MAGA caps and White Hoods....the irony
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Started by GunterK - Jan. 24, 2019, 10:04 a.m.

For the last few days, the nation was engaged in feverish arguments about a picture/video clip… a picture that showed a highschool kid wearing a MAGA cap and a Native American elder with a drum

Now, since it’s over, it is quite obvious that nothing really happened there… this incident was not even worthwhile to be reported in a small town’s local newspaper. And had this kid not worn a MAGA cap, nobody would have reported it.

Yet, two rather disturbing issues emerged from the media frenzy…….


Our MSM will stop at nothing to create hatred and anger directed against the president and his followers.

The (unedited) video clearly shows Mr. Phillips, the Native American, approaching the highschool kids, walking up to their leader, and banging his drum right in the kid’s face. One certainly could call this “harassment”. Yet, the kid just stood there and smiled.

The MSM,, however, turned this story around. They claimed the kid harassed Mr. Phillips… his smile was described as the “smirk”of a white privileged kid, and they even threw in a comment about Mr. Phillips being a VietNam war hero (even though it now turns out he has never been in VietNam), knowing quite well that this comment would further anger the public.

And they succeeded…a barrage of hatred and violent threats was released upon the kids. Their school had to shut down for a day, citing security concerns. Some sites compared this kid to killers Adam Lanza and Dylann Roof. Have they lost their mind?!?

Their false reporting and their smear campaign was so successful, that even today, long after their story was debunked, a large portion of the public still believes that the kid is the culprit

Nice going, lying-CNN and MSM friends… you showed us what you are…once again.


The Democrats and their reaction…

It wasn’t just the public …. several democrat politicians and people in the entertainment industry joined the verbal violence against the boys, even after the false reporting of the MSM had been exposed.

One comment that was made (here on this forum and on CNN) is the subject of this post. They said that MAGA caps are the “white KKK hoods” of today.

This is unbelievable!!!!!!! It's the other way around!!!

I am only an Immigrant and I may have my facts wrong…however, for years, I have considered the Democratic Party to be the party of tolerance and civility.

All this changed in 2016.

Now we have a young boy (obviously a Trump supporter) being harassed, and he just stands there, with a smile on his face…. a model of civility, if I may call it that.

And on the other side, you have the Democrats threatening the boys and their school with violence.

It seems to me, the Democratic party has morphed back into what it was a long time ago. If this wasn’t the year 2019, but the late 19th century, they would put on their white hoods, get on their horses and ride to Covington High School to lynch a few of the kids.

Of course, today, they don’t ride horses…. Today, they do it on the internet, a place where one can threaten people without having one’s identity revealed… no white hoods needed.

Yes, it’s the Left that’s putting on their “virtual” white hoods.

With this post, I don’t want to offend the many reasonable Democrats and Liberals. On this forum, we do have people such as Carl and others, who debate their political views respectfully. I respect them.

However, the poisonous vitriol spewed out by the MSM and other internet sites during the last few days, demonizing a young boy who did nothing wrong but smile at a person who harassed him, looks to me like the work of a digital lynch mob (without the white hoods and without the ropes)… and all this because the kid wore the red cap.

What is next?

By mcfarm - Jan. 24, 2019, 10:26 a.m.
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what is next could get interesting. The boys have offered 2 days for every media outlet, news person, member of congress, tv host and all others who slandered them to apologies. That is within standing of their Christian faith. After that they will be sued in a court of law. A well known libel attorney has advised the they will have strong case except against guess who....our congressmen who have insulated themselves against these kind of suits with their own law.;.....unless we change it

By metmike - Jan. 25, 2019, 3:24 p.m.
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Thanks very much Gunter,

I'd like the forum to know that Gunter has enough respect for others here, that he sent me a copy of this post before posting it to see if I thought that it might be offensive to some.

If he thought that it might be offensive, he was not going to post it...........check that, if I thought that it might be offensive, he was not going to use it. 

This is not required of course but it shows Gunters character and willingness to forgo making his views known on a piece that took a bit of time to type up........... if it was going to upset others. 

There are other elements to the reactions too.

For instance, when the news first came out and we didn't know that the boys were framed, BOTH sides condemned them for their behaviour. The right did as well as the left.  

The right did not defend these boys.............until they facts became known to base their defense on vs defending them for political reasons.

When the facts came out, some media outlets acknowledged that they goofed, some doubled down and ramped up the attacks on the boys. Some copped out and said "it was complicated" or "there were 2 sides to the story"

When the numerous (credibility crushing) facts about the Indian became known, some liberal media sources continued to use him as a credible source to attack the boys.