Ken Star investagation
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Started by frey_1999 - Jan. 24, 2019, 6:59 a.m.

Ran for 4 years without a single conviction or creditabille charge of wrong doing. Mr Star said enough and stated he was resigning to take a position at Perrdine University he was asked by the Republicans to stay on and attempt to get Clinton on a possible affair  Clinton  might have had with a consenting adult.

Fast forward to today 

Mueller investigation has  gone on for less than 2 years and has resulted in near 3 dozen indictments ,and at least 8 guilty pleas or convictions. 

As all we hear out of the TT`s is that this witch hunt of the trump administration  has to end. 

Crazy when you think about it

By mcfarm - Jan. 24, 2019, 7:08 a.m.
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well you have accidently hit the nail on  the head. It has surely been a witch hunt on its supposed mandate......Russia. Russia, Russia

By carlberky - Jan. 24, 2019, 7:13 a.m.
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Frey, it's only crazy IF they think about it.

By TimNew - Jan. 24, 2019, 7:46 a.m.
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This is hilarious.  Thanks Frey.    As long as you ignore a lot of relevant facts,  you make an excellent point.

1.) Several "TT"'s, as you lovingly refer to anyone who does not foam at the mouth at the mention of Trump's name, called Starr's investigation a witch hunt as well. (add me to this list). It flies in the face of 4th amendment protection,  much as the current witch hunt.  The big difference here is the the "TT"s can acknowledge that both were wrong.

2.) There were several indictments considered in the Starr investigation, including several for perjury,  but they decided not to pursue them.  They certainly had grounds, more so than in many of the current.  And,  a few of those targets ended up with "untimely demise".

3.) Of the current investigation, NONE of the indictments have been remotely related to the campaign or Trump. (see 4th amendment)

Other than these items,  you are as "right on the money" as always.  Thanks for your consistency.

By joj - Jan. 24, 2019, 8:50 a.m.
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Regarding point number 2 in your post.

Clinton certainly did commit perjury.  But a buddy of mine who was a judge for 15 years stated:  "In the history of our republic, no man has ever been prosecuted, or even indicted for lying about an affair while under oath."

Your inability to see the difference between the Star investigation and the Muller investigation is telling.

By frey_1999 - Jan. 24, 2019, 8:56 a.m.
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Yes I agree you post is hilarious.

First  as per usual you totally misrepresent the definition of TT  so  that doesn't happen again I will clarify it for you. It is a person who lacks the ability to look at trumps policies,his demeanor,his interactions with his administration,ability to listen and learn from his own experts,his need to blame others including but not limited to the justice department and National defense for his own shortcomings, inadequacies,and possible if not probable illegal activities.

Are you really trying to make the case that being considered for indictment is the same as being indicted ?

Your statement number 3 are you serious ---- 5  people that were either advisors, adminastators or both have been convicted or plead guilty to dealings with Russian or Russian operatives living in Ukrain  including trumps campaign manger who made a plea agreement with prosecutors to avoid convection on 25 felony counts only to be caught breaking the plea deal when it was discovered that he was actually conspiring with Donald Trump to give trump info on the investigation of trump.

But I guess that has nothing to do with trump 

By TimNew - Jan. 24, 2019, 8:57 a.m.
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"Your inability to see the difference between the Star investigation and the Muller investigation is telling."

You're right of course.  The Clinton's were so obviously more sleezy and Guilty than Trump,  comparing the two goes beyond the old Apples/Oranges thing.

By TimNew - Jan. 24, 2019, 3:16 p.m.
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Golly Frey,  I missed your little nugget.   

Always entertaining.   Let's start with this rambling yet essentially meaningless definition of "TT"

"First  as per usual you totally misrepresent the definition of TT  so  that doesn't happen again I will clarify it for you. It is a person who lacks the ability to look at trumps policies,his demeanor,his interactions with his administration,ability to listen and learn from his own experts,his need to blame others including but not limited to the justice department and National defense for his own shortcomings, inadequacies,and possible if not probable illegal activities."

What you appear to be saying here is that if someone "lacks the ability to look at Trump-- yadda yadda yadda" Its an incomplete statement that lacks a conclusion..  Everyone has an ability to look at Trump and his assorted activities,  so no one matches your stated definition.  But I encourage you to attempt to complete a thought.  It's always entertaining.

On to your next.

"Your statement number 3 are you serious ---- 5  people that were either advisors, adminastators or both have been convicted or plead guilty to dealings with Russian or Russian operatives living in Ukrain  including trumps campaign manger who made a plea agreement with prosecutors to avoid convection on 25 felony counts only to be caught breaking the plea deal when it was discovered that he was actually conspiring with Donald Trump to give trump info on the investigation of trump."

Above is a link to the total list of Mueller indictments.  Note the proclivity of charges of "Lying to the FBI", which essentially means crimes that were created by the investigation.  They tripped a few people up and charged them. Not related to Trump or the campaign.  Then there were 12 indictments for Russian GRU agents who may have hacked democrats.  Not related to Trump or the campaign. 13 indictments for Russians trolling on Facebook :::gasp:: . Again, not related to Trump or his campaign. Witness tampering in the case against Manafort, that had nothing to do with Trump or his campaign.

Are you seeing a pattern here yet?


By frey_1999 - Jan. 25, 2019, 6:48 a.m.
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So your LOGIC is that helping a friend bury the body should not be a crime. 


By TimNew - Jan. 25, 2019, 6:57 a.m.
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Not at all what I said.  And if you reread my posts,  you'll agree.

What I said was, yes, the Mueller investigation has issued several indictments, none of which pertain to Trump or his campaign.   That may change.  Maybe Mueller is holding back some "Bombshells".  But with each passing month, that seems less and less likely.