Why some become our enemies
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Started by wglassfo - Nov. 17, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Unlesss you live under a rock, you have read the problems with people in California who are suddenly homeless.

 Poof: One day life goes on and the next day your home is gone, you may have family missing, the list of difficulties goes on. Some may be in a shelter, some may have family safe and sound,  some may have insurance or various other resources to rebuild, and some may be simply out of luck.

Now imagine you are simply out of luck for any assistance and you had the misfortune to lose your entire family. You would perhaps [most likely] wonder how much worse life could have treated you. You have lost everything that was near and dear to you.

Now lets put a different face on these same events. One of your daily tasks is to go to the village central water supply or water well, to collect the daily water needs for your family. It could be any reason to take you away from your home. Upon return, you know something bad has happened as dark clouds of smoke are hanging in the air. You have seen this before. War planes have dropped bombs on your village or city. You hope your home escaped but no such luck. Your home is gone as is all your family. You are age 12 to maybe 40 or even older or younger.. At least able to pick up a rifle and shoot it. What might you do???

Would you join up with the nearest  armed force, to enable you to fight back at the people who ruined your life. Or would you turn away and do nothing???

How strong might be your urge for revenge???

Is Trump so bad that he might be trying to avoid war, rather than encourage more war

I don't know about Trump, what he can or can't do, wants to do or otherwise, but I can assure you if I was able, the urge for revenge would run hot in my blood.

Are some terrorists simply born that way or do people become terrorists, because of some deep and emotional life altering event. I think terrorists become terrorists for so many reasons, who can count.

Should we look at why some people become terrorists and at least work on that part of the problem. Granted there are many reasons beyond our control but what if we could save somebodies home, a life or family from the bombs. Would that be a start or would it even make any difference. What is a life, a home, maybe an entire family really worth?? in the big picture???

Walk a mile in somebody else's shoes and perhaps we might understand why some people call us the Great Satan???

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