10 Deadliest World Events In Human History
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Started by metmike - Nov. 25, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

In our "This day in history", there were an incredibly high amount of natural disasters listed.

This led to a list of the 10 worst natural disasters for deaths, listed on the previous thread for November 25, 2018. 


Now, below is the list for the 10 deadliest events in history(most lasted for numerous years, some for much longer than that). 

The very sad thing is that they were all caused by humans killing other humans........with the exception of one that had the assistance of Mother Nature from 1958-1961 because of droughts/poor weather during global cooling during the Great Famine of China that killed 43 million. 

You should know that global cooling(and lower atmospheric CO2 levels, that we rescued the planet from) would be the biggest threat to world food production and those years provided  evidence of that. 


By mcfarm - Nov. 25, 2018, 10:07 p.m.
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and yet all weekend all we herd from the msm was this new climate change data and how even it was all hogwash what if we dare ignore it? Not a peep from any thinking individual on the facts....even had a screaming out take of algore himself and his usual rant on droughts, fires, and hurricanes. Kind of odd though either they edited out or he failed to mention anybody swimming in the streets of NY.