China/France/US Dollar
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Started by metmike - May 10, 2024, 8:39 a.m.

Key takeaways from China’s Xi European tour to France, Serbia and Hungary

Chinese president pushes vision for a more multipolar world and talks trade, investments and Russia’s war on Ukraine in first European tour in five years.

“Macron shares one vision in common with Xi, which is that the US hegemony – including the quest for Europe’s allegiance to the US’s foreign policy – must yield to a multipolar global order by accommodating the rising powers’ interests and concerns,” Yu told Al Jazeera. Macron’s recent visits to India and Brazil also “prove that France wants to stay at the forefront of that global shift,” she added.


The US Dollar remains strong, despite many issues eroding global confidence that will eventually take a toll:

1. 1 month

2. 1 year

3. 10 years

4. 50 years

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