Post of the week
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Started by metmike - Nov. 20, 2023, 5:46 p.m.

Thanks to Jean for starting this thread!

   Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: THE FALL OF MINNEAPOLIS                    

                By metmike - Nov. 19, 2023, 6:20 p.m.            


For sure mcfarm,

Repeated again above too:

 Re: IT PAYS TO BE A HATER, EH?                                                 

                By metmike - July 21, 2023, 4:22 p.m.        

Keep in mind that I am NOT a fan of using George Floyd as somebody that inspires people or that did any good for society that deserves to get a special place being honored. We have tens of thousands of soldiers and cops that gave up their lives to help people or for our country. I get the symbolism but please don't use a self centered career criminal that died because of  blatantly violating laws and refusing to cooperate with the arresting officers as a hero.


I will add something new here after some additional thought.

What Floyd represents here is something completely different than our traditional hero's who do things to help people and make the world a better place.

He represented a dirt bag in society that seemed to be contributing nothing but bad things at the time of his death.

But he represents a human life, nonetheless and I can see people using him to represent, not a hero but a human life that got discarded because a cop decided he was worthless.

Here's a summary of his life. You might be surprised to know that he played college football and basketball for 2 years on a scholarship and you could see in the video, the guy was a gifted athlete. Drug addicts don't ever physically look like George Floyd. 

George Floyd

I will point out that this biography of George Floyd's life has been adjusted to embellish a great deal on some of his positives compared to when I read it right after his death but who exactly does that hurt?

If people want to see him as a better person than what he really was, who does that hurt?

You've been to a few funerals in your life and know that after people die, most of us focus on their positives and good things.

Have you ever listened to a eulogy from somebody that brought up bad things about the person that just died?

I've had the privilege to deliver half a dozen eulogies and can tell you that the thought process is to gather as many positives from as many people as possible  who knew them well and communicate THEIR thoughts to a large group gathered, many that didn't know some of the better things that person did in their lives. It's to hear a tribute to them.

I knew some things about these people that were not so admirable, 2  in particular that did some rotten stuff but you brush that aside at a eulogy. It makes everybody feel good. It sends the right positive message about that person's life having meaning.

That's what George Floyd's life is all about. Ironically, it only had meaning in a death that he didn't sign up for but we aren't celebrating him as a war hero or president......lives that people CHOOSE.

We're' honoring him because he wasted his talents and was a dirt bag sort of guy that represents a less valued form of  human life but should still be  viewed with a minimal amount of dignity that every human being deserves, no matter who they are or what they did. Even dirt bags.


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