graph, this started in 2013. 

I guess we were all ignorant about racism previous to 2013. All this systemic racism and had no idea but thanks to the MSM and democrats, we know now......NOT!

In 2013 and the prior decade+, most people stopped thinking about the differences in skin color. They really did. In most minds, we just saw other human beings. Other Americans. Yes, still some racists, especially with older folks(you will NEVER change that until they die) that represent a dying breed but treatment of skin color as a fact, was morphing towards a place where we need it to be if we ever want to see it as not mattering.

Now look at us.

It's been turned into the MAIN issue. As important as the economy(jobs, income...etc) and health care. Everybody is back to seeing skin color and differences. After all the healing for decades, passing dozens of laws and legal decisions to crush racism. Many hundreds of black organizations to further positives and represent blacks(I'll show all that next) it's like we've suddenly gone back into a time machine and are back in the 1960's mentality.

I remember the race riots then. I was a kid in Detroit, living just a few miles from the biggest one in July 1967.

MLK Jr. was still alive back then with his galvanizing cause battling widespread racism...... hard to make changes and winning over tens of  millions with peaceful protests. 

1. Did he ever suggest 1 time that we remove statue's?

No. Law changes. More jobs for blacks. Better education. Equality on every level.

2. Did he ever dress up in African garb?

No. He wanted to be treated seriously

3. Did he cause change and change minds?

More than any person in US history on anything. Streets are named after him in every city and we honor him with a special holiday. His entirely peaceful protests/marches changed tens of millions of minds.

4. Are today's protests also changing minds? 

NO! They have been counterproductive. I am ok with the peaceful protests(I went to one here earlier this month) We are not a nation of racists anymore. We all recognized the atrocity of what this cop did. Both parties, all media sources agreed resoundingly. All cops and police departments across the country. Sadly, the protests have actually been counterproductive. The violence has done much more damage than good. Not just to those communities where violence took place but to the cause of the legit movement. It has spread the coronavirus too. They have magnified the division in this country. They have been a source for outside groups to instigate trouble.  There have  MANY, MANY more people turned off by them than, converted to BLM causes. 

5. What does BLM even want? 

This is the problem. THEY want us to NOT see everybody the equal, they want us to see blacks differently with the assumption that blacks need special treatment because they are being abused by racist cops........who represent society. The solution to defund police would be the worst possible solution and would HURT blacks the most.  But blacks killing other blacks in the thousands from violent black crime in the REAL world, is not their top issue......means they have no credibilty. Most are likely very  sincere but they have been caught up in a counter productive political movement that is HURTING blacks, by increasing racism (people that like me, that see them as frauds, may not be as kind in judging them) and wasting resources that could go towards substantive solutions for helping blacks.

6. Who is behind this?

People that want to create chaos and divisiveness. To disrupt law and order. People (from 1 party) that want to use politics for power and votes and in this case are focusing on an upcoming election. Decide for yourself who that is but, if their objective was really to improve race relations, then look at the graph again on the previous page and note the exact opposite happening in 2013. 

PERCEPTION of Race relations over the last 7 years have taken a horrible turn for the worse. We really have not increase racism or racists, this has been manufactured for the political agenda...........which misses addressing the real issues and solutions. However, perception is everything in this case. Note the new CNN poll. 

They have been very successful at making race a TOP issue and presenting it like its one side against the other, when both sides already agreed for a very long time. 

And its turning into 1 side against the other because the side that is supposedly fighting for blacks, is clearly being seen for representing tons of bs. Protests that featured violence and spreading COVID to convert people already converted. 

Demand for police defunding. If you want to DIVIDE people, this is how to do it. Anybody for law and order is going to come out AGAINST YOU, not for you. Assigning racism to people of a particular party and those that support that party. I am not a republican but find it very offensive when people (who know my position of racism) question how I can support a racist president. Every never Trumper actually is convinced of this and nothing will change their minds.

This is intentional and political and based on perception imposed on all the people by the gatekeepers that provide us with their interpretation of the world they want us to think is happening, not the real world.