How low can they go?
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Started by metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 11:06 a.m.

Just when you thought their propaganda couldn't sink any lower, they come out with this press release being used by the dishonest, desperate (because Ukraine lost the war) Russia hating MSM in the most irresponsible way imaginable and against all ethical standards established in the nuclear non proliferation agreements.

This is far worse than any inflammatory propaganda ever released in Russia or China's history!!!!

This is a pathetically irresponsible threat meant to manipulate people in the United States by giving them the false impression of an advantage because we have a superior tool of mass annihilation  that's better than Russia's tool of mass annihilation.

This is crystal clearly being used for the main purpose of reversing damage caused by Biden's failures by trying to make Biden look strong.

We know this with certainty from just looking at the title below:  Biden's new weapon.

Nuclear Bomb Map Shows Impact if Biden's New Weapon Dropped on Russia

Nov 03, 2023 at 9:59 AM EDT

The simulation shows that fatalities in Moscow would be estimated around 311,480, while the number of those injured would be as high as 868,860. The Russian capital's population is estimated at over 12.6 million.

If launched on St. Petersburg, the B61-13 bomb could be even more devastating, killing an estimated 360,150 and injuring another 685,930.

This image, created using Nukemap, shows a radioactive plume extending into eastern Russia from a simulated B61-13 nuclear bomb blast in St Petersburg.

A 3D rendering of large nuclear-bomb test explosion. Maps simulating the explosion of a 360 kilotons nuclear bomb in Moscow and St. Petersburg show devastating consequences for the two Russian cities.


This sort of dangerous rhetoric is exactly what causes an ESCALATION to wars, like the one that Biden intentionally caused with Russia, using  U.S. weapons and  Ukraine/Ukrainians to fight it.

Biden stopped the peace negotiations in 2021 and he refuses to negotiate, only calling for MORE and MORE funding for his war to continue endlessly because he must really hate Putin/Russia(and considers Ukrainian lives to be worthless and uses U.S tax money  for his self serving agenda's).

I seriously didn't think that even the worst president in history would not sink this low )-:

Even Putin has never been this explicit with a pictorial threat to Russia's capital, diagrams and all, with estimated the media.

I am out of my mind flabbergasted that Biden just did this and a supposedly credible media source like Newsweek covered it this way!!!!

By 12345 - Nov. 3, 2023, 11:15 a.m.
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By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
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Biden Working on a New Nuclear Bomb

It's good for us to develop new technologies and strategies that protect the United States from foreign threats.

That's NOT what this press release is about.

This is the president, who already started one war and is supporting another using it to to escalate inflammatory rhetoric (instead of seeking peace) to superficially inflate his importance in a role that he is failing miserably at. 

The press releases by the White House about this new weapon are tied at the hip to President Biden for that reason.

It's not the "United States" or our "scientists" new weapon, it's  "Biden's" new weapon/bomb.

Using it as a campaign advertising tool, while escalating the extremely dangerous war rhetoric just shows how clueless this administration is as they focus more on their parties political agenda. 

Entirely at the expense of the American people and world peace.

By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 1:28 p.m.
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People reading these blatantly irresponsible press releases that show Biden and his bomb and maps depicting the stats of the obliteration of Moscow  that think this shows strength have been misled.

Let me help you to see why.

How would we feel if the leader of China did a similar press release to a few of his key global media sources that showed an image of him and a nuclear bomb exploding in one frame and on another image, Washington DC or New York City with the obliteration statistics of President Xi’s bomb to those critical United States cities……implying that’s what this bomb is intended for?

We would be outraged out of our minds! Even if Putin did it!

but don’t worry, their leaders are far more responsible and credible than ours So it will never happen.

This is something expected more from a wreck-less, loose cannon like the leader of North Korea.

But this is even more extreme than any of his threats by a wide margin from a source that the world assumes should be setting a good example and providing global leadership.

His speech a month ago was all about him being that person.

Big words then with actions that are diametrically opposed to being a credible leader of anything except on how to make things worse for the most  people possible……to enrich himself and other elites.

And to manufacture propaganda to sell completely fake realities.

Biden is certainly in an elite class and a master at doing that )-:

By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 4:45 p.m.
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Biden accuses Putin of irresponsible nuclear threats, violating U.N. charter

By  and


Earlier on Wednesday, Putin ordered a Russian mobilization to fight in Ukraine and made a thinly veiled threat to use nuclear weapons, in what NATO called a "reckless" act of desperation in the face of a looming Russian defeat.  read more

Biden echoed the NATO statement.

"Again, just today, President Putin has made overt nuclear threats against Europe, in a reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the nonproliferation regime," Biden said.

A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought," he said.


There's nothing thinly veiled about this press release from Biden in cahoots with the MSM that is depicting graphics that show the actual geography of the city of Moscow with the morbid statistics of the United States obliterating it with Biden's new bomb.

Biden and the MSM have lost the war they never could have won against hated Russia/Putin,  got 500,000 people killed, did 1 trillion in damages, caused 18 million to be in need of humanitarian assistance, caused global inflation and supply disruptions of food/energy, blew up Russia's pipeline and released massive amounts of methane, which is NOT a beneficial gas like CO2 and is 28 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas and caused an alliance between Russia, China, Iran and North Korea that did not exist before........and the craziest thing of all........ cost American tax payers 125 BILLION, with a B to do all that tremendous damage...........and the entire time pretending that the United States is not in a war with Russia.

Now, they  are so desperate with all that damage and constantly doubling, tripling and quadrupling down,  that they are resorting to this most extreme violation yet to try to look strong to his captured mind followers that want to believe in the propaganda and don't realize that Biden has already lost the war and did all this damage while losing it.



Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)



Full text
Signed1 July 1968[1]
LocationMoscow, Russia;
London, United Kingdom;
Washington D.C., United States[1]
Effective5 March 1970[1]
ConditionRatification by the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and 40 other signatory states.
Parties190 (complete list)[1][2]
non-parties:India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and South Sudan
DepositaryGovernments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation (successor to the Soviet Union)
LanguagesEnglish, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at Wikisource
By 12345 - Nov. 3, 2023, 4:58 p.m.
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MIKE ~ "We would be outraged out of our minds! Even if Putin did it!"



By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 5:13 p.m.
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Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling


The truth is that Putin has wanted peace all along and it was Biden that pushed him to invade because Biden wanted war with Russia (though the invasion by  Putin was DEAD WRONG).

Putin initially just wanted an  assurance that Ukraine would not join NATO.

That's it folks. No NATO for Ukraine and all of this would have been avoided.

Russia STILL WANTS PEACE but its likely their terms will be different.

After one side defeats the other in a war, they usually get something they didn't have before and the loser gives something up.

Ukraine, having lost, is at an extremely weak place to negotiate to get just the original terms that Putin wanted, so its  very likely he will insist on more than just no NATO for Ukraine.  One can guess that this will include additional territory that  he was NOT asking for 2 years ago.

I'm no fan of the evil Putin. These are just facts.

Considering that Biden has been the other key, needed part in this long damaging war to everybody but the greatly benefiting,  military-industrial-political complex, that would have been completely avoided if he stayed out of it, this Biden=good guy and Putin=really bad guy mantra is pretty absurd.

The reality is that:

Biden =really bad guy

Putin =really, REALLY bad guy

By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 5:57 p.m.
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North Korea raises the specter of nuclear strike over US aircraft carrier's arrival in South Korea

North Korea is lashing out at the arrival of a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in South Korea, calling it a provocation and again raising the specter of using nuclear weapons to defend itself

October 12, 2023,


We have read stories like this about their lose cannon, mentally unstable and extremely dangerous leader making threats TO DEFEND ITSELF from the United States. It's to the point that we just roll our eyes because he's usually doing it to get attention, though he is an extreme risk BECAUSE of his volatile words and having nuclear weapons. 

Name 1 time that their crazy irresponsible leader did a press release anywhere close to what Biden did recently with a map of the United States, showing a major city (on the West Coast for instance) that he can easily and accurately reach with multiple nuclear missile strikes before we could respond.

Even HE is not that stupid and irresponsible to get attention.

Biden and the MSM just outdid the world's most irresponsible nuclear threat king in history with this direct, specific and graphically depicted articles showing the United States obliterating Moscow without legit provocation or threat to our country by Russia. 

Are we to think that if the US bombs Russia first, there will be no response? They have more nuclear weapons than us and enough to obliterate numerous destruction.

And China will not respond? Or North Korea that is chomping at the bit to nuclear bomb our cities, especially since Biden forced Russia into a pact with them. 

Is Biden this completely ignorant of what mutual assured destruction means with a nuclear war between us?

Instead, he's more interested in trying to manipulate people's thinking  with his DISinformation and propaganda, this time, in the most damaging rhetoric to date, to make him look strong because the world and U.S. citizens see how weak and damaging his leadership has been. 

Biden's leadership mentality has now dropped to lower than Kim Jong Un's!!!

Make no mistake.  Biden would not be able to do this without the strong backing of the Military-Industrial-Political Complex which controls our politicians with their annual  legal bribing(known as lobby money) in the many millions.

                Politicians love wars and the U.S. is vulnerable            

                            Started by metmike - Oct. 29, 2023, 10:36 p.m.    


Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender.[1] It is based on the theory of rational deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which, once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.

By metmike - Nov. 3, 2023, 7:04 p.m.
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Biden already gave up any moral high ground he had remaining this past Summer when he sent cluster bombs to Ukraine that are banned by over 100 countries!

  • July 10, 2023

Cluster Bombs Are “War-Crime” Weapons

Congress should bar the Biden administration from transferring internationally banned weapons to the Ukrainian government.


Asking Congress, which is funded by the Military-Industrial-Political complex to ban the use of weapons would be like asking a candy store to ban the sale of sugar products )-:

By metmike - Nov. 4, 2023, 7:42 a.m.
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Remember yesterdays extremely inflammatory story from Newsweek about Biden's new super nuclear bomb, targeting Russia and  supposedly developed by Biden(based on a Biden propaganda press release intended to get press coverage to make Biden look strong that a reporter fell for and  instead of a responsible journalist acted like a ratings seeking Biden cheerleader using sensationalized propaganda and political agenda )?

Nuclear Bomb Map Shows Impact if Biden's New Weapon Dropped on Russia

Nov 03, 2023 at 9:59 AM EDT


US News Reporter


Newsweek,  apparently realizing their blatant violation of journalistic standards in that story yesterday and being manipulated by the White House, has changed the story line and coverage today to this:

Nuclear Bomb Map Shows Impact of New US Weapon on World's Major Cities

Nov 04, 2023 at 6:00 AM EDT


U.S. News Reporter

They used a different reporter and completely took Biden and Russia out of the title and discussion. Too late,  man. The story from yesterday is still up there for everybody to see including all the other leaders in  200 countries in the world, most not fooled by the Biden/MSM propaganda, which means they were as flabbergasted as metmike reading yesterday's version.

Which means additional erosion of Biden's credibility and trust for him as a stable leader on the global stage for peacekeeping.

The world leaders exercising those qualities/traits best have been the heads of China, India, Brazil and a few others.

Biden, on the other hand,  has resorted to Kim Jong Un type leadership, with yesterdays story a quintessential example of it. His sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, banned by over 100 countries as war crime weapons made it crystal clear that he is NOT a strong leader for ethical principles or peace.

In fact, the world knows that he's an extremely desperate man that refuses to acknowledge his incredible losses in Ukraine and instead double and triple down on the extremely disastrous policies that everybody outside of NATO, knows are a huge failure and are hurting every country in the world!!!

By 12345 - Nov. 4, 2023, 2:47 p.m.
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By metmike - Nov. 4, 2023, 2:50 p.m.
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Objective, independent, professional journalism died several years ago.

On the fake climate crisis, that's been the case for a long time.

 The MSM has been censoring the truth and selling exaggerated weather extremes and disasters for ratings/circulation over the objective truths for 2+ decades.

Death by GREENING!    

This is what DEFINES journalism in the year 2023!

The war in Ukraine, for instance. The constant barrage of propaganda using manufactured realities that are complete nonsense has defined Joe Biden's war with Russia from the get go. 

The sad thing is the tremendous damage it done to the world. If only we had professional journalists, doing their jobs to expose corruption and tell the truth instead of using personal agenda's and lies with flashy headlines to increase readers and sales.

Yellow journalism

Yellow journalism and yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales.[1]  Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.[2]

In English, the term is chiefly used in the US. In the UK, a roughly equivalent term is tabloid journalism, meaning journalism characteristic of tabloid newspapers, even if found elsewhere

By metmike - Nov. 10, 2023, 2:19 p.m.
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Russia's Nuclear Weapons Move Sparks NATO Fears

"This is a pattern of reckless behavior, and it makes the world more dangerous," he added."


Putin pulling out of this agreement is reckless but the Biden administration sending out a press release about "Biden's" new secret bomb obliterating Moscow (with graphics to ramp up the sensationalism) isn't?


By metmike - Nov. 16, 2023, 2:19 p.m.
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Newsweek has become obsessed with war propaganda and also with Bombs from Biden.

As if the thing that Israel needs right now is more bombs to bomb Gaza. 

How U.S. Bomb Kits Could Change Israel's Military Capabilities


Weekend Reporter

The United States has reportedly planned to transfer Israel $320 million worth of bomb kits, which will give Israeli forces the ability to conduct more precise bombardments in Gaza.


And we wonder why people claim that this is genocide.  One can ask, what does genocide do that this isn't also doing? Actually, the way this thing has been going, that's what I'm starting to believe more and more BASED ON THE FACTS ONLY!

Gaza: UN human rights experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people – OHCHR Press Release

16 November 2023