Worst in history leadership (by an extremely wide margin) from this current administration:
Yellen-Damaging the World!
Started by metmike - July 29, 2024, 4:56 p.m.
With decades of a track record, the Ds and MSM have decided to completely make up a new person and her positions with 3 months to go until the get her elected.
Just 2 months ago, the same gate keeping charlatans were still doubling and tripling down on the manufactured fairy tale that Joe Biden is the best qualified person to be president for another 4 years!!
"As a person of color, as a Black woman, who is in this position, that is standing before you at this podium, what he just said, what you just read out to me is repulsive," she said. "It's insulting, and no one has any right to tell someone who they are, how they identify. That is no one's right. That is someone's own decision.
Now that this is settled...........since we have 2 Jewish men that post here and the rest are pretty far right, as of today, I'm now identifying with being for Israel staying in Gaza until the job is done to justifiably remove Hamas, while collectively punishing the 2 million innocent people, mostly children and women (whoops, I mean the worthless Jew haters).
Business InsiderTrump lies to NABJ crowd, says Kamala Harris 'happened to turn Black'
Regardless of my previous post, fact is that Trump just created another self inflicted disaster on himself because of how he communicates to people.
He went into this venue to get black votes but said something extremely dumb to ATTACK HIS OPPONENT IN AN EXTREMELY PERSONAL WAY ABOUT HER RACE and it blew up his face/backfired........ because that's who he is and thats a huge part of the NOT Donald Trump vote.
This is from a Trump friendly source:
Many dozens of news outlets slammed Trump for this off the charts racially insensitive comment. Personally, I hope that society can one day stop being overly sensitive about stuff like this but know THAT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN because ratings seeking, sensationalizing media and politicians can use it for self serving this case to severely punish the man they hate for saying something really dumb because of his pervasive mentality to attack opponents.
I really don't think Trump is racist. He is just a vocal hater of everybody that opposes him and uses cringe worthy verbiage to express it.
We all remember when he attacked John McCain for being a prisoner of war and know that Trump is the exact opposite of honoring our veterans but his offensive, very personal attacks on opponents ALWAYS get him in trouble.
I really don't think Trump is racist. He is just a vocal hater of everybody that opposes him and uses cringe worthy verbiage to express it.
We all remember when he attacked John McCain for being a prisoner of war and know that Trump is the exact opposite of DIShonoring our veterans but his offensive, very personal attacks on opponents ALWAYS gets him in trouble.
Trump's McCain attack(s)comment:
Trump mocks John McCain's war injury while on campaign trail
We should note that John McCain, though a war hero that I greatly respect for what he sacrificed for our country, also got personal as he used his hatred for Trump caused him to betray his years of promises to his constituents because of it!
Trump brings out the worst in many people!
The MSN HATED McCain............until the personal feud erupted with Trump......suddenly, he was elevated to a great hero!
Trump did not deserve an assassination attempt on his life but it's not like he's another MLK that has rallies that teach love and forgiveness, trying to make the world a better place.
Many of us have been surprised it didn't happen earlier.
What did Trump learn from the event?
A new strategy to describe it as:
"I took a bullet for democracy" and
"Divine intervention saved me because God has a purpose for me"
Pure marketing scheme's that don't translate to 1 iota of humility or a change that would line up with the event actually having an authentic meaning on his persona/thinking.
I watch the evening news on ABC on many nights. A ton of headline news today for them to cover.
Tonight, can you guess where ABC news put Trumps comments last night?
The first 8 minutes of the news.
In other words, more important than anything else in the world and more than double the time covering anything else.
Trump shoots himself in the foot ...AGAIN but the media turns mole hills into Mt. Everest.
Personally, I believe whatever she states about fracking DOES NOT MATTER. It's all bs words to get votes because FRACKING WILL NEVER GET BANNED. They are just creating manufactured realities about this fairy tale 0 carbon future for their political agenda/CRONY CAPITALISM/sensationalizing, ratings seeking activist journalism and very misguided, junk science believing but sincere environmentalists.
Energy transition is a hoax
45 responses |
Started by metmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
There Is No Energy Transition, Just Energy Addition
While wind and solar power are taking a larger piece out of a growing world primary energy pie, fossil fuels are expected to have more absolute growth through 2050.
Several groups receiving grants promote defunding the police, ICE
Vice President Kamala Harris is being criticized for her support for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the organizations that have been chosen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to receive grants under the law.
The Inflation Reduction Act is likely the most corrupt, counterproductive, expensive piece of legislation in US history!
It should have been called the Inflation CAUSING Act. It was originally called the "Climate Bill" but when inflation was crushing Americans, they decided to rename it to the Inflation Reduction Act.
Same everything but the name change for marketing purposes and to mislead Americans.
A great name for it would have been "The Corrupted Fake Climate Crisis Bottomless Pit"
The quintessential example of a corrupt government colluding with crony capitalists for mutually beneficial self enrichment/agendas at the expense of Americans.
But never mind the economy or the border or the energy delivery system or the wars or crime……we should choose our presidents based on how effective the media is at exploiting bs to convince us to hate the candidate that they want to lose(both sides focusing on this)........and about saving the planet from the best weather/climate and greatly beneficial CO2 for life since humans have existed.......1 side completely manufacturing the fake climate crisis.
The current administration has the audacity to try to bamboozle Americans into believing their border policies were a success.
Give me a break on the twisted interpretation of the Rs rejecting a (greatly flawed) bill that would have supposedly fixed the border.
But this is Fox News, they must be distorting the facts to target Biden/Harris, right?
Spurred on by worsening economic and political crises across Latin America, migration to the United States reached record levels in 2022. Here’s a look at the year’s major immigration stories.
There has also been a sharp increase in encounters with citizens of China, despite its distance from the U.S.-Mexico border. The Border Patrol reported nearly 6,000 encounters with Chinese citizens at the southwestern border in December 2023, up from around 900 a year earlier.
Not to worry, folks!
Biden just fixed the problem, ahead of the election and now Harris is claiming to be part of the fix, instead of the worst in history and not really the cause of the crisis(the truth).
Listen to Kamala lie her arse off about the border and her role!
Up is down and down is up with her manufactured reality!
According to her, she is an aggressive, effective leader in controlling illegal immigration with experience and a track record and Donald Trump is just words.
Anybody with a few objective brain cells, along with the authentic data knows that she is blatantly lying.
I'll prove it on the next page!
The Ds insist that Kamala was never in charge of the border.
Wanna bet??? Here's the TRUTH:
Mar 24, 2021 - Politics & Policy
President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday.
The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.
Biden made the announcement as he and Harris met at the White House on Wednesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandra Mayorkas and other immigration advisers to discuss the increase in migrants, including many unaccompanied minors, arriving at the border in recent weeks.
The Southern Border was probably THE biggest crisis in the United States during this current administration. If she is a catastrophic failure, being in charge of this 1 area, how can she possibly do an effective job being in charge of EVERYTHING?
Now, her blind cheerleaders are blatantly lying about the fact proven above:
White House doubles down on claims VP Harris was never 'border czar'
Fox News' Peter Doocy grilled White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over recent claims that Vice President Kamala Harris never served as "border czar" on Thursday.
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kay, fine: Vice President Kamala Harris never held an official government title called “border czar.” But the media fact checkers and partisan fans who have zeroed in on separating her from that euphemistic title — as though this silly contest over rhetoric absolves her of responsibility for the worst mass migration crisis in American history — does not cut the anchor line.
The president of the United States assigned Harris to “lead the effort” of the administration’s signature border security strategy, the main one he chose above all others, for ending mass illegal immigration over the southern border. That strategy was to alleviate the so-called “root causes” spurring outmigration from its most common sources — Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, also known as the Northern Triangle.
The president and his top lieutenants regarded the root-causes doctrine — which calls for nation-building to induce aspiring emigrants to stay home instead — as central to his entire border-management strategy and found Harris a highly willing, eager root causes chief.
. . .
So whether you can call her “border czar” or just the person in charge of the administration’s main policy approach to the border, Harris must still answer for her contribution to the worst border crisis in American history that she aided and abetted in office.
If you owned a large company and put a key person in charge of one of the most important jobs….and they failed catastrophically by every measure to do the job, would you promote them to be the president of the company?
What if another person with a solid track record of effectively doing that same job was applying for the promotion to President.
Who would you promote?
Dumb question?
Yes, in every realm……except politics where different levels of dumb define the manufactured realities.
What if 1 of them was black and the other one questioned whether they were black or not?
Oh, man. The president running your company should absolutely be the black person in that case.
We know that 1 of the greatest qualifiers for being president is having your race questioned.
Most of the greatest leaders in our history had their race questioned.
I must be a racist to suggest that we put qualifications ahead of race.
Regardless of how dispicable and offensive Donald Trump is, it will never make Harris qualified or validate her ruinous agendas.
I’ve said several times that one of the biggest weaknesses, if not THE biggest weakness, of the Biden-Harris team is ineffective border policy. No question about it in my mind. However, that wouldn’t even come close to getting me to vote for Trump. I still don’t see anything that will get me to vote for him, especially after how he handled the 2020 election results and 1/6/21. Not that I considered voting for him before since he has always been way too divisive for my liking, but that pretty much sealed the deal for good. Furthermore, he had a chance to turn a new leaf with his convention speech after the shooting. But after a good start, he fumbled the ball to the other team, who took it in for a TD.
I’ll go a step further and say that I could never see myself supporting anybody else after doing a similar thing with election results.
A vote from me for Harris would have virtually nothing to do with how good I think she did as VP as nothing stands out as being good. The main thing that stands out is that she’s the main “not Trump” candidate.
yes Larry I am right there with ya. To think you hate 1 person so much as to actually vote for the complete and utter demise of the last great hope for this place we call earth makes perfect common sense. If you really think KH is qualified to do anything a President should be doing well, good luck with that. Mean while if our pretend media would just do their jobs and simply put KH thru an elementary vetting process this debate would of been over before it started,
Thanks much Larry,
I read you extremely loud and clear and completely respect that position for the very justified reasons that you mention.
I was already getting fed up with Trump near the end of his last term. After what Trump did following the 2020 election, I spent forever on MarketForum exposing the truth about it to people who are still convinced the election was stolen and denouncing him. I was 99% sure that I could never vote for him and almost as sure that people would never support him after that.
He is everything that you stated and so much worse:
Trump 7-26-24
Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.
Boy, was I ever wrong about him being supported by the R party. I wish it were almost anybody but him.
But it is him and Biden/Harris just happened.
So for me, at least it's almost a toss up for who is not just the worst between them but who is the worst in the history of presidential elections and who is the 2nd worst in presidential elections.
I greatly disliked Hillary and McCain(stay in Iraq until the job is done=forever) but they actually don't look quite as bad as these 2.
If it were not intentional, Biden/the Ds would not have had policies to encourage it for 3+ years, then suddenly do something, that he could have done anytime ahead of the election to claim he fixed it.
That's what scares me the most. THIS WAS CLEARLY INTENTIONAL! NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. In order to permanently boost the power of the future D party, which it will do with 100% certainty.
I explain here, exactly why they are doing it:
Southern Border
34 responses |
Started by metmike - Jan. 26, 2024, 11:57 p.m.
So just this fact by itself makes me wonder what is worse between what Trump tried to do and failed at (to try to maintain power for another 4 years) and what Biden/Harris did AND WERE VERY SUCCESSFUL AT to maintain D power in our country.........forever. Read the facts above. Starting in 2030, when we do the next census and ALL THESE ILLEGALS GET COUNTED, the benefits for Ds will be PERMANENTLY REALIZED! There is no going back.
Then, for me at least I feel strongly that Trump will end the Ukraine war.
Biden CAUSED the Ukraine war. He and Hunter exploited Ukraine corruption to the tune of millions that went to Biden family members. While Harris was not involved with that, she will NOT end the war as quickly as Trump.
I'm actually much more in alignment with Harris's position in Gaza but, unlike Ukraine, that would not have happened under Donald Trump(Biden caused it), the Gaza war is NOT Biden's fault. Netanyahu is responsible.
I think the war in Ukraine can easily be resolved when NATO admits they lost the war a long time ago and gives up on adding Ukraine to the long list of additional countries they have surrounding Russia with US weapons aimed at Russia(which violated their promise to NOT do that decades ago).
In the Middle East? Netanyahu must go and Trump and his allies will help him to stay!!! Even after Netanyahu goes, the permanent damage he's caused to Israel is impossible to over estimate.
The Harris energy policy is based on a complete fairy tale about a fake climate crisis, while life on this planet experiences the best weather/climate/beneficial CO2 since humans existed.
Every developed country's life blood for their economy is based on cheap, reliable energy. The difference between the massive damage that WILL happen if Harris's policies are imposed(they won't be because its impossible but they will still be extremely costly and feed crony capitalism/government) vs Trumps greatly beneficial policies has to be weighed compared to the damage that Trump did after the 2020 election, which is greatest with regards to permanently altering the confidence in all future elections by 10s of millions of Rs bamboozled to think there was massive fraud in 2020.
In addition, the spending by government and massive deficit is on the verge of becoming a black hole that sucks everything else in.
It's not like the Rs have a great track record but they have a more reasonable plan that at least, might help curb this.
We can see that Harris is now the betting favorite to become president.
Shapiro is the favorite to become her VP.
Quite honestly, I'm more likely to NOT vote this time. And whoever wins............wins.
Both will be disasters for their own separate reasons.
Regardless of who wins, there will be massive chaos and increased hate, divisiveness and the losing party will do everything they can to stop the winning party's attempts to advance the winning parties agenda.
Close to half the country will be EXTREMELY unhappy with the winner. More unhappy than the losers were for any previous presidential election.
Ds and the MSM will go nuts if Trump wins. They are already giving us a sample.
Rs and Fox/far right sites will do the same if Harris wins. Anybody that tunes into Fox on weekday evening's right now, is exposed to the most toxic, 1 sided yellow journalism in history for a major news network and they are #1 in the ratings.
It's hard to imagine it getting even worse.
But it will because that's what has been happening the last 2 decades.
And here were are.
It's possible that whoever wins, will have an impossible task, especially with an increasing risk of the economy tanking.
If its the Ds they can't get away with blaming the previous administration for failed policies because it was THEM.
The Rs will blame it all on the previous administration which certainty will be justified early on but the recession will still be under their watch. A prolonged recession that they can't turn around is ammo to attack the current administration relentlessly and that's exactly what it will be used for by the opposition party and media.
Shapiro is the favorite for VP.
Harris slightly favored over Trump. At least at this betting site on this day.
Hey Mike,
Shapiro is still favored on PredictIt. However, his lead has shrunk tremendously as bets on him have fallen a lot and bets on Walz have risen sharply. Just 2 days ago it was Shapiro 73 to Walz 14. The latest I see is Shapiro 57 to Walz 31.
I see that, Larry ….thanks.
one would have thought that numbers would continue to increase in favor of the final choice this close to the announcement.
Walz is surging and Shapiro plunging now with Walz now actually favored by a decent margin on the betting site I follow. Just 3 days ago Shapiro was up 73 to 14. Now Walz is up 59 to 42. Fwiw of course.
HOLY COW! Thanks for tipping us off, Larry!
Without a doubt, we are making extreme history with this election. As sad as it is that its mostly for bad things...........we should try to step back and not let it continue to divide us and damage relationships.
I feel very strongly that you and me see things very similar to these articles below.
We are all human beings with a commonality of that care about our families and have more in common than
We're overlooking what we have in common and unites us as human beings.
![]() ![]() |
And you were right, Larry!
John King explains why Kamala Harris picked Walz as her running mate
Vice President Kamala Harris' favorability has experienced an increase of 16 points since July, an historic rise comparable only to the surge in standing for then-President George W. Bush following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, according to an NBC News poll that was published on Sunday
In the NBC News poll from July, Harris, the Democratic nominee, was viewed positively by 32 percent of registered voters against 50 percent who perceived her negatively, leading to a net rating of -18. This score was nearly the same as President Joe Biden's rating at the time.
However, in the current polling results, Harris has since seen a rise to a 48 percent positive score, with a slightly less 45 percent negative perception, providing a +3 net rating. No presidential candidate from any major party has witnessed this scale of popularity surge in an election, according to the 35-year history of NBC News polling data.
In contrast, the net rating in Sunday's poll data for former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, remains largely the same as it was in July, with 40 percent positive and 53 percent negative, creating a -13 net rating.
This was extremely predictable! The post below was made BEFORE the debate debacle:
By metmike - June 17, 2024, 11:47 a.m.
"Following up on that last point.
That presidential elections are won in this recent era by maximizing the NOT XXXX XXXX vote of the other parties person and minimizing your parties NOT XXXX XXXX vote.
What's the best way to minimize the NOT Joe Biden vote?
The replacement will, of course be impacted by virtue of them representing some of the same agenda but this is what makes getting rid of Biden, GENIUS!
Biden's worst trait and quality is his horrible loss of cognitive and speaking skills. No president in history was so confused and stumbled around lost so many times. Even the Ds voting for him see this. For a number in the many millions, however this is even worse than Trump.
1. Even if you disagree with Trump, at least he can perform the duties of a president. If a person trying out for the major leagues couldn't hit or pitch or doesn't matter what position they play, the team, their fan base or history. They don't have or lost the ability to play MLB...........PERIOD. This is where Joe Biden is at with being president. He is not capable to do it anymore. He's in the major leagues and striking out most of the time in public. Impossible to hide. Impossible to rehabilitate his image because he IS THE PRESIDENT now and can't hide it.
2. When Biden withdraws, most of the NOT Joe Biden votes based on this will suddenly vanish. The new person, entering so late will not be around long enough to accumulate the hate votes. The Ds can do what political parties do best(with the MSM colluding) , they can manufacture realities about things(this person) and a persona that people will buy enough into so that it minimizes the NOT XXXX vote. Especially with just a few months for the Rs to try to build up this, election determining metric.
3. Here's the genius part. Whoever replaces Joe Biden WILL BE A GENERATION YOUNGER THAN HIM! Biden's age/cognitive losses are the factor MOST concerning for Ds that support him. Many will stay home that voted for him in 2020 as NOT Donald Trump, if Biden runs.
When they replace Biden with the younger person, not only does this key weakness vanish, it turns lemons into lemonade! Suddenly, Donald Trump is the really old guy and the Ds have the young, sharp person with a vision of the future and Trump represents a guy past his prime and the oldest guy on the ballet to run for president EVER. Even older than Biden was 4 years ago.
And this D person is eligible for a 2ND TERM!!! They will likely appoint 2 Supreme Court Justices.
Biden in a 2nd term would be a massive embarrassment and absolutely resign, probably in his 1st year because he can't do the job.
New candidate XXXX (Harris?)will not only be able to finish all 4 years, they have a good shot at 8 years. So the choice goes from the Ds looking horrible up to and when Biden resigns early in his presidency to candidate XXXX carrying the D torch/agenda for sure thru 4 years, with a potential bonus of another 4 years!!!!
This is so no brainer to me that I'm confident that Ds will do it."
Harris is 1c below her highest number, 1 week before the DNC convention.
Trump is 2c above his lowest number at that same time:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Political polls, betting odds, etc
By metmike - Sept. 19, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
It's extremely hard to conceive of a scenario where Trump can turn things around, with the EXCEPTION OF A NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA. That could do it. Trump is the crystal clear PEACE WITH RUSSIA candidate. Biden is the president THAT INTENTIONALLY CAUSED THE WAR WITH RUSSIA. HARRIS CLEARLY BACKS THE WAR WITH RUSSIA.
Re: Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit
By metmike - Sept. 20, 2024, 2:05 p.m.
The clock is ticking:
I am not saying Trump will win. I do not know. But holy crap MM just what were these polls saying when they had Hillary as a shoe in against Trump and you all believed that crap. Can Trump some how "turn it around" Polls seem to mirror weather forecast much of the time.
I hear you loud and clear on the 2016 shocker, mcfarm.
I remember watching it at my, then 91 year old Dads house.
It COULD happen again, however, there are several reasons that make it LESS likely.
1. In 2016, Trump was just breaking into politics. TDS hardly existed and the NOT Clinton vote was huge which kept many millions of Ds at home.
2. We all know Trump extremely well now. The same Ds that stayed home in 2016, came out in massive numbers in 2020. Not because they loved Biden but in order to defeat Trump because they know him. In 2024, the same impact will happen. I dunno if the same number of Ds will vote this year that did in 2020 but FOR CERTAIN many more than 2016 because they hate Trump more than they like Harris.
3. In 2016, Clinton had a very long track record of decades and was DISliked by many people who knew her all too well. There was no way to resurrect her lack of likeability and lack of charisma, despite her actually having some very impressive credentials and honestly, MUCH, MUCH better qualified to be our first woman president than Harris.
4. Harris, although not well liked just 3 months ago, is younger, less experienced, attractive and doesn't have a super long record in national politics , even though that record STINKS. Much easier for the MSM and Ds to manufacture her into SUPER Kamala with nothing but positive stories about her, while covering up her weaknesses.
5. In the last 8 years, the MSM, politicians, social media and far right sources at least to me have become more and more effective at pushing propaganda, false information, disinformation and manufactured realities. Partly because our brains have become conditioned to go only to sources that tell us what we want to hear/read. Go to echo chambers to communicate with like minded people. It's really, really bad right now in a number of realms. And it keeps getting worse and worse every year. With AI ramping up, our country and society will be even more challenged to be able to tell what the truth really is.
6. I saved the worst for last. Trump is not nearly as sharp as he was 8 years ago. He may not be as cognitively impaired as Biden but the Donald Trump of 2016 may have beaten Harris in their debate. He clearly has lost a couple of steps. Sadly for him, this has also caused all his NEGATIVE TRAITS to be amplified a great deal. Years of going to rally's and saying crazy things to get far Rs to cheer has also amplified his mental illness and he's become quite delusional with a brain that seems to think almost entirely in terms of what makes his far right crowds cheer the most. This makes it impossible for him to say the right things to attract anybody that is not far right. 8 years ago, he could do that but now.........he says embarrassing and really dumb things constantly and the media piranhas are just waiting for the opportunity to turn everything into yellow journalism, hit pieces intended to defeat him. Constantly elevating Harris. MUCH more than what happened in 2016 and even more than in 2020 because Harris is somebody they have metamorphosed into a great leader.
We clearly knew who Clinton was and we really knew who Biden was from almost 5 decades in national politics. However, Harris's image has been like puddy in
However, maybe Harris is so bad that even Trump can beat her??
I personally doubt it but will constantly adjust that opinion based on the latest information(which isn't always reliable).
I seriously think that part of the Ds strategy (which is smart) is, even if they think they have the election won, to make it look closer or even that Trump might win BEFORE Nov. 5th.
The solid reasoning for that was what happened in 2016. People were not enthused to vote for Clinton. When they thought she had it in the bag, they weren't going to waste a couple of hours of their day to vote for somebody they didn't like to stop somebody they disliked even more from winning.
In 2020, the Ds came out from everywhere to vote NOT Donald Trump in stunning fashion.
81 million votes for Biden, which was even 12 million more than the record number that voted for Obama in 2008. It seemed impossible but that's the power of getting your voters out. Whether they are voting for your person or against the other one, it can matter by well over 10 million votes...........which is plenty enough to determine the result of a close election.
There is NO QUESTION, that the Ds want their voters to think like they did in 2020. That the election is close and could go either way. Even to think that Trump has a lead and might win. The deciding factor to stop Trump is based on doing what they did in 2020 NOT 2016.
Harris is an easier person to like than H.Clinton and they've elevated her in a manner that wasn't possible with Clinton.
I'm sticking with where I've been since the debate. 97% chance that Kamala Harris wins.
Again, only a major nuclear war with Russia or something related to the Harris/BIden Ukrainian debacle the pilfered 200,000,000,000 from Americans and caused almost a million casualties and decimated Ukraine has the very outside potential of helping Trump enough win. Lesser chance with the war in the Middle East.
By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 6:59 p.m.
Not much change in the betting either:
Most in the media give Harris a free pass:
The Ukrainian president is pitching his plan for victory against Russia ahead of a U.S. presidential election that could shape his country's fate.
It’ll be Harris’ seventh meeting with Zelenskyy. This year, they have met in June and February. In 2023, they met in December and September. In 2022, they met in December and February, five days before Russian President Vladimir Putin dramatically expanded Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014
As Bidens key border person during her vice presidency, during the 3.5 year United States major southern border crisis, how many times has Harris been to our southern border???
How many times has she met with border patrol?
Harris has shown by her actions and track record who she is and who she represents.
But it doesn't matter!
The morally bankrupt Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex , along with other special interest coalitions and lobbyists that use money to bribe, along with a corrupt DOJ and INTEL are the gatekeepers of all the self serving messages. They generate the propaganda, disinformation and false narratives to control what we think so they can impose their agendas.
Those messages, instead of confronting Harris on her catastrophically failing border crisis policies, give her a free pass and instead, blame Trump for claiming immigrants ate pets in Springfield, OH.
3 Key Takeaways From Kamala Harris' MSNBC Interview
"We do have a broken immigration system," Harris said after being asked what she would do to help communities "at capacity" after taking in migrants. "It needs to be fixed."
Harris then pointed to the bipartisan border security bill that Trump urged Republicans to kill earlier this year, with the vice president saying that her opponent does not want to fix immigration and instead uses the issue only for political purposes.
"Donald Trump got word of the bill, realized it was going to fix a problem that he wanted to run on, and told them to kill the bill," Harris said. "He killed a bill that would have actually been a solution because he wants to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem.
"My pledge is that, when elected president if the American people will have me, I will bring that bill back and I will sign it into law," she added. "We need a comprehensive plan that includes what we need to do to fortify not only our border but deal with the fact that we also need to create pathways to citizenship."
That so called bipartisan border security bill was one of the worst border bills in history. EVEN 6 DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST IT!!!
Southern border CRISIS
More than anyone, Kamala Harris is to blame for the southern border crisis. The saddest thing is that this was entirely intentional. She DID THIS ON PURPOSE!!! That's why she made 0 visits to the southern border in 3.5 years. It was doing exactly what she planned and required no changes........until now, when it's time to generate votes before the election, instead of being held accountable for the huge southern border disaster.
Welcome to Springfield, OH
Started by metmike - Sept. 14, 2024, 8:04 a.m.
Apparently and amazingly, because Americans are being reminded of who the real Harris is again from her being out there and listening to her and remembering her being such a bad VP........Trump has closed the gap.
Biden was on a couple of hours ago reading from a teleprompter about the "Hurricane of the Century". He was ANGRY, confused and struggling to read smoothly from a teleprompter that had the words right in front of him.
Instead of hearing the message, I was thinking "OMG, how is this guy our president right now??"
Then he very slowly shuffle walked away with tiny "baby" steps (Alzheimers gait). OMG, just over 3 months ago, the Ds and MSM were insisting that this guy was sharp and ready for 4 more years!!!
I was trying to think back to every P and VP in my lifetime, when there were a worse 2 in the White House. Biden/Harris get tagged with that label by an extremely wide margin.
No wonder a mentally ill/deranged psychopath that should NEVER be president is actually pulling back close to even to Harris.
I'm pretty sure that I'm just not going to vote right now.
Whoever I vote for, if they win then I'll spend the next 4 years observing them and thinking of myself as stupid.
its our right and duty to vote. We owe it our vote to veterans. Most gave all they had or ever will have and we cannot just sluough off our sacred obligation to those brave soldiers. Don't care who you vote for but please vote and if you are a progressive fool please jut vote once and only once. Again our obligation to do it lawfully.
Thanks, mcfarm!
Im sure that you are convinced that progressives have some magical mystery, secretive ways to vote more than 1 time.
yet to be uncovered outside of MAGA conspiracy theory, false narratives intended to maintain the pathological mindset towards our very secure democratic elections.
but ironically, while completely trashing and disrespecting the proven results of very secure democratic elections….when Rs don’t like the results…..make a plea for me to cherish the same process by voting.
You can’t have it both ways. If you falsely believe that elections are rigged and that the election was stolen from Trump, you are blatantly disrespecting the process and the right to vote by every D voting by refusing to acknowledge their votes in fair elections…..while only respecting R votes.
With regards to the choices.
if somebody put a plate of horse manure and a plate of cow manure in front of you and said it was your duty to pick one for consumption, you would understand my mindset.
i will absolutely respect the results of the choices of fellow Americans on whatever manure they want to consume for the next 4 years but for me, manure is what I flush down the toilet or put on the garden, NOT part of my diet.
ii should not be obligated to pick manure for consumption in this great country.
the parties giving us these 2 choices should be obligated to provide something appealing. If the People are picking these 2 because the system is so broken, then ill spend my time speaking out about the corrupted, broken system and challenging the system to do better, rather than me lowering my standards.
intentional or not your post sounds like this. They gave two repulsive choices you say. And because of that you decide to belittle someone because why? Well your opinion Trumps. get that? Trumps every ones. You say those are 2 awful choices so hell with it. Maybe, just maybe, someone or many see a choice that would secure the border, strengthen our economy, make us energy independent again, cut regulation, reopen our FBI . CIA, and SS with a new lawful and intelligent services. On and on. There is a lot to do after this mess of an adm and we can thank them for 3 years of complete hell.
Maybe you have heard the latest. Kammala is wanting help Florida {is that not a laugh} but DeSantis will not tell her where Florida is located.
Thanks, mcfarm,
I'm sorry that this came off as belittling you with regards to the Ds voting illegally comment but I did actually think of how to put it differently without it coming off that way. Then, decided this election fraud, election rigging, election stealing complete nonsense will always be confronted robustly be me.
It's 4 years later and Trump/MAGA are stilling whining about a fairy tale 2020 election.
It's not just really bad for our country, mcfarm, it's the main reason that Trump will lose IF he loses. I'm 99% confident that if Trump had conceded defeat after the 2020 election, he would be CRUSHING Harris right now. I have stated this before, the Rs are doing the most damage to themselves. MY OBJECTIVE IS NOT TO BELITTLE, ITS TO ENLIGHTEN WITH INFORMATION THAT WOULD HELP THE R PARTY MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE!
But Trump is about to finally pay the price for this, in addition to it likely costing him this election. Unless he wins the election and pardons himself.
You are totally free to post whatever you want here. In fact, many of my favorite posts are those that disagree with me. Even on the 2020 election, though you won't like my responses.
Those are the ones that offer the BEST opportunity to learn(if both parties want to learn).
When people come to echo chambers to reinforce things that they think they know, nobody is really learning much. Just repeating and saying things between like minded people.
We lost the majority of posters here BECAUSE it's an ANTI echo chamber. I have had strong disagreements with almost everybody that has posted here in the past 6 years, some on numerous occasions.
If they are being sincere and not making personal attacks directed at fellow posters or not trying to undermine the integrity of MarketForum, they are welcome with open arms. ...especially when they disagree with me.
I will repeat that despite our Grand Canyon differences on this topic, you will always be my friend and I respect your right to have an opinion different than mine.
Over the years, I have learned a few things from almost everybody here, including you.
For sure, Larry and I agree on the most items and almost never disagree but that's because he, also does not align strongly to either political side.
I'm also proud of the 2 (of our few) regular posters being Jewish, DESPITE my hundreds of posts blasting Israel on Gaza.
It makes me appreciate their friendship even more and makes me happy that they know my position is NOT personal and is absolutely NOT antisemitism.
Harris will be interviewed by Bret Baier on Fox on Wednesday. This will be interesting. They are clearly concerned that polls show that she peaked after the debate debacle for Trump and need to do something extreme to turn things around.
because the 2 leading candidates are so horrible, when they do interviews it usually causes them to go DOWN in the polls and their opponent to go up.
So far, Harris getting out there has turned COUNTER productive because she doesn't match up with expectations of people being fed stories from the MSM promoting her.
Just like when Trump went to a debate with her and the real Donald Trump was very disappointing and takes away from the Trump Agenda.
With less than a month to go and it being so close, this could make or break it for Harris.
This is the opposite of the case with JD Vance. The MSM despises him and bombards us with stories attacking him because he's Trumps VP. In person, at the debate, we got to see the REAL JD Vance and he was shockingly impressive compared to what the MSM wants us to believe.
He eats MSM interviewers trying to trash him alive.
Because this race is so close, the losing side will not take this well. That includes the Ds if they lose. Harris will concede no doubt but the left will be on a mission to destroy Trump and NOT cooperate with any of his agenda.
If they have control of either house, impeachment proceedings will start early in 2025. The next 4 years will be even more hyper political and tribalistic.
If Harris wins, the same thing will happen but the Rs will try to obstruct everything.
Trump is NOT president right now and if he loses, he can't do what he did after the 2020 election to try to overturn the election. The Ds warning us about that are scaring people for political agenda.
The Rs are not going to collude to block the democratic process and stop Harris from becoming the duly elected president. IT WON'T HAPPEN!!
But there is likely to be chaos, that features the divisiveness hitting new highs.
Harris-Walz HQ<>
agree whole heartedly on JD Vance. The more he is seen the more impressive he is. Just imagine if my pick Ron DeSantis and Vance were the R team. Game over. Reagan type land slide. Speaking of impressive DeSantis has been more than impressive dealing with the yellow bastard press and several major natural disasters. He is a good man who deserves better than dealing with idiots in the press.
I agree that DeSantis looked extremely strong as a leader during the hurricane milton crisis.
He was my pick for president 3 years ago, even if I don’t agree with all of his agenda.
It would be a landslide with him running right now.
He should still be there in 2028.
Incredibly, Harris/Waltz sent me 6 separate emails since 2pm this afternoon!!!
3 of them with less than 90 minutes before the polls close here.
I assume they would be more targeting places farther west, where the polls will be open another couple of hours.
Like I mentioned last month, I'm not sending these Harris emails directly to my junk email folder because I like monitoring what they say, when they say it and how many times they say it.
This would be extremely annoying, even if I was for Harris, if I didn't enjoy analyzing it. Who wants the same thing repeated to them, with 6 different messages in less than 3 hours?
And here is one of them.
This one might actually tick me off. Asking for money with 2 hours before the polls close by lying that they are being outspent by Trump and somehow, if I send money just before the polls close, it will help Harris win.
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$47. That is the donation we are asking you to make to Kamala Harris's campaign for president today. Especially today. $47 because we're going to need to be ready for anything Trump throws our way before the polls close. $47 because we are being outspent by Trump and his allies in several battleground states. If we don't have the resources to respond, we could lose this election. $47 because this is our last chance to reach persuadable voters or it will be too late. As you read this, thousands of people are donating $47 of their own. Now they're hoping you'll do the same. What do you say? Because there's only one way we'll win this race -- together. Please contribute $47 directly to Kamala Harris's campaign for president today. Do it to help us catch up where we're being outspent. Do it before the polls close. Just do it today. If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Kamala Harris for President |