America First
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Started by joj - Nov. 21, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

America's values last.

Saudi Prince gets a pass in spite of CIA and our European allies finding that he murdered a Journalist living in America.   Yet another dictator being coddled by Trump.  I see a pattern here...

By GunterK - Nov. 22, 2018, 12:10 a.m.
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I don't quite understand this whole issue....

This guy was a S Arabian national. He was killed in the S Arabian embassy. This embassy, according to international law, is S Arabian soil. This makes this killing a S Arabian internal, domestic affair....and it's none of our business to meddle in their affairs. The S Arabian justice system hands out a lot of public beheadings and other punishments that we don't approve of. So do other countries. Are we sanctioning every country that has a different legal system than ours? Do we have the right to make demands?

The fact that this man lived in the US should have nothing to do with it. Let's assume a US citizen, convicted and sentenced to death, escapes and lives in France.... and our authorities manage to get him back to the US, where he will be executed.... should France make demands about the details of his execution, and sanction us for executing him? If they did, we would give them the finger.

.... and as far as coddling up to dictators.... is this something new, or have other presidents done the same?

By GunterK - Nov. 22, 2018, 12:26 a.m.
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It just dawned on me.....

the reason why all the news media are covering this incident with such intensity, is the fact that he worked for the WaPo, a leading member of the MSM. Had he worked for any of the "alternate", conservative news sites, they would have said "good riddance"

By TimNew - Nov. 22, 2018, 6:21 a.m.
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What I find interesting...  is the level of interest over this incident vs. the level of disinterest over a US journalist who had his head sawed off on camera.  Of course, Obama was president then...    Never mind,

By mcfarm - Nov. 22, 2018, 6:46 a.m.
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of course you guys are correct. this is not a murder story. this is not a morality story. this is not a mystery. this a Trump story. nothing more. just another piece of crap hurt Trump story. they say 300 journalists killed in Mexico the last few years. where I the out cry? Hell about 300 people killed every weekend in Chicago. where is the out cry? this msm do to trump what the did to GWB is morbid.

By cfdr - Nov. 23, 2018, 8:56 a.m.
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Gunter, your problem on an internet forum is that you are just too logical!

Saudi Arabia and Khashoggi   -   I see that Khashoggi is referred to in the MSM as "the journalist Khashoggi."

Read a little about the man, and you'll see that he was no "journalist."

We have been trained to think in terms of "good guys" and "bad guys" - but often in the real world, and particularly in this case,  there are no "good guys"!