Beyond a palace coup
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Started by wglassfo - Sept. 23, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

This Russia investigation, secret docs, deep state thing, etc. reads like a cheap fiction novel

Except it has been revealed as real

Congress has been revealed as irrelevant. Mueller continues his investigation with so much breathless anticipation, he has to reveal something. Until he does he will continue/ with an army of biased lawyers, all on the gov't dime.

Trumps decides to finally declassify and reveal the secret docs, but then walks back the decision until multiple agencies get to slow walk the release. Any guess when they will see the light of day, given Trump put no deadline on the release date. Trey Goudy tells us there are no sources and methods. Would he lie to us. I doubt it. But Trump listens to the deep state and gets worried. Is that a sign of a strong leader when the deep state makes you reconsider. Possibly for a given time, but no given time to accomplish the supposed reason.

The U.K. supposedly pleaded with Trump to reconsider his de-classification order. Was the U.K involved with something in the USA??? Everybody says Russsia Russia. Maybe the U.K deserves a closer look, given Mr. Steele. Do we deserve to know. Would this blow up the Mueller investigation. Who Knows??? But: is Trump his own man??? or at the mercy of "who knows"

So why did Trump not put a deadline on the full release of all documents. Trey tell us it would be embarrassing to several top officials past and present. So who rules the palace?? It appears that Trump doesn't rule his own domain. So he huffs and puffs about trade. Don't look here, at the palace.. Look over there, at the trade thing. Haven't I done great things. Well, not so much on trade, and a palace coup does make it interesting

Trump supporters will quote chapter and verse, his jobs, economic domestic strength, tax reform, stk market gains etc. All things that will possibly make your personal life a bit better.

But have you noticed how weak Trump is, when the deep state threatens him. He caves to their demands to slow walk vital documents, as if he trembles at the deep state threats, mostly the DOJ, [Rosentein] but also FBI and other agencies. What kind of a strong commander-in-chief has his orders ignored??? I don't have to quote chapter and verse about other things.

Is trump in charge or is this more evidence of a palace coup. You should be worried, if your vote even counts for anything, that really counts for justice and truth. Let the masses eat cake is very relevant in this time of our lives. Yes: Eat cake and quote all the reasons you have your cake. Is cake more important than justice nd truth or a palace coup.?? Who is suffering the consequences of the tariffs. Just suck it up. Okay but for how long and who is adding up the long term damage. Yes, something had to be done, but at what cost and what methods??

However, I think truth and justice should trump all else 

Weak leaders fear a palace coup, fear the people around them, fear almost everything. Has anybody studied other countries and noticed how vocal, weak leaders are or become, as they continue to address the population in various rallies..

I am so disappointed, and I am sure we haven't reached the end of this cheap fiction book

Except it isn't a fiction book

By Lacey - Sept. 24, 2018, 11:21 a.m.
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He is trying to stay alive, and not be JFK'd.  At least he is trying to tackle long entrenched problems.  Short of ordering military tribunals, which by the way I am in favor of, he has been prodding forward letting the opposition screw up themselves, all without any real support behind him. Get a bulldog in their instead of Mr. Magoo and things could change quickly.  If this isn't dealt with in the near term, a civil war beckons.  I don't think there is any other way to get rid of the rot.

By wglassfo - Sept. 24, 2018, 4:10 p.m.
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I  have been posting the possibility of some kind of civil war for some time now

My thoughts:

If the mid term elections result in Dem control, then we have the possibility of unrest in the streets

What is known as a civil war, I do not know

By carlberky - Sept. 24, 2018, 4:43 p.m.
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" If the mid term elections result in Dem control, then we have the possibility of unrest in the streets. "

There would definitely be unrest in the streets, but there is no organized resistance. The real worry is that
he claims election fraud and declares Martial Law. 

By mcfarm - Sept. 24, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
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no Carl you will get no free pass on that untruth either. There was a candidate [trump]who calmly said he would absolutely accept the results of the last presidential election. And then there was his opposite {remember her} who not say she would accept them and to this day has not. Therapy helps with projection.