By metmike - May 23, 2024, 2:13 p.m.
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Russia won the war a very long time ago but NATO refuses to concede.

NATO refuses to discuss peace, only continued war to the last drop of brave Ukrainian soldiers blood that they are using, is shed.

Then, they might send in NATO troops.

Anything so they will be able to maintain the hope of Ukraine being part of NATO in the end.

No accountability for the hundreds of billions of dollars in tax payer dollars flushed down the toilet to kill over half a million human beings with millions in families suffering their losses.

Or for the trillion in damages.

Or the global impacts in supply side inflation.

Or the uniting of our adversaries.

Or escalation towards WW3 and consequences that increase unthinkable nuclear war outcomes.

The war in Ukraine and all those completely unacceptable situations has been sold to Americans with propaganda that makes it just part of our accepted, daily world.

We tune into the news every day to get our fix of snake oil, with no discussions about or concerns about lack of peace and where this escalation is headed.

Or the mounting, immense damages and cost to sustaining this unsustainable situation

Every day that passes results in countless more dead human beings that can never return to their loved ones……and more money in the pockets of our military-industrial complex and the politicians/media that are enriched and empowered by doing their corrupt/dirty work.