France and news of interest.
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Started by carlberky - Dec. 11, 2018, 8:46 a.m.
By frey_1999 - Dec. 11, 2018, 10:20 a.m.
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What a shock, says nobody except the trumpers.

Russia is the kings of using social media to influence the extremist and make them feel they are part of a much larger group. Lastly they point out who they need to blame which works into the world wide social unrest they desire. 

And trumps ego gave them more than they ever dreamed they would get

By metmike - Dec. 11, 2018, 10:25 a.m.
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You guys actually believe this???

France’s Macron expected to promise change amid riots and ‘economic catastrophe’ — but is it too late?

"The protests started as a demonstration against Macron’s carbon tax policy and planned fuel tax increases but they have morphed into wider anti-government protests and discontent at Macron’s leadership, rising living costs, his economic reforms and what many protesters say is Macron’s neglect of the working and middle-classes."

To blame this on Russia is to ignore the countless, widespread problems in France that are affecting the majority of people, thanks to the bungling, globalist, progressive leadership of their president.

To blame this on Russia...............fits right into the playbook of the same side in France that is blaming their loss in the US presidency of 2016 on Russia.

The people in France are holding the politicians in France, accountable for their actions in France. Russia wasn't imposing expensive (climate change) carbon taxes or causing a failing economy!

By TimNew - Dec. 11, 2018, 11:02 a.m.
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Well Mike..  All this unrest in France can't possibly be due to hopelessly flawed leftist policy can it?  Even if it makes life miserable, Leftists still mean really really well. They try so hard.  If it weren't for Russia's Facebook memes, the French would understand that and be content with the fact that Marcon is trying really really hard and things are just bound to get better, darn those gosh darn russians anyway.

By carlberky - Dec. 11, 2018, 1:39 p.m.
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I take it back. I do have an opinion. The Russians may not be behind all the unrest, but they certainly know how to take advantage of it.

By metmike - Dec. 11, 2018, 2:26 p.m.
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You're one of the few people around that has an opinion, that will read facts and information about that topic and shift the opinion in the direction that the information leads him to............vs looking for different information that supports the previously formed opinion.

I agree with you that the Russians take advantage of situations which are not in the best interest of other countries.......if it's in their best interest.

Not to defend them but most other countries do it too. Since the Russians are about the most sophisticated in the world in technology, one would expect them to also excel at this.

I always thought that China, buying a huge Trump bashing ad in the Des Moines IA Sunday paper was as blatant(out in the open)  of an attempt to influence politics in another country as any in history.

Was this meddling?

Of course it was. Just as much as using social media. 

My opinion is that part of the reason they used the newspaper and out in the open is that they know, here in America, it's very acceptable for the media to bash our president.

I would bet my house, that before Trump was elected and the feeding frenzy,  lower standard, tabloid type reporting became acceptable, they would never have considered this type of action. 

I think that it was counterproductive on the part of the Chinese.

How many patriotic farmers in IA, got 4 pages in their local newspaper from China, a country that we are having a trade war with, that felt this was sort of a personal invasion of their hometown newspaper from a foreign country?

How many read the ads and thought "Go China!"