Anti Establishment Guy
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Started by joj - March 18, 2019, 5:44 a.m.

I generally steer clear of Zerohedge stuff because they often dwell in conspiracy theories.  But, I found myself agreeing with a lot of points this guy makes.  Not everything but a lot.

Socialism & Capitalism aren't the enemy.  Corruption is.

Cap gains tax break is a fraud (or a failure depending on your viewpoint).

Military Industrial Complex, and the wars they have gotten us into, is misguided at best and insane at worst.

Social Security taxes capped at whatever level are a protection of the upper 1%.  And, it's NOT an entitlement.

Fining corporations for the illegal acts that their corporate officers should have gone to jail for is a miscarriage of justice.

He hits the left too.

It's a long read, so take it in parts (like a book) if you like.  Or, of course, don't bother....  I probably wouldn't have read it except I've been awake since 2am. 

By mcfarmer - March 18, 2019, 7:26 a.m.
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Thanks, I book marked it.

When the little ones are napping today I’ll check it out.