U.S. spy chiefs break with Trump
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Started by mojo - Jan. 31, 2019, 9:17 a.m.

They didn't even mention the southern border as being any kind of a concern & the Trump is not happy about it.


By metmike - Jan. 31, 2019, 12:38 p.m.
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Interesting how they decided to make the title(anti Trump):

"U.S. spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to the U.S."

Completely ignoring the vastly more profound points in the article:

"The Chinese counterintelligence threat is more deep, more diverse, more vexing, more challenging, more comprehensive and more concerning than any counterintelligence threat I can think of," FBI Director Christopher Wray said.

He said almost all the economic espionage cases in the FBI's 56 field offices "lead back to China."

Coats said intelligence officials have been traveling around the United States and meeting with corporate executives to discuss espionage threats from China.

He said China has had a meteoric rise in the past decade, adding, "A lot of that was achieved by stealing information from our companies."

But they wouldn't want to have a title that agrees with Trump on anything. 

By mojo - Jan. 31, 2019, 6:16 p.m.
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Judging by your reply I get the impression that you didn't understand the gist of the article.

By metmike - Jan. 31, 2019, 7:48 p.m.
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I read and understand the entire article mojo. 

I have no intention on going into a political debate on the importance of each issue.........despite disagreeing with a number of items.

MY point, which I thought was clear is questioning why they would choose this title:

U.S. spy chiefs break with Trump on many threats to the U.S.

When clearly, the threat from China is the most significant part of the article. Not my opinion, THEIR SOURCES opinions.

When you pick a title for a story, it should tell the reader what the reader should know is the most important part of the story.

This reporter/source wants the reader to know that experts disagree with Trump. That is much more important in their opinion than what those experts actually told us about China............which is pretty dang scary. At least based on the author of the article who picked the title.  

I note too that  other mainstream media sources are also jumping on the disagreement with Trump element and ignoring what is 10 times more significant............what's happening with China.

The story title worked too. This is why you picked it to cut and paste here. If the title was chosen to tell us this, from the story:

"The Chinese counterintelligence threat is more deep, more diverse, more vexing, more challenging, more comprehensive and more concerning than any counterintelligence threat I can think of," FBI Director Christopher Wray said."

You would have passed it by to look for another article that had Trump and a negative fact in the title.

This is what's selling papers and attracting viewers because they know what guys like you want to see and read.