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Started by 12345 - May 14, 2024, 7:45 p.m.
By metmike - May 15, 2024, 12:44 a.m.
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Cohen just had his credibility obliterated To smithereens!
The other key witness, Stormy Daniel’s was trying to sell this story to make money in 2011 but it was killed by Trump, when Trump didn’t have much to lose.

Then, she decided she could make more money on it when Trump was running for president, so she came out of the woodwork again to demand 130,000 to keep quiet.

Then, when Trump w@s elected she shopped around and found a corrupt attorney, Michael Avvolati, who is in prison to try to get her even more than the 130,000, then, she  blatantly violated the legal non disclosure document that she signed with MICHAEL COHEN.

She went to court against Trump on a related issue and LOST. She owes Trump 600,000+ for trumps attorneys fees. A legal decision from a judge  that she says she will never pay. Gee, does she have personal  motivation to help Alvin Bragg get trump of what.?

If Trump is convicted, she can use that to justify not paying him all that money and to file a civil case against him… NY.

She has 0 credibility for me because of those facts just stated.

Now that we’ve heard from the 2 key witnesses against Trump and know the entire story its safe to say that if there’s just 1 unbiased person on the jury, Trump is extremely unlikely to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

What in the heck was Alvin Bragg thinking??

We all know what he was thinking!




He might very well have handed the election to Trump.

How is this going to look when Trump is found not guilty?

Huge backfire!

However, I will speculate that the vast majority of the jury will not want Trump to get off completely…..even though he should.

I will guess that they will put extreme pressure on the ones who feel he’s not guilty on all counts  to agree to vote guilty on just a few of them so they can get a unanimous guilty decision  on those few charges in return for him getting not guilty on the majority.

How will that play in the public’s eye?

I think the MSM will play up a guilty on even 1 of the 3 dozen charges.

I think that everybody with any objective brain cells at this point already knows what this game has been about.  Election interference by our criminal justice system.
the question is how willing are 12 jurors ifrom NY willing to play it?

If they all go along with it……then our democracy really has been lost, with NY leading the way.

ithe justice system is corrupt.

our politicians are corrupt.

can the actual  people of NY show  that they will stand up to do the right thing and provide some push back against the corruption?

or do they want to enable the corrupt Justice and political system

The world is watching you NY jury!
 Are you better than your corrupt leadership or part of it?

NY jurors:Do you want to be part of the problem and make it worse or part of the solution?
The world is watching.

Those with TDS want you to be part of the problem and to GET TRUMP. That includes much of the MSM that has been falling over each other to twist the interpretations of all these blatantly corrupt, nonsense cases manufactured to GET TRUMP.

The Ds keep insisting that electing Trump will cause us to lose our democracy while THEY collude with the justice department to steal our democracy with this incredibly corrupt and diabolical election interference scheme.

And it’s not even sneaky or hidden.p or clever this time.

They are just doing it out in the open with Americanss watching. They are banking on all the msm twisted interpretations,p and supporting their dozens of lies….. like with the extremely corrupt Mueller investigation to GET TRUMP for 2.5 years ….will convince people that an innocent Trump is actually guilty.

Trump IS REALLY REALLY guilty in trying to overturn the 2020 election and causing the insurrection. Theirs a Mt Everest pile of solid evidence against him.

so why are they using all this manufactured nonsense instead of that?

The justice department is so incompetent and corrupt that they can’t even discern between what’s legit and what’s not. Can’t tell what’s right from wrong. in fact don’t care whether it’s manufactured or whether it’s real.

They have a corrupt objective and anything that will help them get there counts the same in their book.

Theyve lost their moral compass, telling them how to enforce the laws. Lost their integrity.

It’s all about politics for them. All about accomplishing  a political objective at any cost.

selling their souls to the devil with diabolical schemes using the justice system and hijacking our democracy…..while ironically, claiming the other side is the threat to democracy as a tactic to mislead peoplle about what they are doing.

By metmike - May 15, 2024, 8:04 a.m.
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I fixed some mistakes on the previous post and added much to it.

We have no power and my typing using an ledtronic device is crummy.

By metmike - May 20, 2024, 2:03 p.m.
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Michael Cohen admits he stole from Trump Org. during heated cross-examination

The defense team has sought to poke holes in the credibility of Trump's former fixer.


We can only read and listen to what is being reported but this witness seems  NOT credible. 

                Get Trump-Hush Money Hullabaloo            

                           13 responses |         

                Started by metmike - April 17, 2024, 4:57 p.m.