Mother of all ralleys...
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Started by TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 8:52 p.m.

This might belong in the TR section...  But as I have had a few beers and am planning on gloating...  I guess we'll stick to NTR. 

 I was saying in Q4:18 that stocks were under priced.  I'm seeing a 7.9% investment  return in conservative investments for the month in the best January in about 30 years.   And as I recall,  nearly everyone here told me I was wrong <G>  

Since I was "bragging",  we've added a well over 600K jobs,  MFG is going nuts..  Almost every eco-metric is at 5-10 year highs...  

You're welcome  <hee Hee Hee>

By TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 9:24 p.m.
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And it's all that dayum Trumps fault!!!!  <G>

By TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 9:26 p.m.
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His stoopid tax cut for the rich scam and assorted regulatory cuts were a total failure,  right right right?

Millions now working who weren't and millions more seeing the highest incomes gains in over a decade and the lowest unemployment in decades. the lowest ever for minorities!!!!

Say it with meeee.

Trump is ruining America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 9:35 p.m.
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All these billions of dollars in taxable income/earnings...  that didn't exist 2 years ago.  They won't have any effect on the deficit.  It will go up by trillions dammit!!!  

If only Hillary were president.  We'd have 2-3 new wars and Billary would be billions richer...

Damn that Trump and that stooped electoral college and that freekin constitution!!!

By TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 9:41 p.m.
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But don't worry.  In no more than 20 years, the US will be socialist.  Socialism is just such a gosh darn swell idea.  No one ever has to worry about anything.  The government will find the money somehow.  It's always worked, right?  It always will.  It will be just swell.

Can I get a a halleluiah!!!

By TimNew - Feb. 1, 2019, 9:48 p.m.
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It's OK though.  In America today,  there are lines of bread and meat.

In socialist America, there will be lines for bread and meat. And fights will break out over shortages.

Go Bernie!!!!

By metmike - Feb. 1, 2019, 10:53 p.m.
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You tell em Tim!

Personally, I don't think that Trump will be re elected in 2020. Too many enemies in Washington that want him out and you really can't defeat the mainstream media, when its this hell bent on getting him out of office, practicing political activism instead of journalism and running a massive negative campaign against him for 2 years.

I was part of the media for 11 years, not a national news reporter or anchor, where the big conflicts,  confrontations and spinning occur but the media is well aware of the power that it yields and is maximizing it with the 95% negative spin on every Trump story.

Even when the national media gets busted badly with 2 different stories showing how biased they are, especially the one trashing and judging and hating a 16 year old boy because he was wearing a Trump hat, since Trump is pro life and he was at a pro life rally.......because he respects the dignity of all life, they continued to blame the boy for wearing the hat................and that become the topic.

After the video showed the kid did nothing was decided that wearing a hat supporting the candidate that stands up for life,  was actually looking for trouble. 

CNN and others like them learned a more careful when spinning fake news so we don't get busted. 

Regarding many issues, the media will often do a great job providing facts. 

On political issues they do poorly, leaning strongly to one side.

On Trump and climate change, they are activists not journalists. On Trump, with some of the stuff, since its politics you can see there are 2 sides, even though they mostly tell one side.

On climate change, we are talking about climate science and weather. Empirical data, observations, massive benefits and much of the authentic science and facts have been completely and intentionally flushed down the toilet because the goal is to convince people of an extreme version of climate change.

It long ago parted ways with telling the objective truth using authentic science and the ones using using junk, exaggerated science based on a speculative theory, insist that the science was settled over a decade ago and those that disagree should not be allowed to have a voice. 

Worse than intolerance, because it's not just a cry to shun and call people that disagree with them, deniars and flat earthers but a hijacking and distorting of climate science and banning the scientific method, that requires questioning and testing of theories to prove their authenticity.


By mcfarm - Feb. 2, 2019, 7:06 a.m.
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thanks for the good news Tim.....there a many days when the msm could not find the good news if was stuck up their axx

By TimNew - Feb. 2, 2019, 8:18 a.m.
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The MSM is very good at what it does.   Darn shame it's not the reporting of news.