voter fraud
16 responses | 0 likes
Started by mcfarm - Dec. 15, 2023, 2:57 p.m.

been lots of discussion about covid and mail in voter fraud. Never anything like this though. Go to Heartland .org for a new poll and explain how this happened. First of all I do not want any responses on who won. We know Biden is in the WH and that cannot be changed. But we cannot explain how over 20% of the voters polled in a poll larger than Heartland has ever done admitted committing fraud. And then to top that off 17% admitted filling the mail in for someone else, friend, relative, infirmed etc. This mail in crap has got to stop, now today not another election with no rules 1/2 rules, sometime rules, rules changed right before an election, mostly because of an 1/2 excuse, covid ,and the other 1/2 dems by a larger margin abusing that with fraud.

Former FBI intell chief who was head deep in the Trump/Russia collusion mess with Obama, Hillary, our current sec of state, several other great former SOS's, Blinken etc, was convicted and sentenced to 4 years, Wow should of been 40 years and maybe a firing squad thrown in for good measure.

Re: voter fraud
By 12345 - Dec. 15, 2023, 3:17 p.m.
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By mcfarm - Dec. 15, 2023, 6:46 p.m.
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Jean, so will JFK's killer, where DB Sweeney really is and is John Wilkes really the killer of Lincoln not to mention where in the hell is Montezuma'a gold.

By metmike - Dec. 15, 2023, 8:02 p.m.
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You're letting your far right sources steal your intelligence again on election fraud.

If all this so called  fraud is happening in so many places and for so many years........where are all the R prosecutors and R elected officials?

If mcfarm in Indiana knows all about it,  how come the extremely powerful R politicians and R prosecutors don't know about it and are not prosecuting  the fraud with all their resources to hold the fraud accountable?

If they did that, they would be hero's and  it would get them elected for the rest of their lives.

The reason they aren't is because YOUR SOURCES ARE MAKING IT UP!

The system is set up so that REAL fraud can be detected , reported AND PROSECUTED AND ELIMINATED!!

Here, let me show you some examples of how that works.


                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2000 Mules has been released            

                                 By metmike - May 8, 2022, 8:53 p.m.                        

"Hell if he even thought about giving the evidence to them he would hammered by every left leaning paper, book, journal, TV station and the crazy libs in congress especially, so how would that work"

If he was telling the truth and had the proof as he says........he would  have massive reams of evidence to have these people prosecuted..........that's exactly how it would work, mcfarm.

How do you think all these people got prosecuted and convicted?

The prosecutors in those counties got reports of voter fraud, investigated and found them guilty.

Go to the data base man! It's right there for all 50 states and this is just part of it.

Many, many of cases prosecuted and convicted and none of them appear to have had anything close to the evidence that Denish claims to have.

If this is all true, he would be gifting them with evidence, that he did all the detective work to obtain. It would be a piece of cake for them to confirm it being legit and they would have all the election fraud perpetrators(over 4 dozen according to him) all red handed.

*Prosecutors are judged based on how many criminal convictions they get. This would be a dream come true for them and make every prosecutor look great.

*Think of how much money Denish saved the taxpayers and county prosecutors!

*Think of all the convictions the republicans would have to prove their case.

*The entire stolen election, Big Lie story theme characters would all be vindicated!

*This would result in massive election reform based on proven evidence that included tracking future election fraud this way

*This would be historic and Denish would be a national hero for the right!

Oh, but you seem to think that, suddenly  in 2020, every prosecutor in  every county (from both parties) was on the take and won't prosecute election fraud for this particular election and wouldn't be interested in the 400,000 illegal votes that Denish claims occurred from this method.

I have a 1,000 times more obvious/legit reason, if he never turns it over to prosecutors so they that they can convict for these infractions (no hyperbole).

Denish doesn't have the goods.

1. Until he does that, anybody that is honest, objective and has the ability to do basic critical thinking(after reading this thread), has to assume Denish doesn't have the goods.

2. People that didn't read this and get all their news from Fox or InfoWars or other sites that promote the fake election steal....... don't fall into that category because they don't know any better than to blindly believe what they're told to believe from those controlling their minds.

Anybody reading this is  in group #1. If they still don't's on them for failing the honest, objective and critical thinking skills test.


Part of the appeal of your sources is them telling people what they want to read/hear by pretending to have special inside information and understandings about voter fraud and other things that their viewers/readers can only get from them. You must listen to them to find out what’s really happening because everybody else is covering it up. Only they have the real truth. Yeah, right the MANUFACTURED truth is what they have.

However, the system is set up to take legit reports of fraud, investigate then prosecute if its legit. There are thousands of Rs that are part of that system, just as many as the Ds.

The Ds aren't operating a secret voting fraud operation that none of the Rs who are part of the system can bust. one that your sources know all about but somehow, the Rs involved in the process are powerless to report, investigate and prosecute as the system has done for decades with legit fraud.

Somehow, we are supposed to believe that only  far right sources know about this..........but absurdly NEVER REPORT it to the system designed to prosecute and eliminate it........which has Rs in it.

What tells us the most, is that your sources for all this election fraud, DON’T report what they find to the system set up to prosecute it. Instead they only report the fraud TO FAR RIGHT VIEWERS or READERS.

Either they want the fraud to go unprosecuted or there really is no fraud that can be prosecuted based on the evidence.

actually, there are thousands of reports, many investigated but NOT prosecuted Because there was no legit evidence. Some of those cases are legit and they result in convictions as reported in the links above.

I think Trumps team alone reported 100 cases. They were found to all be bogus reporting and the fraud turned out to be from the Trump team that was making up frivolous fraud charges that were continuously found to be lacking any legit evidence And we’re 100% part of their scheme to convince people that fraud was used to steal the election from Trump. There has always been 0 legit evidence of that. Nothing. Not 1 iota except for the completely manufactured manure stuff From the far right.

Again, you’re being misled to think that the Ds have some magical, secret corruption schemes that only they and your far right sources know about and all the Rs in politics and in the election process are either blind to or powerless to stop.

And that there is no legit legal system set up to detect and effectively prosecute election fraud.

By mcfarm - Dec. 16, 2023, 7:04 a.m.
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do you think voters who commit fraud in mail in voting give their names and addresses so they can go to jail {if they were R's..haha} I am quite sure the polling is anomalous. The point of the poll is using voters themselves, that is where the evidence came from not a secret source. It cannot be explained other than mail in voting and covid. I have no sources I have a national poll and who is ignoring evidence? if you do not think mail voting is used and abused you are ignoring evidence. The voters who did it admitted it openly you know sort of like the Bidens

By metmike - Dec. 16, 2023, 10:20 a.m.
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Thanks mcfarm,

Here's the survey. It's a joke for anybody thinking critically.

Not only is it not scientific, its easy to bust with common sense.

Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Committing at Least One Kind of Voter Fraud During 2020 Election

Let me demonstrate:

3. Did you vote with an absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election?

30% yes
68% no
2% not sure

4. During the 2020 election, did a friend or family member fill out your ballot, in part or in full, on your behalf?

19% yes
79% no
2% not sure

5. During the 2020 election, did you fill out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?

21% yes
78% no
0% not sure

6. During the 2020 election, did you cast a mail-in ballot in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident?

17% yes
82% no
1% not sure

7. During the 2020 election, did you sign a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member, with or without his or her permission?

17% yes
81% no
1% not sure


With #6, 17% of people, in 2020 cast a mail in ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident?


Since only 30% of these people voted by mail, that means 57% of the mail in ballots were fraudulent via this method based on the responses. 

Then, with the next question, #7,  just by coincidence we have exactly the same number, 17% of respondents claiming that they signed a ballot/ballot envelope for a friend/family member which would mean, again 57% of the mail in votes were fraudulent from an entirely different element of fraudulence.

Since 57% + 57% =114%, that means some people voting by mail had to be committing at least 2 violations/ballet to get that number and that almost all mail in ballots were fraudulent.


With #5, it's actually worse. 21% of people in the survey committed fraud by this method which would be 70% of the mail in ballets. 70% + 57% =127% so the overlap is even greater and it means that almost all the mail in ballots were fraudulent.

people claiming to have violated 2 or more violations at the same time, strongly suggests people lying by responding positively to as many questions that they can to bias the study.

Yet, Trump and his associates, with massive recounts and investigations and the thousands  of local and regional and state investigations done since then, many looking at mail in ballots never found anything approaching this magnitude. 

Where are all the R politicians and prosecutors? Have they been sleeping for 3 years? Of course not. This has been near the top of important issues. They have scrutinized the voting and ballot voting over and over and did NOT find  anything close to the  results of this extreme outlying SURVEY of anonymous people that makes 0 sense.

Since the 2020 election, every single one of the purported widespread fraud claims has come up completely empty. In fact, as it turned out, most of them claiming fraud WERE USING FRAUD.

This one clearly falls in the same category.

Like the 2000 mules joke, it's just a manufactured/fake reality generated by an extremely biased political entity that has as much authenticity as the movie ET does to science.

By mcfarm - Dec. 16, 2023, 11:33 a.m.
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I hardly think you mocking a poll this large with voters self reporting the mess it was in 2020 makes the lady who lost by 19 feel any better

By metmike - Dec. 16, 2023, 4:51 p.m.
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The poll is complete hogwash that doesn't even come close to lining up with reality. Another instance of a group using fraud to supposedly show fraud where there is none. At least they could have come up with something conceivably possible but they went so overboard to such an outlier extreme (because they were obsessed with their political objective) that they made the poll completely laughable. Like the 2000 Mules nonsense.

What they did do, however was to know that this poll will go out, mostly to gullible Rs that have had their intelligence stolen about how elections actually work, who WANT TO BELIEVE this.  Those people will believe every number in this poll, sadly. 

Fact check: False claim that mail-in voting is connected to bad actors, fraudulent ballots

Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth


Government Investigations Agree: Voter Fraud Is Rare
 Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a longtime proponent of voter suppression efforts,
argued before state lawmakers that his office needed special power to prosecute voter fraud,
because he knew of 100 such cases in his state. After being granted these powers, he has brought
six such cases, of which only four have been successful. The secretary has also testified about his
review of 84 million votes cast in 22 states, which yielded 14 instances of fraud referred for
prosecution, which amounts to a 0.00000017 percent fraud rate


So hundreds of OBJECTIVE, comprehensive studies, audits, recounts and investigations of the integrity of our electoral process done for decades showed it to be extremely secure and reliable with extraordinary low rates of fraud.

Then Trump lost in the 2020 election, with the vast majority of voters being the same registered voters as in previous elections and certainly in the previous election. 

Suddenly, we are to believe, that millions of previously honest voters found ways to commit fraud and it was all people that voted for Biden that caused Trump to lose. And the system proven solidly secure over and over and over is suddenly riddled with fraud and corruption, we are to believe.

So there were thousands of accusations of widespread fraud in 2020 the past 3 years, almost all coming from Rs. Many of them resulted in investigations, recounts, audits and so on.  In all that time frame, how many actually showed widespread or systemic fraud?


Isolated fraud similar to the past, yes. Almost all the real fraud has come from sources claiming there was fraud.

Then, in December 2023, an R source does a poll and suddenly, all that widespread/system fraud completely hiding from every single entity searching with a microscope to find fraud for 3+ years and for decades earlier is discovered.

I  can't tell you what they did to get these fake numbers. It's possible many Rs intentionally lied to distort the poll. You can make a poll like this show anything you want it to using a number of methods.

voter fraud
By metmike - Dec. 16, 2023, 5:13 p.m.
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Many surveys, about one in five, may contain fraudulent data

Even if that finding above was that just 1 in 1,000 surveys showed fraudulent data, that wouldn't change the fact that that this one is BLATANTLY FRAUDULENT.

People manipulate data all the time for politics, corrupt science and financial incentives.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False


But none of that matters to people that want this to be true. No amount of evidence, data, rationalizations or rock solid proof that I provide here to bust this conspiracy theory or other false beliefs matters. 

When people want to believe something...........they go to the sources that tell them what they want to believe.

They give up their power of discernment and their ability to use critical thinking to entities that steal their intelligence  by manufacturing convincing sounding false narratives, conspiracy theories and DISinformation that  is specifically used for a vulnerable, TARGET AUDIENCE. 

These charlatan gatekeepers in the media, political and business world are professional brainwashers that exploit today's technology to capture people's brains for their self serving agenda/interests. This fraudulent poll about the election process is the quintessential example.

When I fact check, debunk, bust and correct the work of these charlatans with authentic data/evidence and science, the people caught in the brainwash have had THEIR TRUTH redefined so that what I show them can't be processed by a brain that defines lies as the truth and the truth as lies.

By 12345 - Dec. 16, 2023, 7:44 p.m.
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By mcfarm - Dec. 17, 2023, 6:24 a.m.
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and I was waiting for that one. R' cheating in mail in voting then self reporting to an R source who then releases all data free. That's is how you find no cheating. Again mail in voting was a mess in 2020 add covid and cheating libs and it was a huge mess. Add change to many states voting rules by libs in the last days before a national election and it was a bigger mess yet. But then to say R's cheated and the self reported in mail in voting, well there ya go

By metmike - Dec. 17, 2023, 8:29 a.m.
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Thanks much mcfarm,

I noted in your brief post the word cheated used 4 times. In discussions here with posters, I’ll repeat what my mindset/objective  is when we have posts like this.

When a topic or point has  been definitively proven with authentic facts and evidence and the poster just keeps regurgitating meaningless false rhetoric from the sources that have captured their brains, it’s pointless to have a debate, which this isn’t.

Whats most important is to understand why people get like this.
As mentioned previously, dozens of times, , the majority of people affiliated with a political party will go to sources that interpret/spin  the news so that it lines up with their ideologies. Repeating things that  they think that they know, stating things they want to hear.

They go to echo chambers to hear and repeat what they think they know and want to hear. In that political information nirvana they can have what they want to believe perpetually reinforced. Their political side stands for everything good and is always  smart and right. The other side is evil, lies, cheats and is ignorant all the time.

Applying this to Fox News or Donald Tump, that exploit this principle to capture brains in cult like fashion.

When losing the 2020 election. Instead of acknowledging the painful reality of their defeat by the party they hate, they manufacture an alternative reality in which their side actually won but the other side, being evil and conniving found a secret method of cheating that only their far right sources understand.

The rest of the country is either in on the cheating or unable to comprehend the cleverness of their sources that have the gifted ability to see things…..that always line up exactly with what they want to hear.

In reality, those sources are using and targeting them with DISinformation, conspiracy theories and false rhetoric, knowing it means a boost in ratings, profits or votes/support for that political agenda.

Its the main driving force stealing peoples intelligence and making them dumber In order to control their thinking.

Fact is, this sabotages the dynamic that leads to learning in many realms.

Perfect example is this discussion with mcfarm. He can be given profoundly relevant, indisputable truths about the 2020 election that he obviously doesn’t know because they all show that Joe Biden won fairly with a very secure election. 

Theres actually not a shrewd of LEGIT evidence that shows otherwise.

However, instead of learning anything by having an open mind, the far right prefers to remain dumbed down permanently by believing that cheating stole the election from their guy. They go to sources that tell them that. Those sources have all sorts of convincing manufactured scenarios that describe the world with information nirvana. Always lining up with what they want to believe.

It exactly like a religion And a cult.

Blind faith in tenets that define an ideology which is infallible. The high priests, like Mark Levin, Shaun Hannity and Donald Trump are charlatans stating extreme things that always line up with what people want to hear. Their, sometimes absurd false narrative rhetoric ALWAYS trumps the truth by definition of the cult/religion like thinking.

These people can always recognize when the other side is falling for similar tactics from the charlatans from the other side but by definition of a brain wash……they are completely oblivious in their “ignorance is bliss” that uses one sided information nirvana.

And there’s nothing that will change that. They get their messages from their powerful information gatekeeper, high priest sources that tell them what to think.

And it always lines up with what they want to hear.

By metmike - Dec. 17, 2023, 8:53 a.m.
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This discussion is just an example of what is going on in countless realms in todays world.

Other examples, include Blatant Propaganda on the Ukraine and Gaza wars has completely censored/blacked out the truths defining the authentic dynamics.

The fake climate crisis as the planet greens up during the current climate optimum for most life thanks to the beneficial gas, CO2.

The belief that the wonderful COVID vaccination which has saved millions of lives……actually kills more people than COVID.

The  completely manufactured Trump colluded with Russia corrupt Mueller investigation.

That the insurrection was an inside job, staged by the FBI to frame innocent Trump.

That Trump was exercising his 1st amendment rights…..when concocting diabolical schemes to over turn the results of a proven secure election and intentionally inspiring his base to cause the Insurrection.

The mountain of evidence in the corrupt, influence peddling Biden family business that made tens of millions of dollars using bribery in foreign countries and Joe Bidens position as VP of the most powerful country in the world……….is just Rs being political and Joe did nothing wrong and all that solid proof…….is just made up.

In all of those realms above, tens of millions of people have become completely convinced of things that are completely false. Both political sides.

By mcfarm - Dec. 17, 2023, 5:17 p.m.
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as well read as you are its really not beleivable you know nothing of dem cheating, It has been well established and an on going source of pain for this country.

voter fraud
By metmike - Dec. 17, 2023, 6:58 p.m.
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Thanks much, mcfarm!

That's the classic example that I was referring to.  The response to the authentic data and studies, research and facts proving NO fraud(except by those using fraud to claim fraud) to go to a far right source USING WORDS and conspiracy theories but with them having no evidence as they steal their readers intelligence.

In this case, another  dishonest source manipulating you by telling you and other readers what they want to believe with ZERO facts to back it up.

Here's another more recent article from your source.

The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why?


If there really was widespread. systemic fraud by the Ds, then after 3+ years of screaming fraud, you would expect these people to have more than just the expected isolated incidents and nothing but totally UNproven accusations that have failed miserably in every investigation, every recount, every audit and every fact check.

And it's absurdly and totally one sided each time. NO SYSTEMIC FRAUD every single time.

NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD, every single time.

Ironically, I've been the one showing all the legit fraud here from prosecuted ISOLATED cases in the past.


Your sources have had 3+ years to gather all the evidence. Please show it. The article that you copied showed some instances in the past. If they really had legit evidence of fraud in 2020, why did they have to go back to 1948 to find an example?

That was 75 years ago and has ZERO to do with elections today.

The fact that your sources are completely unable to show any systemic fraud, while looking under every rock for 3+ years is actually proof FROM YOUR SIDE that there isn't any.

If there is or was............then where is it, man?


From your last article:

It involved the simple technique of waiting until almost all of the ballots were counted, then claiming to find just enough new votes to change the result of the election. This process was successfully deployed by the left in 1948 throughout the infamous “Box 13” scandal. During the Democrat primary for one of Texas’s Senate seats in 1948, Lyndon B. Johnson undeniably stole the election from his opponent, Coke Stevenson. Days after the primary election, Stevenson was declared the official winner by approximately 150 votes. However, a small southern Texas town called Alice announced that they had miraculously found 203 new ballots in “Box 13” numerous days after the election.


It's 7+ decades later now. Not one of the people in power or associated with that incident in 1948 is even alive today.

If there were similar incidents today, they would site them.

Since there are NONE, it proves that today's elections are much more secure than those in the past. Your source just proved that!!!

Evidence of D fraud in the past but the absence of any evidence of it recently from every legit source searching hard under ever rock.

They can't find fraud because there wasn't any. It was completely made up to explain why Trump lost and you only go to sources that tell you what you wish were true and they grant your wish every time you read or listen to them.

When You Wish Upon A Star - sung by Jiminy Cricket (Cliff ...

Here's your Pinocchio sources: 

Re: voter fraud
By mcfarm - Dec. 18, 2023, 11:15 a.m.
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so what did you just say? There either was or could of been a wide spread cheater LBJ, but it probably did not matter? Well as you well know many of our turns to the left came with LBJ. Most of our overbearing social programs came with LBJ. The black family was decimated with LBJ. Hell many think LBJ had many hand in the Kennedy assassination. So what happened with these changes. Our school systems were ruined. Kids forced into dogma not reading and writing. Trillions of added with poorly run and never managed social programs. DEI had its roots and the racial battles all started then...not to mention a thousand other bad ideas that came. Hell poorly ran elections had its birth and "elections matter" was never thought about because of what? The fair and free elections which never happened.

By metmike - Dec. 18, 2023, 3:19 p.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm!